@ -148,14 +148,14 @@ proc fieldToInd(field: string): int =
var file = $field[0]
var line = parseInt($field[1])
return 1+(line+1)*10+(7-FileChar[file])
return 1 + (line + 1) * 10 + (7 - FileChar[file])
except IndexDefect, ValueError:
return -1
proc indToField(ind: int): string =
## Calculate and returns field name from board index `ind`.
let line = (int)ind/10-1
let file_ind = 7-((ind)%%10-1)
let line = int(ind / 10 - 1)
let file_ind = 7 - ((ind) %% 10 - 1)
for file, i in FileChar:
if FileChar[file] == file_ind:
return $file & $line
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ proc getMove(start: int, dest: int, prom: int, color: Color): Move =
## Get a move object of the `color` player from `start` to `dest` with an
## eventual promition to `prom`.
var move = Move(start: start, dest: dest, prom: prom * ord(color), color: color)
if (WKnight > prom or WQueen < prom):
if (prom < WKnight or prom > WQueen):
move.prom = WQueen
return move
@ -183,30 +183,29 @@ proc notationToMove*(notation: string, color: Color): Move =
move = getMove(start, dest, color)
if (len(notation) > 4):
var promStr = $notation[4]
var prom: int
case promStr:
of "Q":
prom = WQueen * ord(color)
let prom = case promStr:
of "R":
prom = WRook * ord(color)
WRook * ord(color)
of "B":
prom = WBishop * ord(color)
WBishop * ord(color)
of "N":
prom = WKnight * ord(color)
WKnight * ord(color)
WQueen * ord(color)
move = getMove(start, dest, prom, color)
return move
proc moveToNotation*(move: Move): string =
proc moveToNotation*(move: Move, board: Board): string =
## Convert and return a `move` object to simplified algebraic chess notation.
var res = ""
var res: string
var start = indToField(move.start)
var dest = indToField(move.dest)
var color = move.color
var prom = PieceChar[move.prom]
if (color == Color.White and dest[1] == '8') or (color == Color.Black and
dest[1] == '1'):
if abs(board[move.start]) == WPawn and ((color == Color.White and dest[1] ==
'8') or (color == Color.Black and dest[1] == '1')):
return res
@ -266,10 +265,10 @@ proc initChess(board: array[0..63, int], color: Color): Chess =
let board = initBoard(board)
let compare = initBoard()
var same_piece: bool
var wk = false
var wq = false
var bk = false
var bq = false
var wk: bool
var wq: bool
var bk: bool
var bq: bool
if (board[fieldToInd("e1")] == compare[fieldToInd("e1")]):
if (board[fieldToInd("a1")] == compare[fieldToInd("a1")]):
wq = true
@ -283,8 +282,7 @@ proc initChess(board: array[0..63, int], color: Color): Chess =
for ind in board.low..board.high:
same_piece = (board[ind] != compare[ind])
let chess = Chess(board: board,
to_move: color, previousBoard: @[], previousCastleRights: @[],
fiftyMoveCounter: 0, castleRights: (wk, wq, bk, bq))
to_move: color, castleRights: (wk, wq, bk, bq))
return chess
proc echoBoard*(chess: Chess, color: Color) =
@ -292,21 +290,21 @@ proc echoBoard*(chess: Chess, color: Color) =
## indices from perspecive of `color`.
var line_str = ""
if (color == Color.Black):
for i in countup(0, len(chess.board)-1):
if (chess.board[i] == 999):
for i in 0..len(chess.board)-1:
if (chess.board[i] == Block):
line_str &= PieceChar[chess.board[i]] & " "
if ((i+2) %% 10 == 0):
line_str &= $((int)((i)/10)-1) & "\n"
if ((i + 2) %% 10 == 0):
line_str &= $(int((i / 10) - 1)) & "\n"
echo line_str
echo "h g f e d c b a"
for i in countdown(len(chess.board)-1, 0):
if (chess.board[i] == 999):
for i in len(chess.board)-1..0:
if (chess.board[i] == Block):
line_str &= PieceChar[chess.board[i]] & " "
if ((i-1) %% 10 == 0):
line_str &= $((int)((i)/10)-1) & "\n"
if ((i - 1) %% 10 == 0):
line_str &= $(int((i / 10) - 1)) & "\n"
echo line_str
echo "a b c d e f g h"
@ -324,7 +322,7 @@ proc genPawnAttackDests(chess: Chess, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] =
if (not dest in chess.board.low..chess.board.high):
target = chess.board[dest]
if (target == 999 or ord(color) * target >= 0):
if (target == Block or ord(color) * target >= 0):
return res
@ -344,7 +342,7 @@ proc genPawnDoubleDests(chess: Chess, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] =
target = chess.board[dest]
if ((target != 0) or (
chess.board[dest+(S*ord(color))] != 0)):
