@ -84,15 +84,12 @@ A,mopidy,is a mpd style server for music and very extensible.,
,sshpass,to securely use your passwords.,
,texlive-most,are most packages needed for latex.,
,texlive-lang,are more packages needed for latex.,
A,tor-browser,is the most secure browser.,
,gvim,is an useful addition to vim.,
,xournalpp,is a programm to use touch writing.,
,zip,zips zips.,
,os-prober,is a tool for detecting OSes on a drive.,
,lxappearance,for editing of gtk look.,
,keepassxc,for the keepass password manager.,
,thunderbird,is a mail calendar and contact program.,
A,vrms-arch,shows the amount of non free software packages installed.,
,xf86-input-synaptics,is needed for toggling the touchpad.,
,hub,is a cli for github.,
,zsh,is a bash alternative.,