@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ A,gtk-theme-arc-gruvbox-git,gives the dark GTK theme used in LARBS.,,,,,,
,mpv,is the patrician's choice video player.,,,,,,
,mpv,is the patrician's choice video player.,,,,,,
,ncmpcpp,is a mpd client.,,,,,,
,ncmpcpp,is a mpd client.,,,,,,
,newsboat,is a terminal RSS client.,,,,,,
,newsboat,is a terminal RSS client.,,,,,,
,noto-fonts-emoji,is an emoji font.,,,,,,
,ntfs-3g,allows accessing NTFS partitions.,,,,,,
,ntfs-3g,allows accessing NTFS partitions.,,,,,,
,sxhkd,is the hotkey daemon.,,,,,,
,sxhkd,is the hotkey daemon.,,,,,,
,maim,can take quick screenshots at your request.,,,,,,
,maim,can take quick screenshots at your request.,,,,,,