1 |
#TAG,NAME IN REPO (or git url),PURPOSE (should be a verb phrase to sound right while installing) |
26 |
,unclutter,hides an inactive mouse.,, |
27 |
,unrar,extracts rar's.,, |
28 |
,unzip,unzips zips.,, |
,lynx,is a Terminal web Browser.,, |
29 |
,xcape,gives the special escape/super mappings of LARBS.,, |
30 |
,xclip,allows for copying and pasting from the command line.,, |
31 |
,xdotool,provides window action utilities on the command line.,, |
50 |
,acpi,is an advanced Configuration and Power Interface.,, |
51 |
,astyle,is a formatter for c c# java and mor,, |
52 |
,autopep8,is a tool for python formatting,, |
A,ccls,c and c++ language server protocol.,, |
53 |
,cmatrix,adding the hacker-aura.,, |
54 |
,ctags,is adding scan functionality to files opened in vim using tagbar.,, |
55 |
,dash,is a lightweight fast POSIX compliant shel,, |
60 |
A,htop-vim-git,provides system usage information and displays processes.,, |
61 |
,hub,is a cli for github.,, |
62 |
,imagemagick,is a terminal image-manipulator providing some convenient shortcuts and the lockscreen in LARBS.,, |
63 |
A,yarn,yarn is needed for coc (nvim autocompletion).,, ,inkscape,is a graphic programm for svg files.,, |
64 |
,keepassxc,for the keepass password manager.,, |
65 |
,khal,is a cli tool for calendars.,, |
66 |
,khard,is a cli tool for contacts.,, |
67 |
,light,for adding light for adjustments of screen.,, |
68 |
A,libxft-bgra,is a fix for st to display colored emojis.,, |
,lsd,is a better version of ls with included colors and tree command.,, |
69 |
A,nerd-fonts-jetbrains-mono,is my favourite font.,, |
70 |
,nm-connection-editor,is a simple way to manage networks.,, |
71 |
,odt2txt,enables .odt file previews in vifm.,, |
83 |
,qt5ct,is a way to fastly change the look of windows.,, |
84 |
A,redshift-minimal,is a minimal-depenmdecy version of redshift to save your eyesfrom deadly blue lasers.,, |
85 |
,rsync,is a way to transfer files.,, |
,rtv,watch reddit from your command line.,, |
86 |
,sshpass,to securely use your passwords.,, |
87 |
A,texlive-latexindent-meta,formats latex nicely.,, |
88 |
,todoman,is a cli tool for contacts.,, |
91 |
,vifm,is the best file manager with vim keybindings out there.,, |
92 |
,xf86-input-synaptics,is needed for toggling the touchpad.,, |
93 |
,xsel,is for copying and pasting in the terminal.,, |
,w3m,is a terminal browser which can also view images.,, |
94 |
,zathura-djvu,gives zathura the ability to read .djvu files.,, |
95 |
,zip,zips zips.,, |
96 |
,zsh,is a bash alternative.,, |