mirror of https://github.com/tiyn/dotfiles.git synced 2025-03-27 21:47:46 +01:00

cleaning up unused scripts

This commit is contained in:
tiynger 2019-10-04 01:15:05 +02:00
parent 28d43dc5c5
commit 48d286f39c
39 changed files with 82 additions and 559 deletions

View File

@ -60,15 +60,6 @@ set clipboard=unnamedplus
" Replace all is aliased to S.
nnoremap S :%s//g<Left><Left>
" Compile document, be it groff/LaTeX/markdown/etc.
map <leader>c :w! \| !compiler <c-r>%<CR>
" Open corresponding .pdf/.html or preview
map <leader>p :!opout <c-r>%<CR><CR>
" Runs a script that cleans out tex build files whenever I close out of a .tex file.
autocmd VimLeave *.tex !texclear %
" Ensure files are read as what I want:
let g:vimwiki_ext2syntax = {'.Rmd': 'markdown', '.rmd': 'markdown','.md': 'markdown', '.markdown': 'markdown', '.mdown': 'markdown'}
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/vimwiki', 'syntax': 'markdown', 'ext': '.md'}]

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
# Dependencies are xclip and xorg-xprop.
# qrencode required for qrcode generation.
# groff/zathura required for man pages.
prim="$(xclip -o)"; [ -z "$prim" ] && exit
PID=$(xprop -id "$(xprop -root | awk '/_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW\(WINDOW\)/{print $NF}')" | grep -m 1 PID | cut -d " " -f 3)
PID=$(echo "$(pstree -lpA "$PID" | tail -n 1)" | awk -F'---' '{print $NF}' | sed -re 's/[^0-9]//g')
cd "$(readlink /proc/"$PID"/cwd)"
[ -f "$prim" ] && xdg-open "$prim" && exit
[ -d "$prim" ] && "$TERMINAL" "$prim" && exit
websearch() { "$BROWSER" "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=$@" ;}
wikipedia() { "$BROWSER" "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/$@" ;}
wiktionary() { "$BROWSER" "https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/$@" ;}
maps() { "$BROWSER" "https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=$@" ;}
ebay() { "$BROWSER" "https://www.ebay.com/sch/$@" ;}
echo "$prim" | grep "^.*\.[A-Za-z]\+.*" >/dev/null && gotourl() { "$BROWSER" "$@" ;}
echo "$prim" | grep "^.*@.*\.[A-Za-z]\+$" >/dev/null && email() { xdg-email "$@" ;}
command -v qrencode >/dev/null && qrcode() { qrencode "$@" -s 10 -o /tmp/qr.png && xdg-open /tmp/qr.png ;}
man -k "^$prim$" >/dev/null && manual() { man -Tpdf "$prim" | zathura - ;}
func="$(declare -F | awk '{print $3}' | dmenu -p "Plumb \"$(echo "$prim" | cut -c -30)\" to?" -i -l 15)"
[ -z "$func" ] || "$func" "$prim"

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
pkill -f /dev/video || mpv --no-osc --no-input-default-bindings --input-conf=/dev/null --geometry=-0-0 --autofit=30% --title="mpvfloat" /dev/video0

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# Toggle floating dropdown terminal in i3, or start if non-existing.
# $1 is the script run in the terminal.
# All other args are terminal settings.
# Terminal names are in dropdown_* to allow easily setting i3 settings.
[ -z "$1" ] && exit
if xwininfo -tree -root | grep "(\"dropdown_$script\" ";
echo "Window detected."
i3 "[instance=\"dropdown_$script\"] scratchpad show; [instance=\"dropdown_$script\"] move position center"
echo "Window not detected... spawning."
i3 "exec --no-startup-id $TERMINAL -n dropdown_$script $@ -e $script"

