@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ A,pfetch-git,is giving some flair to the command .,,
,pkgfile,is a tool for zsh to help with unknown commands.,,
,pkgfile,is a tool for zsh to help with unknown commands.,,
,thefuck,enables easy correction of commands.,,
,thefuck,enables easy correction of commands.,,
,pipewire,is the audio system.,,
,pipewire,is the audio system.,,
,wireplumber,is a session manager for pipewire.,,
,pipewire-pulse,is a pulse extension to the audio system.,,
,pipewire-pulse,is a pulse extension to the audio system.,,
,pavucontrol,manages default audio interfaces.,,
,pavucontrol,manages default audio interfaces.,,
,easyeffects,is a tool which allow to use filters and audio effects including noise reduction for the microphone.,,
,easyeffects,is a tool which allow to use filters and audio effects including noise reduction for the microphone.,,