import tables from strutils import parseInt type Color* = enum Black = -1, White = 1 ## Board that saves the pieces Pieces* = array[0..119, int] ## Board that checks if pieces moved Moved* = array[0..119, bool] ## Game as object of different values Game* = object pieces*: Pieces moved: Moved toMove*: Color ## Move as object Move* = object start: int dest: int color: Color prom: int const # IDs for piece BlockID* = 999 PawnID* = 1 KnightID* = 2 BishopID* = 3 RookID* = 4 QueenID* = 5 KingID* = 6 EnPassantID* = 7 # IDs that are saved in the array Block* = BlockID WPawn* = PawnID WKnight* = KnightID WBishop* = BishopID WRook* = RookID WQueen* = QueenID WKing* = KingID WEnPassant* = EnPassantID BPawn* = -PawnID BKnight* = -KnightID BBishop* = -BishopID BRook* = -RookID BQueen* = -QueenID BKing* = -KingID BEnPassant* = EnPassantID # Directions of movement N = 10 S = -N W = 1 E = -W # Movement options for pieces (Bishop/Rook/Queen can repeat in the same direction) Knight_Moves = [N+N+E, N+N+W, E+E+N, E+E+S, S+S+E, S+S+W, W+W+N, W+W+S] Bishop_Moves = [N+E, N+W, S+E, S+W] Rook_Moves = [N, E, S, W] Queen_Moves = [N, E, S, W, N+E, N+W, S+E, S+W] King_Moves = [N, E, S, W, N+E, N+W, S+E, S+W] King_Moves_White_Castle = [E+E, W+W] Pawn_Moves_White = [N] Pawn_Moves_White_Double = [N+N] Pawn_Moves_White_Attack = [N+E, N+W] var PieceChar = { 0: " ", 1: "P", 2: "N", 3: "B", 4: "R", 5: "Q", 6: "K", 7: " ", -1: "p", -2: "n", -3: "b", -4: "r", -5: "q", -6: "k", -7: " ", 999: "-" }.newTable var FileChar = { "a": 7, "b": 6, "c": 5, "d": 4, "e": 3, "f": 2, "g": 1, "h": 0 }.newTable proc getField*(pieces: Pieces, field: int): int = return pieces[field] proc setField(pieces: var Pieces, field: int, val: int): bool {.discardable.} = if (val in PieceChar): try: pieces[field] = val return true except Exception: return false proc getField*(moved: Moved, field: int): bool = return moved[field] proc setField(moved: var Moved, field: int, val: bool): bool {.discardable.} = try: moved[field] = val return true except Exception: return false proc initBoard(): Pieces = ## Create and return a board with pieces in starting position. let board = [ Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, WRook, WKnight, WBishop, WKing, WQueen, WBishop, WKnight, WRook, Block, Block, WPawn, WPawn, WPawn, WPawn, WPawn, WPawn, WPawn, WPawn, Block, Block, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Block, Block, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Block, Block, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Block, Block, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Block, Block, BPawn, BPawn, BPawn, BPawn, BPawn, BPawn, BPawn, BPawn, Block, Block, BRook, BKnight, BBishop, BKing, BQueen, BBishop, BKnight, BRook, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block] return board proc initBoard(pieces: array[0..63, int]): Pieces = ## Create and return a board with pieces in position of choice let board = [ Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, pieces[0], pieces[1], pieces[2], pieces[3], pieces[4], pieces[5], pieces[6], pieces[7], Block, Block, pieces[8], pieces[9], pieces[10], pieces[11], pieces[12], pieces[13], pieces[14], pieces[15], Block, Block, pieces[16], pieces[17], pieces[18], pieces[19], pieces[20], pieces[ 21], pieces[22], pieces[23], Block, Block, pieces[24], pieces[25], pieces[26], pieces[27], pieces[28], pieces[ 29], pieces[30], pieces[31], Block, Block, pieces[32], pieces[33], pieces[34], pieces[35], pieces[36], pieces[ 37], pieces[38], pieces[39], Block, Block, pieces[40], pieces[41], pieces[42], pieces[43], pieces[44], pieces[ 45], pieces[46], pieces[47], Block, Block, pieces[48], pieces[49], pieces[50], pieces[51], pieces[52], pieces[ 53], pieces[54], pieces[55], Block, Block, pieces[56], pieces[57], pieces[58], pieces[59], pieces[60], pieces[ 61], pieces[62], pieces[63], Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block] return board proc initMoved(): Moved = ## Create and return a board of pieces moved. var moved: Moved return moved proc initGame*(): Game = ## Create and return a Game object. let game = Game(pieces: initBoard(), moved: initMoved(), to_move: Color.White) return game proc initGame*(pieces: array[0..63, int], color: Color): Game = ## Create ad return a Game object based on a position of choice. let pieces = initBoard(pieces) let compare = initBoard() var moved = initMoved() var same_piece: bool