View File

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
# A UI for detecting and selecting all displays.
# Probes xrandr for connected displays and lets user select one to use.
# User may also select "manual selection" which opens arandr.
# I plan on adding a routine from multi-monitor setups later.
twoscreen() { # If multi-monitor is selected and there are two screens.
mirror=$(printf "no\\nyes" | dmenu -i -p "Mirror displays?")
# Mirror displays using native resolution of external display and a scaled
# version for the internal display
if [ "$mirror" = "yes" ]; then
external=$(echo "$screens" | dmenu -i -p "Optimize resolution for:")
internal=$(echo "$screens" | grep -v "$external")
res_external=$(xrandr --query | sed -n "/^$external/,/\+/p" | \
tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')
res_internal=$(xrandr --query | sed -n "/^$internal/,/\+/p" | \
tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')
res_ext_x=$(echo $res_external | sed 's/x.*//')
res_ext_y=$(echo $res_external | sed 's/.*x//')
res_int_x=$(echo $res_internal | sed 's/x.*//')
res_int_y=$(echo $res_internal | sed 's/.*x//')
scale_x=$(echo "$res_ext_x / $res_int_x" | bc -l)
scale_y=$(echo "$res_ext_y / $res_int_y" | bc -l)
xrandr --output "$external" --auto --scale 1.0x1.0 \
--output "$internal" --auto --same-as "$external" \
--scale "$scale_x"x"$scale_y"
primary=$(echo "$screens" | dmenu -i -p "Select primary display:")
secondary=$(echo "$screens" | grep -v "$primary")
direction=$(printf "left\\nright" | dmenu -i -p "What side of $primary should $secondary be on?")
xrandr --output "$primary" --auto --scale 1.0x1.0 --output "$secondary" --"$direction"-of "$primary" --auto --scale 1.0x1.0
morescreen() { # If multi-monitor is selected and there are more than two screens.
primary=$(echo "$screens" | dmenu -i -p "Select primary display:")
secondary=$(echo "$screens" | grep -v "$primary" | dmenu -i -p "Select secondary display:")
direction=$(printf "left\\nright" | dmenu -i -p "What side of $primary should $secondary be on?")
tertiary=$(echo "$screens" | grep -v "$primary" | grep -v "$secondary" | dmenu -i -p "Select third display:")
xrandr --output "$primary" --auto --output "$secondary" --"$direction"-of "$primary" --auto --output "$tertiary" --"$(printf "left\\nright" | grep -v "$direction")"-of "$primary" --auto
multimon() { # Multi-monitor handler.
case "$(echo "$screens" | wc -l)" in
1) xrandr $(echo "$allposs" | grep -v "$screens" | awk '{print "--output", $1, "--off"}' | tr '\n' ' ') ;;
2) twoscreen ;;
*) morescreen ;;
esac ;}
# Get all possible displays
allposs=$(xrandr -q | grep "connected")
# Get all connected screens.
screens=$(echo "$allposs" | grep " connected" | awk '{print $1}')
# Get user choice including multi-monitor and manual selection:
chosen=$(printf "%s\\nmulti-monitor\\nmanual selection" "$screens" | dmenu -i -p "Select display arangement:") &&
case "$chosen" in
"manual selection") arandr ; exit ;;
"multi-monitor") multimon ;;
*) xrandr --output "$chosen" --auto --scale 1.0x1.0 $(echo "$allposs" | grep -v "$chosen" | awk '{print "--output", $1, "--off"}' | tr '\n' ' ') ;;
setbg # Fix background if screen size/arangement has changed.
remaps # Re-remap keys if keyboard added (for laptop bases)
pgrep -x dunst >/dev/null && killall dunst && setsid dunst & # Restart dunst to ensure proper location on screen

