You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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1#TAGNAME IN REPO (or git url)PURPOSE (should be a verb phrase to sound right while installing)
2xorg-serveris the graphical server.
3xorg-xwininfoallows querying information about windows.
4xorg-xinitstarts the graphical server.
5xcompmgris a simple compositor which is used for transparency.
6ttf-linux-libertineprovides the sans and serif fonts for LARBS.
7xorg-xpropis a tool for detecting window properties.
8dosfstoolsallows your computer to access dos-like filesystems.
9libnotifyallows desktop notifications.
10dunstis a suckless notification system.
11exfat-utilsallows management of FAT drives.
12sxivis a minimalist image viewer.
13xwallpapersets the wallpaper.
14ffmpegcan record and splice video and audio on the command line.
15gnome-keyringserves as the system keyring.
16Aadwaita-darkgives the dark GTK theme used in LARBS.
17neovimis better than vim.
18mpdis a lightweight music daemon.
19mpvis the patrician's choice video player.
20ncmpcppis a mpd client.
21newsboatis a terminal RSS client.
22ntfs-3gallows accessing NTFS partitions.
23sxhkdis the hotkey daemon.
24maimcan take quick screenshots at your request.
25socatis a socket utility.
26tmuxis a terminal multiplexer and the dropdown window in LARBS.
27unclutterhides an inactive mouse.
28unrarextracts rar's.
29unzipunzips zips.
30xcapegives the special escape/super mappings of LARBS.
31xclipallows for copying and pasting from the command line.
32xdotoolprovides window action utilities on the command line.
33xorg-xdpyinfoaids with resolution determination and screen recording.
34yt-dlpcan download any YouTube video (or playlist or channel) when given the link.
35zathurais a pdf viewer with vim-like bindings.
36zathura-pdf-mupdfallows mupdf pdf compatibility in zathura.
37popplermanipulates .pdfs and gives .pdf previews and other .pdf functions.
38mediainfoshows audio and video information and is used by vifm as well.
39atoolmanages and gives information about archives.
40fzfis a fuzzy finder tool.
41highlightcan highlight code output.
42xorg-xbacklightenables changing screen brightness levels.
43Atask-spoolerqueues commands or files for download.
44Asimple-mtpfsenables the mounting of cell phones.
45G commands and provides a UI for selection.
46G my custom build of suckless's terminal emulator.
47G my custom build of suckless's window manager.
48G the screen lock.
49G a script to refresh the dwm statusbar
50acpiis an advanced Configuration and Power Interface.
51Aadobe-source-han-mono-jp-fontsis a mono font for japanese.
52adobe-source-han-sans-jp-fontsis a sans font for japanese.
53adobe-source-han-serif-jp-fontsis a serif font for japanese.
54Aadobe-source-han-mono-kr-fontsis a mono font for korean.
55adobe-source-han-sans-kr-fontsis a sans font for korean.
56adobe-source-han-serif-kr-fontsis a serif font for korean.
57astyleis a formatter for c c# java and mor.
58autopep8is a tool for python formatting.
59cmatrixadding the hacker-aura.
60ctagsis adding scan functionality to files opened in vim using tagbar.
61dashis a lightweight fast POSIX compliant shell.
62docx2txtenables .docx file previews in vifm.
63ezais a better version of ls with included colors and tree command.
64fdis a simple and fast alternative to find.
65ffmpegthumbnailergenerates previews for vifm.
66firefoxis the previous default browser.
67Azen-browser-binis the current default browser.
68Ahtop-vim-gitprovides system usage information and displays processes.
69hubis a cli for github.
70imagemagickis a terminal image-manipulator providing some convenient shortcuts and the lockscreen in LARBS.
71inkscapeis a graphic program for svg files.
72keepassxcfor the keepass password manager.
73khalis a cli tool for calendars.
74khardis a cli tool for contacts.
75lightfor adding light for adjustments of screen.
76libxftis a font rendering library.
77ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerdis my favourite font.
78nm-connection-editoris a simple way to manage networks.
79odt2txtenables .odt file previews in vifm.
80opensshis adding a way to use ssh.
81os-proberis a tool for detecting OSes on a drive.
82nextcloud-clientis a way to get your files from your own server to your computer and keep them synchronized.
83Apfetch-gitis giving some flair to the command .
84pkgfileis a tool for zsh to help with unknown commands.
85thefuckenables easy correction of commands.
86pipewireis the audio system.
87wireplumberis a session manager for pipewire.
88pipewire-pulseis a pulse extension to the audio system.
89playerctlis the program to handle music players using commands.
90pavucontrolmanages default audio interfaces.
91easyeffectsis a tool which allow to use filters and audio effects including noise reduction for the microphone.
92pipewire-alsais an ALSA extension to the audio system.
93alsa-utilscontains useful scripts to manage ALSA.
94pulsemixeris an intuitive ncurses audio controller.
95python-pynvimis a utility used by vim plugins for autocompletion etc.
96python-pipis the best friend of python3.
97ueberzuggenerates image previews in vifm and other terminal programs.
98qt5ctis a way to fastly change the look of qt5 windows.
99Aqt6ct-gitis a way to fastly change the look of qt6 windows.
100xdg-desktop-portal-gtkis an implementation of the desktop portal using GTK.
101Aredshift-minimalis a minimal-depenmdecy version of redshift to save your eyesfrom deadly blue lasers.
102rsyncis a way to transfer files.
103sshpassto securely use your passwords.
104Atexlive-latexindent-metaformats latex nicely.
105todomanis a cli tool for contacts.
106ttf-joypixelsis a package that gives the system unicode symbols and emojis used in the status bar and elsewhere.
107Aurlscanparses URLs in the terminal allowing keyboard-based selection.
108Adragon-dropis a simple drag-and-drop sink for X and Wayland.
109vifmis the best file manager with vim keybindings out there.
110xf86-input-synapticsis needed for toggling the touchpad.
111xorg-xsetrootadds colors to the dwm statusbar.
112xorg-xrandrcan set displays.
113xselis for copying and pasting in the terminal.
114zathura-djvugives zathura the ability to read .djvu files.
115zipzips zips.
116zshis a bash alternative.
117Azsh-autocompleteis used for improved autocompletion with zsh.
118zsh-autosuggestionsis used for fish like autosuggestions with zsh.
119Azsh-fast-syntax-highlightingis used for fish like shell highlighting in the shell.
120Afzf-tab-gitchanges the default matching behaviour of zsh.
121Animble-gitis the package manager of nim used in neovim.
122lessis a simple terminal based reader.
123nodejsis a javascript runtime environment used in neovim.
124npmis the package manager for Node.js used in neovim.
125ris a programming language used for statistics and used in neovim.
126rubberis a wraper for latex used in neovim.
127texlive-langgermanis a latex package for the german language.
128Agpu-screen-recorderis a screen recorder that can use both GPU and CPU.
129wireguard-toolsare some useful scripts for wireguard.
130systemd-resolvedis a systemd service that provides network name resolution.
131seahorseis a program to manage the Gnome keyring.
132guvcviewis a tool to test and manage webcams.
133brightnessctlis a tool to manage the screen brightness.