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963 B


ownCloud is a free client-server cloud-service.


The software can be setup via Docker with the owncloud image.


This section addresses various features of Owncloud.


You can access ownCloud via WebDAV with the link https://<owncloud instance>/remote.php/dav/files/<user>/<path to folder or file>.

Error handling

Problems with a locked file

It is possible that you can't remove or move a locked file. If this problem doesn't resolve after a restart you can try to disable locking in the owncloud config. This is done by adding the line 'filelocking.enabled' => false, into the file config/config.php. Then try to resolve the error. Afterwards enable locking again by removing the added line.

The reason I choose this process over editing the database file, is ease of use. The editing of the database is much more time consuming especially if run with docker.