View File

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
# Usage:
# `record`: Ask for recording type via dmenu
# `record screencast`: Record both audio and screen
# `record video`: Record only screen
# `record audio`: Record only audio
# `record kill`: Kill existing recording
# If there is already a running instance, user will be prompted to end it.
updateicon() { \
echo "$1" > /tmp/recordingicon
pkill -RTMIN+9 i3blocks
killrecording() {
recpid="$(cat /tmp/recordingpid)"
# kill with SIGTERM, allowing finishing touches.
kill -15 "$recpid"
rm -f /tmp/recordingpid
updateicon ""
pkill -RTMIN+9 i3blocks
# even after SIGTERM, ffmpeg may still run, so SIGKILL it.
sleep 3
kill -9 "$recpid"
screencast() { \
ffmpeg -y \
-f x11grab \
-framerate 60 \
-s $(xdpyinfo | grep dimensions | awk '{print $2;}') \
-f alsa -i default \
-r 30 \
-c:v libx264rgb -crf 0 -preset ultrafast -c:a flac \
"$HOME/screencast-$(date '+%y%m%d-%H%M-%S').mkv" &
echo $! > /tmp/recordingpid
updateicon "⏺️🎙️"
video() { ffmpeg \
-f x11grab \
-s $(xdpyinfo | grep dimensions | awk '{print $2;}') \
-c:v libx264 -qp 0 -r 30 \
"$HOME/video-$(date '+%y%m%d-%H%M-%S').mkv" &
echo $! > /tmp/recordingpid
updateicon "⏺️"
webcamhidef() { ffmpeg \
-f v4l2 \
-i /dev/video0 \
-video_size 1920x1080 \
"$HOME/webcam-$(date '+%y%m%d-%H%M-%S').mkv" &
echo $! > /tmp/recordingpid
updateicon "🎥"
webcam() { ffmpeg \
-f v4l2 \
-i /dev/video0 \
-video_size 640x480 \
"$HOME/webcam-$(date '+%y%m%d-%H%M-%S').mkv" &
echo $! > /tmp/recordingpid
updateicon "🎥"
audio() { \
ffmpeg \
-f alsa -i default \
-c:a flac \
"$HOME/audio-$(date '+%y%m%d-%H%M-%S').flac" &
echo $! > /tmp/recordingpid
updateicon "🎙️"
askrecording() { \
choice=$(printf "screencast\\nvideo\\naudio\\nwebcam\\nwebcam (hi-def)" | dmenu -i -p "Select recording style:")
case "$choice" in
screencast) screencast;;
audio) audio;;
video) video;;
webcam) webcam;;
"webcam (hi-def)") webcamhidef;;
asktoend() { \
response=$(printf "No\\nYes" | dmenu -i -p "Recording still active. End recording?") &&
[ "$response" = "Yes" ] && killrecording
case "$1" in
screencast) screencast;;
audio) audio;;
video) video;;
kill) killrecording;;
*) ([ -f /tmp/recordingpid ] && asktoend && exit) || askrecording;;

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
ifinstalled bc && echo "Welcome to the Calculator." && bc -lq

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
[ -z "$1" ] && exit # If $1 is left, hovers in the bottom left, if right, the bottom right
current=$(xdotool getwindowfocus)
newwidth=$(($(xdotool getdisplaygeometry | awk '{print $2}') / 3))
newheight=$(($(xdotool getdisplaygeometry | awk '{print $1}') / 3))
xdotool windowsize "$current" $newheight $newwidth
newsize=$(xdotool getwindowgeometry "$current" | grep Geometry | sed -e 's/x/ /g' | awk '{print $3}')
newwidth=$(xdotool getwindowgeometry "$current" | grep Geometry | grep -o " [0-9]*")
case "$1" in
left) horizontal=0; vertical=$(($(xdotool getdisplaygeometry | awk '{print $2}') - newsize)) ;;
right) horizontal=$(($(xdotool getdisplaygeometry | awk '{print $1}') - newwidth)) ; vertical=$(($(xdotool getdisplaygeometry | awk '{print $2}') - newsize)) ;;
xdotool windowmove "$current" $horizontal $vertical

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
case "$(printf "a selected area\\ncurrent window\\nfull screen\\na selected area (copy)\\ncurrent window (copy)\\nfull screen (copy)" | dmenu -l 6 -i -p "Screenshot which area?")" in
"a selected area") maim -s pic-selected-"$(date '+%y%m%d-%H%M-%S').png" ;;
"current window") maim -i "$(xdotool getactivewindow)" pic-window-"$(date '+%y%m%d-%H%M-%S').png" ;;
"full screen") maim pic-full-"$(date '+%y%m%d-%H%M-%S').png" ;;
"a selected area (copy)") maim -s | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png ;;
"current window (copy)") maim -i "$(xdotool getactivewindow)" | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png ;;
"full screen (copy)") maim | xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png ;;

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
PID=$(xprop -id "$(xprop -root | awk '/_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW\(WINDOW\)/{print $NF}')" | grep -m 1 PID | cut -d " " -f 3)
PID=$(echo "$(pstree -lpA "$PID" | tail -n 1)" | awk -F'---' '{print $NF}' | sed -re 's/[^0-9]//g')
cd "$(readlink /proc/"$PID"/cwd)"

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
# If transmission-daemon is running, will ask to kill, else will ask to start.
if pgrep -x transmission-da >/dev/null ;
[ "$(printf "No\\nYes" | dmenu -i -p "Kill transmission-daemon?")" = "Yes" ] && killall transmission-da && notify-send "transmission-daemon killed."
ifinstalled transmission-cli || exit
[ "$(printf "No\\nYes" | dmenu -i -p "Start transmission daemon?")" = "Yes" ] && transmission-daemon && notify-send "tranmission-daemon started."
sleep 3 && pkill -RTMIN+7 i3blocks

