@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
#TAG,NAME IN REPO (or git url),PURPOSE (should be a verb phrase to sound right while installing),,
,i3-gaps,is the main graphical user interface and window manager.,,
,xorg-server,is the graphical server.,,
,xorg-xwininfo,allows querying information about windows.,,
,xorg-xinit,starts the graphical server.,,
,sxhkd,binds key.,,
,ttf-inconsolata,is the font of dwmbar.,,
,ttf-ibm-plex,is the font of st.,,
,ttf-ibm-plex,is the font of larbs.,,
,ttf-linux-libertine,provides the sans and serif fonts for LARBS.,,
,bc,is used for a dropdown calculator.,,
,xcompmgr,is for transparency and removing screen-tearing.,,
@ -19,7 +17,6 @@
,ffmpeg,can record and splice video and audio on the command line.,,
,gnome-keyring,serves as the system keyring.,,
A,gtk-theme-arc-gruvbox-git,gives the dark GTK theme used in LARBS.,,
,i3blocks,is the status bar.,,
G,https://github.com/tiynger/slock.git,is the screen lock.,,
,mpv,is the patrician's choice video player.,,
,networkmanager,does exactly what it sounds like.,,
@ -61,6 +58,7 @@ A,task-spooler,queues commands or files for download.,,
A,simple-mtpfs,enables the mounting of cell phones.,,
G,https://github.com/tiynger/dmenu.git,runs commands and provides a UI for selection.,,
G,https://github.com/tiynger/st.git,is my custom build of suckless's terminal emulator.,,
G,https://github.com/tiynger/dwm.git,is my custom build of suckless's window manager.,,
,docx2txt,enables .docx file previews in vifm.,,
,odt2txt,enables .odt file previews in vifm.,,
,acpi,is an advanced Configuration and Power Interface.,,
@ -100,5 +98,4 @@ A,redshift-minimal,is a minimal-depenmdecy version of redshift to save your eyes
,ncmpcpp,is a mpd client.,,
A,libxft-bgra,fix for colored emojis in dwm/st/..,,
P,pynvim,"is a utility used by vim plugins for autocompletion, etc.",,
P,i3ipc,is a python-library for the i3 window manager.,,
,xsel,is for copying and pasting in the terminal.,,