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khal is a calendar you can use in your terminal. To sync calendars you'll need vdirsyncer aswell.

Installation and configuration

  • pacman -S khal vdirsyncer - Install needed packages

  • To configure vdirsyncer edit a file in ~/.config/vdirsyncer/config.

    status_path = "~/.cache/vdirsyncer/status"
    [pair private_calendar]
    a = "private_calendar_local"
    b = "private_calendar_remote"
    collections = ["from a", "from b"]
    metadata = ["color"]
    [storage private_calendar_local]
    type = "filesystem"
    path = "~/.local/share/pim/calendars/private_calendar"
    fileext = ".ics"
    [storage private_calendar_remote]
    type = "caldav"
    url = "https://<url>"
    auth = "basic"
    username = "<username>"
    password = "<password>"
  • vdirsyncer discober && vdirsyncer metasync - After that initialize vdirsyncer.

  • vdirsyncer sync - Synchronize your data (put it in a crontab to run periodically)

  • Edit the ~/.config/khal/config

    • Insert the following lines
      path = ~/.local/share/pim/calendars/*/*
      type = discover