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
ifinstalled transmission-remote-cli transmission-cli || exit
! pgrep -x transmission-da >/dev/null && transmission-daemon && notify-send "Starting torrent daemon..." && sleep 3 && pkill -RTMIN+7 i3blocks
$TERMINAL -e transmission-remote-cli

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
status bar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKumet6b-WY
sxiv (image viewer) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYW9i_u5PYs
st (terminal) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H75enWM22k
i3 (window manager) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKviflL9XeI
pacman (installing/managing programs) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dEuXTMzRKs
mutt (email) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U3vRbF7v5A
ncmpcpp (music player) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZIEdI9TS2U
newsboat (RSS reader) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUFCRqs822w
zathura (pdf viewer) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_Iz4zdyRM4
gpg keys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMGIlj7u7Eo
calcurse (calendar) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvc-pHjbhdE
urlview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgzpAjFgbCw
colorschemes with pywal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es79N_9BblE
vi mode in shell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqoJQft5R2E
echo "$vidlist" | grep -P "^$(echo "$vidlist" | grep "https:" | sed 's/\t.*//g' | dmenu -i -p "Learn about what? (ESC to cancel)" -l 20 | awk '{print $1}')\s" | sed 's/.*\t//' | xargs -r mpv

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
echo "📐" | dmenu -p "Give width and height:" | xargs xdotool windowsize "$(xdotool getwindowfocus)"

.local/bin/sxhkd/dmenumount Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# Gives a dmenu prompt to mount unmounted drives.
# If they're in /etc/fstab, they'll be mounted automatically.
# Otherwise, you'll be prompted to give a mountpoint from already existsing directories.
# If you input a novel directory, it will prompt you to create that directory.
getmount() { \
[ -z "$chosen" ] && exit 1
mp="$(find $1 2>/dev/null | dmenu -i -p "Type in mount point.")"
[ "$mp" = "" ] && exit 1
if [ ! -d "$mp" ]; then
mkdiryn=$(printf "No\\nYes" | dmenu -i -p "$mp does not exist. Create it?")
[ "$mkdiryn" = "Yes" ] && (mkdir -p "$mp" || sudo -A mkdir -p "$mp")
mountusb() { \
chosen="$(echo "$usbdrives" | dmenu -i -p "Mount which drive?" | awk '{print $1}')"
sudo -A mount "$chosen" 2>/dev/null && notify-send "💻 USB mounting" "$chosen mounted." && exit 0
alreadymounted=$(lsblk -nrpo "name,type,mountpoint" | awk '$2=="part"&&$3!~/\/boot|\/home$|SWAP/&&length($3)>1{printf "-not \\( -path *%s -prune \\) \\ \n",$3}')
getmount "/mnt /media /mount /home -maxdepth 5 -type d $alreadymounted"
partitiontype="$(lsblk -no "fstype" "$chosen")"
case "$partitiontype" in
"vfat") sudo -A mount -t vfat "$chosen" "$mp" -o rw,umask=0000;;
*) sudo -A mount "$chosen" "$mp"; user="$(whoami)"; ug="$(groups | awk '{print $1}')"; sudo -A chown "$user":"$ug" "$mp";;
notify-send "💻 USB mounting" "$chosen mounted to $mp."
mountandroid() { \
chosen=$(echo "$anddrives" | dmenu -i -p "Which Android device?" | cut -d : -f 1)
getmount "$HOME -maxdepth 3 -type d"
simple-mtpfs --device "$chosen" "$mp"
notify-send "🤖 Android Mounting" "Android device mounted to $mp."
asktype() { \
case $(printf "USB\\nAndroid" | dmenu -i -p "Mount a USB drive or Android device?") in
USB) mountusb ;;
Android) mountandroid ;;
anddrives=$(simple-mtpfs -l 2>/dev/null)
usbdrives="$(lsblk -rpo "name,type,size,mountpoint" | awk '$2=="part"&&$4==""{printf "%s (%s)\n",$1,$3}')"
if [ -z "$usbdrives" ]; then
[ -z "$anddrives" ] && echo "No USB drive or Android device detected" && exit
echo "Android device(s) detected."
if [ -z "$anddrives" ]; then
echo "USB drive(s) detected."
echo "Mountable USB drive(s) and Android device(s) detected."

