@ -77,13 +77,11 @@ A,visual-studio-code-bin,is a Microsoft text editor and kind of IDE
,lsd,is a better version of ls with included colors and tree command
,lynx,is a Terminal web Browser
,maxima,is a powerful math utility
A,mutt-wizard-git,is a simple interface for configuring of neomutt
A,pfetch-git,is giving some flair to the command line
,nm-connection-editor,is a simple way to manage networks
,openssh,is adding a way to use ssh
,owncloud-client,is a way to get your files from your own server to your computer and keep them synchronized
,python-pip,is the best friend of python3
P,httplib2,"is needed for the caldav version of calcurse "
,qt5ct,is a way to fastly change the look of windows
,ranger,is the best file manager with vim keybindings out there
,rsync,is a way to transfer files
@ -97,7 +95,6 @@ A,tor-browser,is the most secure browser
,xournalpp,"is a programm to use touch writing "
,zip,zips zips
,os-prober,is a tool for detecting OSes on a drive
,neomutt,adding neomutt email TUI
,lxappearance,for editing of gtk look
,keepassxc,for the keepass password manager
,thunderbird,"backup mail, calendar and contact program"