@ -98,8 +98,7 @@ A,mopidy,is a mpd style server for music and very extensible.,,
A,redshift-minimal,is a minimal-depenmdecy version of redshift to save your eyesfrom deadly blue lasers.,,
A,redshift-minimal,is a minimal-depenmdecy version of redshift to save your eyesfrom deadly blue lasers.,,
,pkgfile,is a tool for zsh to help with unknown commands.,,
,pkgfile,is a tool for zsh to help with unknown commands.,,
,ncmpcpp,is a mpd client.,,
,ncmpcpp,is a mpd client.,,
A,mopidy-spotify,is a mopidy extension for using spotify.,,
A,libxft-bgra,fix for colored emojis in dwm/st/..,,
A,mopidy-subidy,is a mopidy extension for using subsonic.,,
P,pynvim,"is a utility used by vim plugins for autocompletion, etc.",,
P,pynvim,"is a utility used by vim plugins for autocompletion, etc.",,
P,i3ipc,is a python-library for the i3 window manager.,,
P,i3ipc,is a python-library for the i3 window manager.,,
,xsel,is for copying and pasting in the terminal.,,
,xsel,is for copying and pasting in the terminal.,,