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Docker is a virtualization software that deploys docker containers. Due to easy handling and reproducable environments it is a useful tool.
- Arch Linux: run
pacman -S docker
to install docker - Ubuntu: visit the official installation guide
Another possibility is to try the official convenience script. To get and execute it run the following in your terminal.
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sudo sh get-docker.sh
This section addresses various features of Docker.
virtualize Operating Systems
Docker is a tool that can be used to virtualize different programs and softwares. Especially for containerizing and virtualizing operating systems (mostly based on Linux) can be handled by distrobox.
Run Docker as non-root user
To run docker as a non-root user you need to add your user to the docker
To do this create the group docker if it doesn't exist sudo groupadd docker
and then add your user to the group using sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
After that relog into your machine and you should be able to run
docker run hello-world
Tools and Visualisation
The programs below are useful docker-management systems in different style.
Enable Nvidia GPUs
To use Nvidia GPUs with docker you need to install the nvidia-cuda-toolkit. There is a guide on marmelab that focusses on that topic.
Block remote port access
If you configured a reverse proxy to a port chances
are you don't want the port to be accessed outside of the proxy.
Especially if you set up a authentication over nginx the open port will avoid
the authentication.
This can be changed at the forwarded docker-service by replacing for example
-p 7000:7000
with -p
This forces the docker container to only expose the port in the docker bridge
network, effectively banning remote access.
If you use Traefik it is not needed, because you don't have to publish ports to reverse proxy them.
Dockerize a graphical application
A graphical application can easily be dockerized and made available over both the web browser or VNC. For this jlesages baseimage-gui container can be used.