@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ const
## `BKing` is the value assigned to a square in a board with a black king.
N = 10 ## `N` describes a move a field up the board from whites perspective.
S = - N ## `S` describes a move a field down the board from whites perspective.
E = 1 ## `E` describes a move a field to the righ t from whites perspective.
W = - E ## `W` describes a move a field to the lef t from whites perspective.
W = 1 ## `W` describes a move a field to the lef t from whites perspective.
E = - W ## `E` describes a move a field to the righ t from whites perspective.
# Directions for the pieces. Special moves are in separate arrays.
Knight_Moves = @ [ N + N + E , N + N + W , E + E + N , E + E + S , S + S + E , S + S + W , W + W + N , W + W + S ] ## \
## `Knight_Moves` describes the possible knight moves.
@ -176,6 +176,8 @@ proc notationToMove*(notation: string, color: Color): Move =
## Convert and return simplified algebraic chess `notation` to a move object,
## color of player is `color`.
var move : Move
if notation . len < 4 :
return getMove ( - 1 , - 1 , - 1 , color )
var start = fieldToInd ( notation [ 0 .. 1 ] )
var dest = fieldToInd ( notation [ 2 .. 3 ] )
move = getMove ( start , dest , color )
@ -183,13 +185,13 @@ proc notationToMove*(notation: string, color: Color): Move =
var promStr = $ notation [ 4 ]
let prom = case promStr :
of " R " :
WRook * ord ( color )
of " B " :
WBishop * ord ( color )
of " N " :
WKnight * ord ( color )
else :
WQueen * ord ( color )
move = getMove ( start , dest , prom , color )
return move
@ -302,7 +304,7 @@ proc convertToFen*(chess: Chess): string =
var fen : string
var spaceOcc : int
var fileCounter = 0
for piece in chess . board . reversed :
for i, piece in chess . board . reversed :
if not ( piece = = Block ) :
if fileCounter = = 8 :
if spaceOcc ! = 0 :
@ -318,6 +320,8 @@ proc convertToFen*(chess: Chess): string =
spaceOcc = 0
pieces & = PieceChar [ piece ]
fileCounter + = 1
if i = = chess . board . reversed . high and spaceOcc > 0 :
pieces & = $ spaceOcc
fen & = pieces & " "
if chess . toMove = = Color . White :
fen & = " w "
@ -577,30 +581,18 @@ proc uncheckedMove(chess: var Chess, start: int, dest: int): bool {.discardable.
chess . board [ start ] = 0
chess . board [ dest ] = piece
if start = = fieldToInd ( " e1 " ) :
if chess . castleRights . wk or chess . castleRights . wq :
chess . previousBoard = @ [ ]
chess . castleRights . wk = false
chess . castleRights . wq = false
elif start = = fieldToInd ( " h1 " ) :
if chess . castleRights . wk :
chess . previousBoard = @ [ ]
chess . castleRights . wk = false
elif start = = fieldToInd ( " a1 " ) :
if chess . castleRights . wq :
chess . previousBoard = @ [ ]
chess . castleRights . wq = false
elif start = = fieldToInd ( " e8 " ) :
if chess . castleRights . bk or chess . castleRights . bq :
chess . previousBoard = @ [ ]
chess . castleRights . bk = false
chess . castleRights . bq = false
elif start = = fieldToInd ( " h8 " ) :
if chess . castleRights . bk :
chess . previousBoard = @ [ ]
chess . castleRights . bk = false
elif start = = fieldToInd ( " a8 " ) :
if chess . castleRights . bq :
chess . previousBoard = @ [ ]
chess . castleRights . bq = false
return true
@ -726,37 +718,37 @@ proc castling(chess: var Chess, kstart: int, dest_kingside: bool,
var rdest : int
var rights : bool
if ( dest_kingside ) :
kdest = kstart + ( E + E )
rstart = kstart + ( E + E + E )
rdest = rstart + ( W + W )
kdest = kstart + E + E
rstart = kstart + E + E + E