chess.board[dest + (S * ord(color))] != 0)):
if (color == Color.White and not (field in fieldToInd("h2")..fieldToInd("a2"))):
@ -388,7 +386,7 @@ proc genKnightDests(chess: Chess, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] =
if (not dest in chess.board.low..chess.board.high):
target = chess.board[dest]
if (target == 999 or (ord(color) * target > 0 and ord(color) * target != WEnPassant)):
if (target == Block or (ord(color) * target > 0 and ord(color) * target != WEnPassant)):
return res
@ -403,16 +401,16 @@ proc genBishopDests(chess: Chess, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] =
var dest: int
var target: int
for move in Bishop_Moves:
dest = field+move
dest = field + move
if (not dest in chess.board.low..chess.board.high):
target = chess.board[dest]
while (target != 999 and (ord(color) * target <= 0) or target ==
WEnPassant or target == -WEnPassant):
while (target != Block and (ord(color) * target <= 0) or abs(target) ==
if (ord(color) * target < 0 and ord(color) * target > -WEnPassant):
if (ord(color) * target < 0 and ord(color) * target > BEnPassant):
dest = dest+move
dest = dest + move
target = chess.board[dest]
return res
@ -426,16 +424,16 @@ proc genRookDests(chess: Chess, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] =
var dest: int
var target: int
for move in Rook_Moves:
dest = field+move
dest = field + move
if (not dest in chess.board.low..chess.board.high):
target = chess.board[dest]
while (target != 999 and (ord(color) * target <= 0) or target ==
WEnPassant or target == -WEnPassant):
while (target != Block and (ord(color) * target <= 0) or abs(target) ==
if (ord(color) * target < 0 and ord(color) * target > -WEnPassant):
if (ord(color) * target < 0 and ord(color) * target > BEnPassant):
dest = dest+move
dest = dest + move
target = chess.board[dest]
return res
@ -449,16 +447,16 @@ proc genQueenDests(chess: Chess, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] =
var dest: int
var target: int
for move in Queen_Moves:
dest = field+move
dest = field + move
if (not dest in chess.board.low..chess.board.high):
target = chess.board[dest]
while (target != 999 and (ord(color) * target <= 0) or target ==
WEnPassant or target == -WEnPassant):
while (target != Block and (ord(color) * target <= 0) or abs(target) ==
if (ord(color) * target < 0 and ord(color) * target > -WEnPassant):
if (ord(color) * target < 0 and ord(color) * target > BEnPassant):
dest = dest+move
dest = dest + move
target = chess.board[dest]
return res
@ -478,11 +476,11 @@ proc genKingCastleDest(chess: Chess, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] =
if (not dest in chess.board.low..chess.board.high):
target = chess.board[dest]
half_dest = field + (int)castle/2
half_dest = field + int(castle / 2)
half_target = chess.board[half_dest]
if (target == 999 or (target != 0)):
if (target == Block or (target != 0)):
if (half_target == 999 or (half_target != 0)):
if (half_target == Block or (half_target != 0)):
return res
@ -501,7 +499,7 @@ proc genKingDests(chess: Chess, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] =
if (not dest in chess.board.low..chess.board.high):
target = chess.board[dest]
if (target == 999 or (ord(color) * target > 0 and ord(color) * target != WEnPassant)):
if (target == Block or (ord(color) * target > 0 and ord(color) * target != WEnPassant)):
res.add(chess.genKingCastleDest(field, color))
@ -512,7 +510,7 @@ proc pieceOn(chess: Chess, color: Color, sequence: seq[int],
## Returns true if the `PieceID` of a given `color` is in `sequence` else
## wrong.
for check in sequence:
if chess.board[check] == ord(color) * -1 * pieceID:
if chess.board[check] == ord(color) * -pieceID:
return true
return false
@ -537,7 +535,7 @@ proc isAttacked(chess: Chess, position: int, color: Color): bool =
proc isInCheck(chess: Chess, color: Color): bool =
## Returns true if the king of a given `color` is in check in a `chess`.
var king_pos: int
for i in countup(0, chess.board.high):
for i in 0..chess.board.high:
if chess.board[i] == ord(color) * WKing:
king_pos = i
return chess.isAttacked(king_pos, color)
@ -548,22 +546,20 @@ proc uncheckedMove(chess: var Chess, start: int, dest: int): bool {.discardable.
