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# tidy.nvim 🧹
**tidy.nvim** removes trailing white space and empty lines on BufLeave.
## Features
- Remove white space at the end of every line on save
- Remove empty lines at the end of the buffer on save
## Requirements
- Neovim >= 0.9.0
It may (should) work on lower versions, but is tested and updated using nightly.
## Installation
Your installation configuration will depend on your plugin manager. Below is the basic installation (using default options) for lazy.nvim.
config = true,
## Configuration
tidy.nvim comes with the following options and their default settings:
filetype_exclude = {} -- Tidy will not be enabled for any filetype, e.g. "markdown", in this table
A more full example configuration for lazy.nvim would be:
opts = {
filetype_exclude = { "markdown", "diff" }
init = function()
vim.keymap.set('n', "<leader>te", require("tidy").toggle, {})
## Usage
tidy.nvim comes with the following functions:
| Lua | Description |
| -------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| `require("tidy").toggle()` | Turn tidy.nvim off for the current buffer a plugin |
## About and Credits
I originally wrote this as a wrapper around a couple of vim regex commands used for formatting files before I began using formatters. These commands are not mine, please see the sources below. Even with real formatters in my setup now, I still like and use this because I like these specific formats to be applied to every buffer and don't want to have a formatting tool installed for them.
- [Vim Tips Wiki entry for removing unwanted spaces](
- `ib.`, the author of [this Stack Overflow answer](
- [This line](
in [gpanders/editorconfig.nvim]( for exposing me to the `keepjumps`
and `keeppatterns` modifiers