.local/bin/sxhkd/ducksearch Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# Gives a dmenu prompt to search DuckDuckGo.
# Without input, will open DuckDuckGo.com.
# URLs will be directly handed to the browser.
# Anything else, it search it.
pgrep -x dmenu && exit
choice=$(echo "🦆" | dmenu -i -p "Search DuckDuckGo:") || exit 1
if [ "$choice" = "🦆" ]; then
$RTV_BROWSER "https://duckduckgo.com"
if echo "$choice" | grep "^(http:\/\/|https:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[a-zA-Z]+(/)?.*$"; then
$RTV_BROWSER "$choice"
$RTV_BROWSER "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=$choice&t=ffab&atb=v1-1"

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
# This script will compile or run another finishing operation on a document. I
# have this script run via vim.
# Compiles .tex. groff (.mom, .ms), .rmd, .md. Opens .sent files as sent
# presentations. Runs scripts based on extention or shebang
file=$(readlink -f "$1")
dir=$(dirname "$file")
cd "$dir" || exit
textype() { \
( sed 5q "$file" | grep -i -q 'xelatex' ) && command="xelatex"
$command --output-directory="$dir" "$base" &&
grep -i addbibresource "$file" >/dev/null &&
biber --input-directory "$dir" "$base" &&
$command --output-directory="$dir" "$base" &&
$command --output-directory="$dir" "$base"
case "$file" in
*\.ms) refer -PS -e "$file" | groff -me -ms -kept -T pdf > "$base".pdf ;;
*\.mom) refer -PS -e "$file" | groff -mom -kept -T pdf > "$base".pdf ;;
*\.[0-9]) refer -PS -e "$file" | groff -mandoc -T pdf > "$base".pdf ;;
*\.rmd) echo "require(rmarkdown); render('$file')" | R -q --vanilla ;;
*\.tex) textype "$file" ;;
*\.md) pandoc "$file" --pdf-engine=xelatex -o "$base".pdf ;;
*config.h) sudo make install ;;
*\.c) cc "$file" -o "$base" && "$base" ;;
*\.py) python "$file" ;;
*\.go) go run "$file" ;;
*\.sent) setsid sent "$file" 2>/dev/null & ;;
*) sed 1q "$file" | grep "^#!/" | sed "s/^#!//" | xargs -r -I % "$file" ;;

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
# A general, all-purpose extraction script.
# Default behavior: Extract archive into new directory
# Behavior with `-c` option: Extract contents into current directory
while getopts "hc" o; do case "${o}" in
c) extracthere="True" ;;
*) printf "Options:\\n -c: Extract archive into current directory rather than a new one.\\n" && exit ;;
esac done
if [ -z "$extracthere" ]; then
archive="$(readlink -f "$*")" &&
directory="$(echo "$archive" | sed 's/\.[^\/.]*$//')" &&
mkdir -p "$directory" &&
cd "$directory" || exit
archive="$(readlink -f "$(echo "$*" | cut -d' ' -f2)")"
[ "$archive" = "" ] && printf "Give archive to extract as argument.\\n" && exit
if [ -f "$archive" ] ; then
case "$archive" in
*.tar.bz2|*.tar.xz|*.tbz2) tar xvjf "$archive" ;;
*.tar.gz|*.tgz) tar xvzf "$archive" ;;
*.lzma) unlzma "$archive" ;;
*.bz2) bunzip2 "$archive" ;;
*.rar) unrar x -ad "$archive" ;;
*.gz) gunzip "$archive" ;;
*.tar) tar xvf "$archive" ;;
*.zip) unzip "$archive" ;;
*.Z) uncompress "$archive" ;;
*.7z) 7z x "$archive" ;;
*.xz) unxz "$archive" ;;
*.exe) cabextract "$archive" ;;
*) printf "extract: '%s' - unknown archive method\\n" "$archive" ;;
printf "File \"%s\" not found.\\n" "$archive"

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
[ -z "$1" ] && echo "Give either a pdf file or a DOI as an argument." && exit
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
# Try to get DOI from pdfinfo or pdftotext output.
doi=$(pdfinfo "$1" | grep -io "doi:.*") ||
doi=$(pdftotext "$1" 2>/dev/null - | grep -io "doi:.*" -m 1) ||
exit 1
# Check crossref.org for the bib citation.
curl -s "http://api.crossref.org/works/$doi/transform/application/x-bibtex" -w "\\n"

