@ -22,9 +22,7 @@ A,gtk-theme-arc-gruvbox-git,gives the dark GTK theme used in LARBS.,
,i3blocks,is the status bar.,
,i3blocks,is the status bar.,
,i3lock,is the screen lock.,
,i3lock,is the screen lock.,
,mpd,is a lightweight music daemon.,
,mpd,is a lightweight music daemon.,
,mpc,is a terminal interface for mpd.,
,mpv,is the patrician's choice video player.,
,mpv,is the patrician's choice video player.,
,ncmpcpp,a ncurses interface for music with multiple formats and a powerful tag editor.,
,networkmanager,does exactly what it sounds like.,
,networkmanager,does exactly what it sounds like.,
,newsboat,is a terminal RSS client.,
,newsboat,is a terminal RSS client.,
,firefox,is the only program on LARBS your girlfriend has ever heard of.,
,firefox,is the only program on LARBS your girlfriend has ever heard of.,