@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ A,urlscan,parses URLs in the terminal allowing keyboard-based selection.,,
,vifm,is the best file manager with vim keybindings out there.,,
,vifm,is the best file manager with vim keybindings out there.,,
,xf86-input-synaptics,is needed for toggling the touchpad.,,
,xf86-input-synaptics,is needed for toggling the touchpad.,,
,xsel,is for copying and pasting in the terminal.,,
,xsel,is for copying and pasting in the terminal.,,
A,vim-youcompleteme-git,is a totally bloated autocompletion engine working pretty much out of the box with most filetypes.,,
,w3m,is a terminal browser which can also view images.,,
,w3m,is a terminal browser which can also view images.,,
,zathura-djvu,gives zathura the ability to read .djvu files.,,
,zathura-djvu,gives zathura the ability to read .djvu files.,,
,zip,zips zips.,,
,zip,zips zips.,,