for ind in pieces.low..pieces.high: same_piece = (pieces[ind] != compare[ind]) moved.setField(ind, same_piece) let game = Game(pieces: pieces, moved: moved, to_move: color) return game proc getMove*(start: int, dest: int, prom: int, color: Color): Move = ## Get a move object from `start` to `dest` with an eventual promition to `prom` var move = Move(start: start, dest: dest, prom: prom * ord(color), color: color) if (KnightID > prom or QueenID < prom): move.prom = QueenID return move proc getMove*(start: int, dest: int, color: Color): Move = ## Get a move object from `start` to `dest` with automatic promition to `queen` var move = Move(start: start, dest: dest, prom: QueenID * ord(color), color: color) return move proc echoBoard*(game: Game, color: Color) = ## Prints out the given `board` with its pieces as characters and line indices from perspecive of `color`. var line_str = "" if (color == Color.Black): for i in countup(0, len(game.pieces)-1): if (game.pieces.getField(i) == 999): continue line_str &= PieceChar[game.pieces[i]] & " " if ((i+2) %% 10 == 0): line_str &= $((int)((i)/10)-1) & "\n" echo line_str echo "h g f e d c b a" else: for i in countdown(len(game.pieces)-1, 0): if (game.pieces.getField(i) == 999): continue line_str &= PieceChar[game.pieces[i]] & " " if ((i-1) %% 10 == 0): line_str &= $((int)((i)/10)-1) & "\n" echo line_str echo "a b c d e f g h" proc fieldToInd*(file: string, line: int): int = ## Calculate board index from `file` and `line` of a chess board. try: return 1+(line+1)*10+FileChar[file] except IndexDefect, ValueError: return -1 proc fieldToInd*(field: string): int = ## Calculate board index from `field` of a chess board. try: return fieldToInd($field[0], parseInt($field[1])) except IndexDefect, ValueError: return -1 proc indToField*(ind: int): string = ## Calculate field name from board index `ind`. let line = (int)ind/10-1 let file_ind = (ind)%%10-1 for file, i in FileChar: if FileChar[file] == file_ind: return $file & $line proc notationToMove*(notation: string, color: Color): Move = ## Convert simplified algebraic chess `notation` to a move object, color of player is `color`. try: var move: Move var start = fieldToInd(notation[0..1]) var dest = fieldToInd(notation[2..3]) move = getMove(start, dest, color) if (len(notation) > 4): var promStr = $notation[4] var prom: int case promStr: of "Q": prom = QueenID * ord(color) of "R": prom = RookID * ord(color) of "B": prom = BishopID * ord(color) of "N": prom = KnightID * ord(color) move = getMove(start, dest, prom, color) return move except IndexError: var move: Move return move proc genBishopDests(game: Game, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] = ## Generate possible destinations for a bishop with specific `color` located at index `field` of `game`. ## Returns a sequence of possible indices to move to. try: var res = newSeq[int]() var dest: int var target: int for move in Bishop_Moves: dest = field+move target = game.pieces.getField(dest) while (target != 999 and (ord(color) * target <= 0) or target == EnPassantID or target == -EnPassantID): res.add(dest) if (ord(color) * target < 0 and ord(color) * target > -EnPassantID): break dest = dest+move target = game.pieces.getField(dest) return res except IndexDefect: return @[] proc genRookDests(game: Game, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] = ## Generate possible destinations for a rook with specific `color` located at index `field` of `game`. ## Returns a sequence of possible indices to move to. try: var res = newSeq[int]() var dest: int var target: int for move in Rook_Moves: dest = field+move target = game.pieces.getField(dest) while (target != 999 and (ord(color) * target <= 0) or target == EnPassantID or target == -EnPassantID): res.add(dest) if (ord(color) * target < 0 and ord(color) * target > -EnPassantID): break dest = dest+move target = game.pieces.getField(dest) return res except IndexDefect: return @[] proc genQueenDests(game: Game, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] = ## Generate possible destinations for a queen with specific `color` located at index `field` of `game`. ## Returns a sequence of possible indices to move to. try: var res = newSeq[int]() var dest: int var target: int for move in Queen_Moves: dest = field+move target = game.pieces.getField(dest) while (target != 999 and (ord(color) * target <= 0) or target == EnPassantID or target == -EnPassantID): res.add(dest) if (ord(color) * target < 0 and ord(color) * target > -EnPassantID): break dest = dest+move target = game.pieces.getField(dest) return res except IndexDefect: return @[] proc genKingCastleDest(game: Game, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] = ## Generate possible castle destinations for a king with specific `color` located at index `field` of `game` ## Returns a sequence of possible indices to move to. try: var res = newSeq[int]() var dest: int var target: int var half_dest: int var half_target: int for castle in King_Moves_White_Castle: dest = field + castle target = game.pieces.getField(dest) half_dest = field + (int)castle/2 half_target = game.pieces.getField(half_dest) if (target == 999 or (target != 0)): continue if (half_target == 999 or (half_target != 0)): continue res.add(dest) return res except IndexDefect: return @[] proc genKingDests(game: Game, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] = ## Generate possible destinations for a king with specific `color` located at index `field` of `game`. ## Returns a sequence of possible indices to move to. try: var res = newSeq[int]() var dest: int var target: int for move in King_Moves: dest = field + move target = game.pieces.getField(dest) if (target == 999 or (ord(color) * target > 0 and ord(color) * target != EnPassantID)): continue res.add(dest) res.add(game.genKingCastleDest(field, color)) return res except IndexDefect: return @[] proc genKnightDests(game: Game, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] = ## Generate possible destinations for a knight with specific `color` located at index `field` of `game`. ## Returns a sequence of possible indices to move to. try: var res = newSeq[int]() var dest: int var target: int for move in Knight_Moves: dest = field + move target = game.pieces.getField(dest) if (target == 999 or (ord(color) * target > 0 and ord(color) * target != EnPassantID)): continue res.add(dest) return res except IndexDefect: return @[] proc genPawnAttackDests(game: Game, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] = ## Generate possible attack destinations for a pawn with specific `color` located at index `field` of `game`. ## Returns a sequence of possible indices to move to. try: var res = newSeq[int]() var dest: int var target: int for attacks in Pawn_Moves_White_Attack: dest = field + (attacks * ord(color)) target = game.pieces.getField(dest) if (target == 999 or ord(color) * target >= 0): continue res.add(dest) return res except IndexDefect: return @[] proc genPawnDoubleDests(game: Game, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] = ## Generate possible double destinations for a pawn with specific `color` located at index `field` of `game`. ## Returns a sequence of possible indices to move to. try: var res = newSeq[int]() var dest: int var target: int for doubles in Pawn_Moves_White_Double: dest = field + doubles * ord(color) target = game.pieces.getField(dest) if (game.moved.getField(field) or (target != 0) or ( game.pieces.getField(dest+(S*ord(color))) != 0)): continue res.add(dest) return res except IndexDefect: return @[] proc genPawnDests(game: Game, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] = ## Generate possible destinations for a pawn with specific `color` located at index `field` of `game`. ## Returns a sequence of possible indices to move to. try: var res = newSeq[int]() var dest: int var target: int for move in Pawn_Moves_White: dest = field + move * ord(color) target = game.pieces.getField(dest) if (target != 0 and target != ord(color) * EnPassantID): continue res.add(dest) res.add(game.genPawnAttackDests(field, color)) res.add(game.genPawnDoubleDests(field, color)) return res except IndexDefect: return @[] proc pieceOn(game: Game, color: Color, sequence: seq[int], pieceID: int): bool = ## Check if a piece with `pieceID` of a given `color` is in a field described in a `sequence` in a `game`. for check in sequence: if game.pieces.getField(check) == ord(color) * -1 * pieceID: return true return false proc isAttacked(game: Game, position: int, color: Color): bool = ## Check if a field is attacked by the opposite of `color` in a `game`. var attacked = false attacked = attacked or game.pieceOn(color, game.genPawnAttackDests( position, color), PawnID) attacked = attacked or game.pieceOn(color, game.genQueenDests(position, color), QueenID) attacked = attacked