My Arch Linux dotfiles. They were originally based on the dotfiles of lukesmithxyz. This being some time, hundreds of commits and my personalized version of larbs ago, they are now quite different.
Required and Recommended Software
All requirements and recommendations get installed by my version of LARBS. To take a look at all the software it installs look at the progs.csv in my LARBS repository (https://github.com/TiynGER/larbs/blob/master/progs.csv)
Migration of my dotfiles to other system
set alias in .bashrc
alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
clone this repository
git clone --bare https://github.com/TiynGER/.dotfiles $HOME/.dotfiles
checkout changes
config checkout
backup old files
mkdir -p .config-backup && \
config checkout 2>&1 | egrep "\s+\." | awk {'print $1'} | \
xargs -I{} mv {} .config-backup/{}
checkout changes
config checkout
set showUntrackedFiles to no
config config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
pull current setup
config pull
There are various shortcuts and hotkeys used in this version. Included in my build are the following.
ModKey | Shift | Key | Function |
Super | Shift | Escape | Quit dwm |
Super | Shift | b | Toggle dwmbar |
Super | Shift | c | Enable deck(/card) layout |
Super | Shift | d | Toggle floating/tiled for selected window |
Super | Shift | f | Toggle fullscreen |
Super | h | (Tiling/Deck) Focus window higher in stack than current | |
Super | Shift | h | (Tiling/Deck) Make current window the master window |
Super | j | (Tiling/Deck) Focus window lower in stack than current | |
Super | Shift | j | (Tiling/Deck) Make current window the master window |
Super | k | (Tiling/Deck) Focus window higher in stack than current | |
Super | Shift | k | (Tiling/Deck) Make current window the master window |
Super | l | (Tiling/Deck) Focus window lower in stack than current | |
Super | Shift | m | Enable monocle layout |
Super | Shift | o | (Tiling/Deck) Increase master window size |
Super | q | Close current window | |
Super | Shift | t | Enable tiling layout |
Super | Shift | z | (Tiling/Deck) Decrease master window size |
Super | 0 | Show all tags | |
Super | Shift | 0 | Add current window to all tag |
Super | 1/2/.../9 | Show tag 1/2/.../9 | |
Super | Shift | 1/2/.../9 | Add current window to tag 1/2/.../9 |
Super | . | Show monitor lower in stack | |
Super | Shift | . | Add to monitor lower in stack |
Super | , | Show monitor higher in stack | |
Super | Shift | , | Add to monitor higher in stack |
Super | Return | Spawn terminal | |
Super | b | Spawn browser | |
Super | Shift | b | Toggle dwmbar |
Super | f | Spawn filemanager | |
Super | i | Spawn intellij-idea-ultimate-edition | |
Super | m | Spawn thunderbird | |
Super | p | Spawn ncmpcpp in st | |
Super | Shift | r | (dmenu) dmenu_run |
Super | s | (dmenu) startpagesearch | |
Super | F5 | enable 2 Screen Monitor | |
Super | F6 | toggle touchpad | |
Super | F7 | (dmenu) mounting drives | |
Super | F8 | (dmenu) unmounting drives | |
Super | F9 | Restart NetworkManager | |
Super | F10 | (dmenu) prompt, if yes: slock | |
Super | F11 | (dmenu) prompt, if yes: reboot | |
Super | F12 | (dmenu) prompt, if yes: shutdown | |
AudioMute | Volume mute | ||
AudioMicMute | Mic Mute | ||
AudioLowerVolume | Volume lower | ||
AudioRaiseVolume | Volume raise | ||
MonBrightnessDown | Brightness decrease | ||
MonBrightnessUp | Brightness increase |