@ -48,31 +48,41 @@ There are various shortcuts and hotkeys used in this version. Included in my bui
| ModKey | Shift | Key | Function |
| ModKey | Shift | Key | Function |
| ------ | ----- | ----------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
| ------ | ----- | ----------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
| Super | | b | Spawn browser |
| Super | | a | (sounds) Previous song |
| Super | | f | Spawn filemanager |
| Super | | b | (program) Spawn browser |
| Super | | i | (gpu-screen-record) stop recording |
| Super | | c | (sounds) Toggle looping of songs |
| Super | | m | Spawn thunderbird |
| Super | | d | (sounds) Next song |
| Super | | o | (gpu-screen-record) start replay |
| Super | | f | (program) Spawn filemanager |
| Super | | p | (gpu-screen-record) save replay |
| Super | | i | (display) Stop recording |
| Super | | u | (gpu-screen-record) start recording |
| Super | | m | (program) Spawn thunderbird |
| Super | | r | (dmenu) dmenu\_run |
| Super | | o | (display) Start replay window |
| Super | Shift | x | Restart sxkd |
| Super | | p | (display) Save replay window |
| Super | | F5 | Enable 2 Screen Monitor |
| Super | | u | (display) Start recording window |
| Super | | F6 | Toggle touchpad |
| Super | | r | (program) Spawn dmenu\_run |
| Super | | F7 | (dmenu) Mounting drives |
| Super | | s | (sounds) Pause song |
| Super | | F8 | (dmenu) Unmounting drives |
| Super | | x | (sounds) Toggle shuffling of songs |
| Super | | F9 | Restart NetworkManager |
| Super | Shift | l | (keyboard) Toggle keymap |
| Super | | F10 | (dmenu) Prompt, if yes: slock |
| Super | Shift | r | (sxhkd) Restart sxkd |
| Super | | F11 | (dmenu) Prompt, if yes: reboot |
| Super | Shift | Space | (notifications) Close all notifications |
| Super | | F12 | (dmenu) Prompt, if yes: shutdown |
| Super | | [ | (notifications) Toggle dunst dnd |
| Super | | Print | (dmenu) Prompt to take a screenshot |
| Super | | ] | (sounds) Toggle mute |
| Super | | Return | Spawn terminal |
| Super | | \ | (sounds) Toggle deaf |
| | | AudioMute | Volume mute |
| Super | | F5 | (display) Enable 2 Screen Monitor |
| | | AudioMicMute | Mic Mute |
| Super | | F6 | (keyboard) Toggle touchpad |
| | | AudioLowerVolume | Volume lower |
| Super | | F7 | (mounting) Mounting drives |
| | | AudioRaiseVolume | Volume raise |
| Super | | F8 | (mounting) Unmounting drives |
| | | MonBrightnessDown | Brightness decrease |
| Super | | F9 | (network) Restart NetworkManager |
| | | MonBrightnessUp | Brightness increase |
| Super | | F10 | (display) slock |
| Super | | F11 | (shutdown) reboot |
| Super | | F12 | (shutdown) shutdown |
| Super | | Return | (program) Spawn terminal |
| | | Print | (program) Prompt to take a screenshot |
| | | AudioMute | (sound) Volume mute |
| | | AudioMicMute | (sound) Mic Mute |
| | | AudioLowerVolume | (sound) Volume lower |
| | | AudioRaiseVolume | (sound) Volume raise |
| | | MonBrightnessDown | (display) Brightness decrease |
| | | MonBrightnessUp | (display) Brightness increase |
## Additional configs
## Additional configs