let piece = chess.board[start]
chess.board[start] = 0
chess.board[dest] = piece
if (start == fieldToInd("e1") or start == fieldToInd("a1")):
chess.castleRights.wq = false
if (start == fieldToInd("e1") or start == fieldToInd("h1")):
if start == fieldToInd("e1"):
chess.castleRights.wk = false
if (start == fieldToInd("e8") or start == fieldToInd("a8")):
chess.castleRights.bq = false
if (start == fieldToInd("e8") or start == fieldToInd("h8")):
chess.castleRights.bk = false
if (dest == fieldToInd("e1") or dest == fieldToInd("a1")):
chess.castleRights.wq = false
if (dest == fieldToInd("e1") or dest == fieldToInd("h1")):
elif start == fieldToInd("h1"):
chess.castleRights.wk = false
if (dest == fieldToInd("e8") or dest == fieldToInd("a8")):
elif start == fieldToInd("a1"):
chess.castleRights.wq = false
elif start == fieldToInd("e8"):
chess.castleRights.bk = false
chess.castleRights.bq = false
if (dest == fieldToInd("e8") or dest == fieldToInd("h8")):
elif start == fieldToInd("h8"):
chess.castleRights.bk = false
elif start == fieldToInd("a8"):
chess.castleRights.bq = false
return true
proc moveLeadsToCheck(chess: Chess, start: int, dest: int,
@ -656,9 +652,9 @@ proc genLegalKingMoves(chess: Chess, field: int, color: Color): seq[Move] =
var res = newSeq[Move]()
var moves = chess.genKingDests(field, color)
for dest in moves:
if field - dest == W+W and chess.isAttacked(dest+W, color):
if field - dest == W + W and chess.isAttacked(dest + W, color):
if field - dest == E+E and chess.isAttacked(dest+E, color):
if field - dest == E + E and chess.isAttacked(dest + E, color):
if not chess.moveLeadsToCheck(field, dest, color):
res.add(getMove(field, dest, color))
@ -702,10 +698,10 @@ proc castling(chess: var Chess, kstart: int, dest_kingside: bool,
## of `chess.to_move`
if chess.toMove != color:
return false
var kdest = kstart
var kdest: int
var rstart: int
var rdest: int
var rights = false
var rights: bool
if (dest_kingside):
kdest = kstart + (E+E)
rstart = kstart + (E+E+E)
@ -723,7 +719,7 @@ proc castling(chess: var Chess, kstart: int, dest_kingside: bool,
rights = chess.castleRights.bq
if (rights):
var check = false
var check: bool
if (dest_kingside):
check = check or chess.isAttacked(kstart, color)
check = check or chess.isAttacked(kstart+(E), color)
@ -736,7 +732,7 @@ proc castling(chess: var Chess, kstart: int, dest_kingside: bool,
return false
chess.uncheckedMove(kstart, kdest)
chess.uncheckedMove(rstart, rdest)
chess.toMove = Color(ord(chess.toMove)*(-1))
chess.toMove = Color(ord(chess.toMove) * (-1))
return true
return false
@ -758,9 +754,9 @@ proc checkedMove*(chess: var Chess, move: Move): bool {.discardable.} =
return false
var sequence = newSeq[Move]()
let piece = chess.board[start]
var createEnPassant = false
var capturedEnPassant = false
var fiftyMoveRuleReset = false
var createEnPassant: bool
var capturedEnPassant: bool
var fiftyMoveRuleReset: bool
var move: Move
move = getMove(start, dest, color)
if (piece == WPawn * ord(color)):
@ -770,7 +766,6 @@ proc checkedMove*(chess: var Chess, move: Move): bool {.discardable.} =
if (chess.board[move.dest] != 0):
fiftyMoveRuleReset = true
sequence.add(chess.genLegalMoves(start, color))
# TODO: don't generate all legal moves, just check if result is legal and reachable
if (move in sequence):
if (piece == WKing * ord(color) and (start - dest == (W+W))):
@ -781,9 +776,9 @@ proc checkedMove*(chess: var Chess, move: Move): bool {.discardable.} =
chess.uncheckedMove(start, dest)
chess.toMove = Color(ord(chess.toMove)*(-1))
if createEnPassant:
chess.board[dest-(N*ord(color))] = WEnPassant * ord(color)
chess.board[dest - (N * ord(color))] = WEnPassant * ord(color)
if capturedEnPassant:
chess.board[dest-(N*ord(color))] = 0
chess.board[dest - (N * ord(color))] = 0
if ((90 < dest and dest < 99) or (20 < dest and dest < 29)) and
chess.board[dest] == WPawn * ord(color):
chess.board[dest] = prom
@ -811,7 +806,7 @@ proc threeMoveRep(chess: Chess): bool =
return false
var lastState = chess.previousBoard[chess.previousBoard.high]
var lastCastleRights = chess.previousCastleRights[chess.previousBoard.high]
var reps = 0
var reps: int
for stateInd in (chess.previousBoard.low)..(chess.previousBoard.high):
if (chess.previousBoard[stateInd] == lastState and
chess.previousCastleRights[stateInd] == lastCastleRights):