or game.pieceOn(color, game.genKingDests(position, color), KingID) attacked = attacked or game.pieceOn(color, game.genRookDests(position, color), RookID) attacked = attacked or game.pieceOn(color, game.genBishopDests(position, color), BishopID) attacked = attacked or game.pieceOn(color, game.genKnightDests(position, color), KnightID) return attacked proc isInCheck*(game: Game, color: Color): bool = ## Check if the King of a given `color` is in check in a `game`. var king_pos: int for i in countup(0, game.pieces.high): if game.pieces.getField(i) == ord(color) * KingID: king_pos = i return game.isAttacked(king_pos, color) proc uncheckedMove(game: var Game, start: int, dest: int): bool {.discardable.} = ## Moves a piece if possible from `start` position to `dest` position. ## Doesnt check boundaries, checks, movement. ## returns true if the piece moved, else false try: let piece = game.pieces.getField(start) if game.pieces.setField(start, 0): if game.pieces.setField(dest, piece): game.moved.setField(start, true) game.moved.setField(dest, true) return true else: game.pieces.setField(start, piece) except IndexDefect, ValueError: return false proc moveLeadsToCheck(game: Game, start: int, dest: int, color: Color): bool = ## Checks in a `game` if a move from `start` to `dest` puts the `color` king in check. var check = game check.uncheckedMove(start, dest) return check.isInCheck(color) proc removeEnPassant(pieces: var Pieces, color: Color): void = ## Removes every en passant of given `color` from the `game`. for field in pieces.low..pieces.high: if pieces.getField(field) == ord(color) * EnPassantID: pieces.setField(field, 0) proc genLegalKnightMoves(game: Game, field: int, color: Color): seq[Move] = ## Generates all legal knight moves starting from `field` in a `game` for a `color`. if game.pieces.getField(field) != KnightID * ord(color): return @[] var res = newSeq[Move]() var moves = game.genKnightDests(field, color) for dest in moves: if not game.moveLeadsToCheck(field, dest, color): res.add(getMove(field, dest, color)) return res proc genLegalBishopMoves(game: Game, field: int, color: Color): seq[Move] = ## Generates all legal bishop moves starting from `field` in a `game` for a `color`. if game.pieces.getField(field) != BishopID * ord(color): return @[] var res = newSeq[Move]() var moves = game.genBishopDests(field, color) for dest in moves: if not game.moveLeadsToCheck(field, dest, color): res.add(getMove(field, dest, color)) return res proc genLegalRookMoves(game: Game, field: int, color: Color): seq[Move] = ## Generates all legal rook moves starting from `field` in a `game` for a `color`. if game.pieces.getField(field) != RookID * ord(color): return @[] var res = newSeq[Move]() var moves = game.genRookDests(field, color) for dest in moves: if not game.moveLeadsToCheck(field, dest, color): res.add(getMove(field, dest, color)) return res proc genLegalQueenMoves(game: Game, field: int, color: Color): seq[Move] = ## Generates all legal queen moves starting from `field` in a `game` for a `color`. if game.pieces.getField(field) != QueenID * ord(color): return @[] var res = newSeq[Move]() var moves = game.genQueenDests(field, color) for dest in moves: if not game.moveLeadsToCheck(field, dest, color): res.add(getMove(field, dest, color)) return res proc genLegalKingMoves(game: Game, field: int, color: Color): seq[Move] = ## Generates all legal king moves starting from `field` in a `game` for a `color`. if game.pieces.getField(field) != KingID * ord(color): return @[] var res = newSeq[Move]() var moves = game.genKingDests(field, color) for dest in moves: if field - dest == W+W and game.isAttacked(dest+W, color): continue if field - dest == E+E and game.isAttacked(dest+E, color): continue if not game.moveLeadsToCheck(field, dest, color): res.add(getMove(field, dest, color)) return res proc genPawnPromotion(move: Move, color: Color): seq[Move] = ## Generate all possible promotions of a `move` by `color`. var promotions = newSeq[Move]() let start = move.start let dest = move.dest if (90 < dest and dest < 99) or (20 < dest and dest < 29): for piece in KnightID..QueenID: promotions.add(getMove(start, dest, piece, color)) return promotions proc genLegalPawnMoves(game: Game, field: int, color: Color): seq[Move] = ## Generates all legal pawn moves starting from `field` in a `game` for a `color`. if game.pieces.getField(field) != PawnID * ord(color): return @[] var res = newSeq[Move]() var moves = game.genPawnDests(field, color) for dest in moves: if not game.moveLeadsToCheck(field, dest, color): var promotions = genPawnPromotion(getMove(field, dest, color), color) if promotions != @[]: res.add(promotions) else: res.add(getMove(field, dest, color)) return res proc genLegalMoves*(game: Game, field: int, color: Color): seq[Move] = ## Generates all legal moves starting from `field` in a `game` for a `color`. var legal_moves = newSeq[Move]() var target = ord(color) * game.pieces.getField(field) if 0 < target and target < EnPassantID: legal_moves = case target: of PawnID: game.genLegalPawnMoves(field, color) of KnightID: game.genLegalKnightMoves(field, color) of BishopID: game.genLegalBishopMoves(field, color) of RookID: game.genLegalRookMoves(field, color) of QueenID: game.genLegalQueenMoves(field, color) of KingID: game.genLegalKingMoves(field, color) else: @[] return legal_moves proc genLegalMoves*(game: Game, color: Color): seq[Move] = ## Generates all legal moves in a `game` for a `color`. var legal_moves = newSeq[Move]() for field in legal_moves.add(game.genLegalMoves(field, color)) return legal_moves proc castling(game: var Game, kstart: int, dest_kingside: bool, color: Color): bool {.discardable.} = ## Tries to castle in a given `game` with the king of a given `color` from `start`. ## `dest_kingside` for kingside castling, else castling is queenside. ## This process checks for the legality of the move and performs the switch of `game.to_move` try: if game.toMove != color: return false var kdest = kstart var rstart: int var rdest: int if (dest_kingside): kdest = kstart + (E+E) rstart = kstart + (E+E+E) rdest = rstart + (W+W) else: rstart = kstart + (W+W+W+W) rdest = rstart + (E+E+E) kdest = kstart + (W+W) if not game.moved.getField(kstart) and not game.moved.getField(rstart): var check = false if (dest_kingside): check = check or game.isAttacked(kstart, color) check = check or game.isAttacked(kstart+(E), color) check = check or game.isAttacked(kstart+(E+E), color) else: check = check or game.isAttacked(kstart, color) check = check or game.isAttacked(kstart+(W), color) check = check or game.isAttacked(kstart+(W+W), color) if check: return false game.uncheckedMove(kstart, kdest) game.uncheckedMove(rstart, rdest) return true return false except IndexDefect, ValueError: return false proc checkedMove*(game: var Game, move: Move): bool {.discardable.} = ## Tries to make a move in a given `game` with the piece of a given `color` from `start` to `dest`. ## This process checks for the legality of the move and performs the switch of `game.to_move` try: let start = move.start let dest = move.dest let color = move.color let prom = move.prom if game.toMove != color: return false var sequence = newSeq[Move]() let piece = game.pieces.getField(start) var create_en_passant = false var captured_en_passant = false var move: Move move = getMove(start, dest, color) if (piece == PawnID * ord(color)): create_en_passant = dest in game.genPawnDoubleDests(start, color) captured_en_passant = (game.pieces.getField(dest) == -1 * ord(color) * EnPassantID) sequence.add(game.genLegalMoves(start, color)) if (move in sequence): game.pieces.removeEnPassant(color) if (piece == KingID * ord(color) and (start - dest == (W+W))): return game.castling(start, true, color) elif (piece == KingID * ord(color) and (start - dest == (E+E))): return game.castling(start, false, color) else: game.uncheckedMove(start, dest) game.toMove = Color(ord(game.toMove)*(-1)) if create_en_passant: game.pieces.setField(dest-(N*ord(color)), EnPassantID * ord(color)) if captured_en_passant: game.pieces.setField(dest-(N*ord(color)), 0) if ((90 < dest and dest < 99) or (20 < dest and dest < 29)) and game.pieces.getField(dest) == PawnID * ord(color): game.pieces.setField(dest, prom) return true except IndexDefect, ValueError: return false proc hasNoMoves(game: Game, color: Color): bool = ## Checks if a player of a given `color` has no legal moves in a `game`. return (game.genLegalMoves(color) == @[]) proc isCheckmate*(game: Game, color: Color): bool = ## Checks if a player of a given `color` in a `game` is checkmate. return game.hasNoMoves(color) and game.isInCheck(color) proc isStalemate*(game: Game, color: Color): bool = ## Checks if a player of a given `color` in a `game` is stalemate. return game.hasNoMoves(color) and not game.isInCheck(color)