2023-07-27 20:45:49 +02:00
-- folke/todo-comments.nvim
require ' todo-comments ' . setup {
2023-07-29 05:52:55 +02:00
signs = true , -- show icons in the signs column
2023-07-27 20:45:49 +02:00
sign_priority = 8 , -- sign priority
-- keywords recognized as todo comments
keywords = {
2023-08-07 05:36:32 +02:00
ERRO = { icon = " " , color = " error " } ,
TODO = { icon = " " , color = " info " } ,
2023-07-29 05:52:55 +02:00
WARN = { icon = " " , color = " warning " } ,
2023-08-07 05:36:32 +02:00
HACK = { icon = " " , color = " warning " } ,
PERF = { icon = " " , color = " perfect " } ,
HINT = { icon = " " , color = " hint " } ,
INFO = { icon = " " , color = " hint " , alt = { " NOTE " } } ,
2023-07-29 05:52:55 +02:00
TEST = { icon = " " , color = " test " } ,
2023-07-27 20:45:49 +02:00
} ,
gui_style = {
2023-07-29 05:52:55 +02:00
fg = " NONE " , -- The gui style to use for the fg highlight group.
bg = " BOLD " , -- The gui style to use for the bg highlight group.
2023-07-27 20:45:49 +02:00
} ,
merge_keywords = true , -- when true, custom keywords will be merged with the defaults
-- highlighting of the line containing the todo comment
-- * before: highlights before the keyword (typically comment characters)
-- * keyword: highlights of the keyword
-- * after: highlights after the keyword (todo text)
highlight = {
2023-07-29 05:52:55 +02:00
multiline = true , -- enable multine todo comments
multiline_pattern = " ^. " , -- lua pattern to match the next multiline from the start of the matched keyword
multiline_context = 10 , -- extra lines that will be re-evaluated when changing a line
before = " " , -- "fg" or "bg" or empty
keyword = " wide " , -- "fg", "bg", "wide", "wide_bg", "wide_fg" or empty. (wide and wide_bg is the same as bg, but will also highlight surrounding characters, wide_fg acts accordingly but with fg)
after = " fg " , -- "fg" or "bg" or empty
2023-07-27 20:45:49 +02:00
pattern = [[.*<(KEYWORDS)\s*:]] , -- pattern or table of patterns, used for highlighting (vim regex)
2023-07-29 05:52:55 +02:00
comments_only = true , -- uses treesitter to match keywords in comments only
max_line_len = 400 , -- ignore lines longer than this
exclude = { } , -- list of file types to exclude highlighting
2023-07-27 20:45:49 +02:00
} ,
-- list of named colors where we try to extract the guifg from the
-- list of highlight groups or use the hex color if hl not found as a fallback
colors = {
2023-08-07 05:36:32 +02:00
error = { " DiagnosticSignError " , " ErrorMsg " , " #DC2626 " } ,
warning = { " DiagnosticSignWarn " , " WarningMsg " , " #FBBF24 " } ,
info = { " Comment " , " #2563EB " } ,
hint = { " Constant " , " #10B981 " } ,
perfect = { " Operator " , " #7C3AED " } ,
2023-07-27 20:45:49 +02:00
test = { " Function " , " #FF00FF " }
} ,
search = {
command = " rg " ,
args = {
" --color=never " ,
" --no-heading " ,
" --with-filename " ,
" --line-number " ,
" --column " ,
} ,
-- regex that will be used to match keywords.
-- don't replace the (KEYWORDS) placeholder
pattern = [[\b(KEYWORDS):]] , -- ripgrep regex
-- pattern = [[\b(KEYWORDS)\b]], -- match without the extra colon. You'll likely get false positives
} ,