mirror of https://github.com/tiyn/dotfiles.git synced 2025-03-27 21:47:46 +01:00
TiynGER 7fa70beaf2 alias: adding monitor and yay standards
I often monitor files that change.
Now that can be done with mon.
yay now uses its cache way better.
Unused scripts for suckless merges were removed,
I find it much better to run the commands manually without the scripts
as they tend to break more often
2020-12-27 19:27:11 +01:00

111 lines
1.9 KiB

# bash
alias ":wq"="exit"
alias ":q"="exit"
# cd
alias ".."="cd .."
alias "..."="cd ../.."
alias "...."="cd ../../.."
alias "....."="cd ../../../.."
alias "dockervol"="cd /var/lib/docker/volumes"
# cp
alias cp="cp -i"
# clear
alias c="clear"
# config
alias config="/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles --work-tree=$HOME"
# fzf
src() { find ~/.config/* ~/.local/bin/* -type f | fzf | xargs -r $EDITOR ;}
srd() { find ~/ownCloud/* -type f | grep ".pdf" | fzf | xargs -r $READER ;}
# git
alias ga="git add"
alias grm="git rm"
alias gc="git commit"
alias gp="git push"
# grep
alias grep="grep --color=auto"
# haste
haste() {
curl -X POST -s -d "$a" https://paste.tiyn.eu/documents | awk -F '"' '{print "https://paste.tiyn.eu/"$4}';
alias calendar="khal interactive"
# khard
alias contacts="khard"
# ls(d)
alias l="lsd"
alias la="lsd -la"
alias ll="lsd -l"
alias tree="lsd --tree"
# mkdir
alias mkdir="mkdir -p"
# mutt
alias mutt="neomutt"
alias upmutt="mbsync -a && neomutt"
# mv
alias mv="mv -i"
# octave
alias octave="octave --persist"
# pacman
alias pac="sudo pacman"
# ping
alias ping="ping -c 5"
# rm
alias rm="rm -i"
# root/sudo
alias su="sudo -i"
alias sudo="sudo "
alias sc="sc-im"
# script
alias scriptclear="cat typescript | perl -pe 's/\e([^\[\]]|\[.*?[a-zA-Z]|\].*?\a)//g' | col -b > typescript-processed"
# tail
alias mon="tail -f -n 500"
# tmux
alias tmux="tmux -f $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmux/tmux.conf"
# nvim
alias svim="sudo nvim"
alias svi="sudo nvim"
command -v nvim >/dev/null && alias vim="nvim" vimdiff="nvim -d"
command -v nvim >/dev/null && alias vi="nvim" vidiff="nvim -d"
# weather
alias weather="curl wttr.in"
# wget
alias wget="wget --hsts-file=$XDG_CACHE_HOME/wget-hsts"
# yay
alias yay="yay --sudoloop --noredownload --norebuild"
# youtube-dl
alias yta="youtube-dl -f 'bestaudio[ext=m4a]'"
alias yta="youtube-dl -f 'bestvide[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]'"