My Arch Linux compatible user dotfiles. They were originally based on the dotfiles of lukesmithxyz. This being some time, hundreds of commits and my personalized version of larbs ago, they are now quite different.
Required and Recommended Software
All requirements and recommendations get installed by my version of LARBS. To take a look at all the software it installs look at the progs.csv in my LARBS repository.
Migration of my Dotfiles to Other System
- set alias in .bashrc:
alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
- clone this repository:
git clone --bare $HOME/.dotfiles
- optional: backup old files:
mkdir -p .config-backup && \
config checkout 2>&1 | egrep "\s+\." | awk {'print $1'} | \
xargs -I{} mv {} .config-backup/{}
- checkout changes:
config checkout
- ignore untracked files:
config config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
- pull current setup:
config pull
- finish setup for vim:
- open vim
The step containing commenting out is needed because the colorscheme has problems being not available and disrupts the further process of the plugin installation.
Ignore Local Changes to Config Files
If you need to make local changes to config files that are not to be pushed
run config update-index --skip-worktree <file>
to stop git from showing them
having changes.
There are various shortcuts and hotkeys used in this version. Included in my build are the following. Dwms and sts hotkeys can be found in their repositories.
ModKey | Shift | Key | Function |
Super | a | (sounds) Previous song | |
Super | b | (program) Spawn browser | |
Super | c | (sounds) Toggle looping of songs | |
Super | d | (sounds) Next song | |
Super | f | (program) Spawn filemanager | |
Super | i | (display) Stop recording | |
Super | m | (program) Spawn thunderbird | |
Super | o | (display) Start replay window | |
Super | p | (display) Save replay window | |
Super | u | (display) Start recording window | |
Super | r | (program) Spawn dmenu_run | |
Super | s | (sounds) Pause song | |
Super | x | (sounds) Toggle shuffling of songs | |
Super | Shift | l | (keyboard) Toggle keymap |
Super | Shift | r | (sxhkd) Restart sxkd |
Super | Shift | Space | (notifications) Close all notifications |
Super | [ | (notifications) Toggle dunst dnd | |
Super | ] | (sounds) Toggle mute | |
Super | \ | (sounds) Toggle deaf | |
Super | F5 | (display) Enable 2 Screen Monitor | |
Super | F6 | (keyboard) Toggle touchpad | |
Super | F7 | (mounting) Mounting drives | |
Super | F8 | (mounting) Unmounting drives | |
Super | F9 | (network) Restart NetworkManager | |
Super | F10 | (display) slock | |
Super | F11 | (shutdown) reboot | |
Super | F12 | (shutdown) shutdown | |
Super | Return | (program) Spawn terminal | |
(program) Prompt to take a screenshot | |||
AudioMute | (sound) Volume mute | ||
AudioMicMute | (sound) Mic Mute | ||
AudioLowerVolume | (sound) Volume lower | ||
AudioRaiseVolume | (sound) Volume raise | ||
MonBrightnessDown | (display) Brightness decrease | ||
MonBrightnessUp | (display) Brightness increase |
Additional Configs
Additional configs (and for example firefox plugins) can be found in my wiki.
Additional Information
This section contains information regarding special configurations that will be enabled or available by using these dotfiles.
Audio Setup
This configuration features settings and profiles for easyeffects. Additionally to the flat profile there are also various profiles for headphones. They mostly target to achieve curve similar to the harman curve.
The following list matches the headphones and in-ear monitors to the base equalizer used.