@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
,xorg-xinit,starts the graphical server.,
,xorg-xinit,starts the graphical server.,
,sxhkd,binds key.,
,sxhkd,binds key.,
,ttf-inconsolata,is the monospace font of LARBS.,
,ttf-inconsolata,is the monospace font of LARBS.,
,ttf-ibm-plex,another nice monospace font,
,ttf-linux-libertine,provides the sans and serif fonts for LARBS.,
,ttf-linux-libertine,provides the sans and serif fonts for LARBS.,
,bc,is used for a dropdown calculator.,
,bc,is used for a dropdown calculator.,
,xcompmgr,is for transparency and removing screen-tearing.,
,xcompmgr,is for transparency and removing screen-tearing.,