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
cat ~/.config/getkeys/"$1" 2>/dev/null && exit
echo "Run command with one of the following arguments for info about that program:"
ls ~/.config/getkeys

View File

@ -7,35 +7,16 @@ case "$1" in
u*) pulsemixer --change-volume +"$num" ;;
d*) pulsemixer --change-volume -"$num" ;;
m*) pulsemixer --toggle-mute ;;
truemute) pulsemixer --mute ;;
play) mpc play ;;
n*) mpc next ;;
prev) mpc prev ;;
t*) mpc toggle ;;
p*) mpc pause ; pauseallmpv ;;
f*) mpc seek +"$num" ;;
b*) mpc seek -"$num" ;;
r*) mpc seek 0% ;;
*) cat << EOF
lmc: cli music interface for mpd and pulse for those with divine intellect too
grand to remember the mpc/pamixer commands.
lmc: cli music interface for pulse for those with divine intellect too
grand to remember the pamixer commands.
Allowed options:
up NUM Increase volume (2 secs default)
down NUM Decrease volume (2 secs default)
mute Toggle mute
truemute Mute
next Next track
prev Previous track
toggle Toggle pause
truepause Pause
foward NUM Seek foward in song (2 secs default)
back NUM Seek back in song (2 secs default)
restart Restart current song
all else Print this message
All of these commands, except for \`truemute\`, \`prev\` and \`play\` can be truncated,
i.e. \`lmc r\` for \`lmc restart\`.

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
# opout: "open output": A general handler for opening a file's intended output.
# I find this useful especially running from vim.
basename="$(echo "$1" | sed 's/\.[^\/.]*$//')"
case "$1" in
*.tex|*.md|*.rmd|*.ms|*.me|*.mom) setsid "$READER" "$basename".pdf >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
*.html) setsid "$BROWSER" --new-window "$basename".html >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
*.sent) setsid sent "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
for i in $(ls /tmp/mpvsoc*); do
echo '{ "command": ["set_property", "pause", true] }' | socat - $i;

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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
# entr command to run `queueandnotify` when newsboat queue is changed
[ "$(pgrep -x $(basename $0) | wc -l)" -gt 2 ] && exit
echo ~/.local/share/newsboat/queue | entr -p queueandnotify 2>/dev/null

View File

@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
# For example:
# `./prompt "Do you want to shutdown?" "shutdown -h now"`
[ "$(printf "No\\nYes" | dmenu -i -p "$1" -nb darkred -sb red -sf white -nf gray )" = "Yes" ] && $2
[ "$(printf "No\\nYes" | dmenu -i -fn Monospace-15 -p "$1" -nb darkred -sb red -sf white -nf gray )" = "Yes" ] && $2

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
# $1 is a url; $2 is a command
[ -z "$1" ] && exit
base="$(basename "$1")"
notify-send "⏳ Queuing $base..."
[ -z "$cmd" ] && cmd="youtube-dl --add-metadata"
idnum="$(tsp $cmd "$1")"
realname="$(echo "$base" | sed "s/?\(source\|dest\).*//;s/%20/ /g")"
tsp -D "$idnum" mv "$base" "$realname"
tsp -D "$idnum" notify-send "👍 $realname done."

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# Podboat sucks. This script replaces it.
# It reads the newsboat queue, queuing downloads with taskspooler.
# It also removes the junk from extentions.
while read -r line; do
[ -z "$line" ] && continue
url="$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}')"
qndl "$url" "curl -LO"
done < "$queuefile"
echo > "$queuefile"

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# This script is called by i3 on startup to remap keys.
# Increase key speed via a rate change
xset r rate 300 50

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
[ -z "$1" ] && echo "usage: rotdir regex 2>&1" && exit 1
base="$(basename $1)"
ls "$PWD" | awk "BEGIN { lines = \"\"; m = 0; } /^$base$/ { m = 1; } { if (!m) { if (lines) { lines = lines\"\n\"; } lines = lines\"\"\$0; } else { print \$0; } } END { print lines; }"

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
! echo "$1" | grep "https*://\S\+\.[A-Za-z]\+\S*" >/dev/null &&
notify-send "That doesn't look like a full URL." && exit
if awk '{print $1}' "$RSSFILE" | grep "^$1$" >/dev/null; then
notify-send "You already have this RSS feed."
echo "$1" >> "$RSSFILE" && notify-send "RSS feed added."

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
# Output locations. Unactivated progs should go to /dev/null.
# Remove, prepare files
rm -f "$ranger_shortcuts" "$qute_shortcuts" 2>/dev/null
printf "# vim: filetype=sh\\n" > "$fish_shortcuts"
printf "# vim: filetype=sh\\nalias " > "$shell_shortcuts"
printf "\" vim: filetype=vim\\n" > "$vifm_shortcuts"
# Format the `bmdirs` file in the correct syntax and sent it to all three configs.
sed "s/\s*#.*$//;/^\s*$/d" "$HOME/.config/bmdirs" | tee >(awk '{print $1"=\"cd "$2" && ls -a\" \\"}' >> "$shell_shortcuts") \
>(awk '{print "abbr", $1, "\"cd " $2 "; and ls -a\""}' >> "$fish_shortcuts") \
>(awk '{print "map g" $1, ":cd", $2 "<CR>\nmap t" $1, "<tab>:cd", $2 "<CR><tab>\nmap M" $1, "<tab>:cd", $2 "<CR><tab>:mo<CR>\nmap Y" $1, "<tab>:cd", $2 "<CR><tab>:co<CR>" }' >> "$vifm_shortcuts") \
>(awk '{print "config.bind(\";"$1"\", \"set downloads.location.directory "$2" ;; hint links download\")"}' >> "$qute_shortcuts") \
| awk '{print "map g"$1" cd "$2"\nmap t"$1" tab_new "$2"\nmap m"$1" shell mv -v %s "$2"\nmap Y"$1" shell cp -rv %s "$2}' >> "$ranger_shortcuts"
# Format the `configs` file in the correct syntax and sent it to both configs.
sed "s/\s*#.*$//;/^\s*$/d" "$HOME/.config/bmfiles" | tee >(awk '{print $1"=\"$EDITOR "$2"\" \\"}' >> "$shell_shortcuts") \
>(awk '{print "abbr", $1, "\"$EDITOR "$2"\""}' >> "$fish_shortcuts") \
>(awk '{print "map", $1, ":e", $2 "<CR>" }' >> "$vifm_shortcuts") \
| awk '{print "map "$1" shell $EDITOR "$2}' >> "$ranger_shortcuts"

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
# Clears the build files of a LaTeX/XeLaTeX build.
# I have vim run this file whenever I exit a .tex file.
case "$1" in
file=$(readlink -f "$1")
dir=$(dirname "$file")
find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -type f -regextype gnu-awk -regex "^$base\\.(4tc|xref|tmp|pyc|pyo|fls|vrb|fdb_latexmk|bak|swp|aux|log|synctex\\(busy\\)|lof|lot|maf|idx|mtc|mtc0|nav|out|snm|toc|bcf|run\\.xml|synctex\\.gz|blg|bbl)" -delete ;;
*) printf "Give .tex file as argument.\\n" ;;

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
# Mimeapp script for adding torrent to transmission-daemon, but will also start the daemon first if not running.
# transmission-daemon sometimes fails to take remote requests in its first moments.
pgrep -x transmission-da || (transmission-daemon && notify-send "Starting transmission daemon..." && sleep 3 && pkill -RTMIN+7 i3blocks)
transmission-remote -a "$@" && notify-send "🔽 Torrent added."

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
[ -z "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" ] && exit
readonly ID_PREVIEW="preview"
if [ "$1" = "draw" ]; then
declare -p -A cmd=([action]=add [identifier]="$ID_PREVIEW" [x]="$2" [y]="$3" [max_width]="$4" [max_height]="$5" [path]="${PWD}/$6") > "$FIFO_UEBERZUG"
elif [ "$1" = "videopreview" ]; then
[ ! -f "/tmp/$6.png" ] && ffmpegthumbnailer -i "${PWD}/$6" -o "/tmp/$6.png" -s 0 -q 10 &&
declare -p -A cmd=([action]=add [identifier]="$ID_PREVIEW" [x]="$2" [y]="$3" [max_width]="$4" [max_height]="$5" [path]="/tmp/$6.png") > "$FIFO_UEBERZUG"
declare -p -A cmd=([action]=remove [identifier]="$ID_PREVIEW") > "$FIFO_UEBERZUG"

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
export FIFO_UEBERZUG="/tmp/vifm-ueberzug-${PPID}"
cleanup() {
rm "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" 2>/dev/null
pkill -P $$ 2>/dev/null
rm "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" 2>/dev/null
trap cleanup EXIT
tail --follow "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" | ueberzug layer --silent --parser bash &