rdest = rstart + W + W
if ( color = = Color . White ) :
rights = chess . castleRights . wk
else :
rights = chess . castleRights . bk
else :
rstart = kstart + ( W + W + W + W )
r dest = rstart + ( E + E + E )
kdest = kstart + ( W + W )
kdest = kstart + W + W
r start = kstart + W + W + W + W
rdest = rstart + E + E + E
if ( color = = Color . White ) :
rights = chess . castleRights . b q
rights = chess . castleRights . w q
else :
rights = chess . castleRights . bq
if ( rights ) :
var check : bool
if ( dest_kingside ) :
check = check or chess . isAttacked ( kstart , color )
check = check or chess . isAttacked ( kstart + ( E ) , color )
check = check or chess . isAttacked ( kstart + ( E + E ) , color )
if chess . isAttacked ( kstart , color ) or chess . isAttacked ( kstart + E , color ) or
chess . isAttacked ( kstart + E + E , color ) or chess . board [ kstart + E ] ! = 0 or
chess . board [ kstart + E + E ] ! = 0 :
return false
else :
check = check or chess . isAttacked ( kstart , color )
check = check or chess . isAttacked ( kstart + ( W ) , color )
check = check or chess . isAttacked ( kstart + ( W + W ) , color )
if check :
return false
if chess . isAttacked ( kstart , color ) or chess . isAttacked ( kstart + W , color ) or
chess . isAttacked ( kstart + W + W , color ) or chess . board [ kstart + W ] ! = 0 or
chess . board [ kstart + W + W ] ! = 0 or chess . board [ kstart + W + W + W ] ! = 0 :
return false
chess . uncheckedMove ( kstart , kdest )
chess . uncheckedMove ( rstart , rdest )
chess . previousBoard = @ [ ]
chess . previousBoard = @ [ chess . board ]
chess . toMove = Color ( ord ( chess . toMove ) * ( - 1 ) )
chess . enPassantSquare = - 1
return true
return false
@ -776,6 +768,10 @@ proc checkedMove*(chess: var Chess, move: Move): bool {.discardable.} =
var fiftyMoveRuleReset : bool
var move : Move
move = getMove ( start , dest , color )
if ( piece = = WKing * ord ( color ) and ( start - dest = = ( W + W ) ) ) :
return chess . castling ( start , true , color )
elif ( piece = = WKing * ord ( color ) and ( start - dest = = ( E + E ) ) ) :
return chess . castling ( start , false , color )
if ( piece = = WPawn * ord ( color ) ) :
createEnPassant = dest in chess . genPawnDoubleDests ( start , color )
capturedEnPassant = ( dest = = chess . enPassantSquare )
@ -784,22 +780,13 @@ proc checkedMove*(chess: var Chess, move: Move): bool {.discardable.} =
fiftyMoveRuleReset = true
if ( move in chess . genLegalMoves ( start , color ) ) :
chess . enPassantSquare = - 1
if ( piece = = WKing * ord ( color ) and ( start - dest = = ( W + W ) ) ) :
return chess . castling ( start , true , color )
elif ( piece = = WKing * ord ( color ) and ( start - dest = = ( E + E ) ) ) :
return chess . castling ( start , false , color )
else :
chess . uncheckedMove ( start , dest )
chess . uncheckedMove ( start , dest )
chess . toMove = Color ( ord ( chess . toMove ) * ( - 1 ) )
if createEnPassant :
if chess . board [ dest + E ] = = BPawn * ord ( color ) or
chess . board [ dest + W ] = = BPawn * ord ( color ) :
chess . enPassantSquare = dest - ( N * ord ( color ) )
if capturedEnPassant :
chess . board [ dest - ( N * ord ( color ) ) ] = 0
if ( ( fieldToInd ( " h8 " ) < dest and dest < fieldToInd ( " a8 " ) ) or
( fieldToInd ( " h1 " ) < dest and dest < fieldToInd ( " a1 " ) ) ) and
chess. board [ dest ] = = WPawn * ord ( color ) :
if ( ( fieldToInd ( " h8 " ) < = dest and dest < = fieldToInd ( " a8 " ) ) or
( fieldToInd ( " h1 " ) < = dest and dest < = fieldToInd ( " a1 " ) ) ) and
piece = = WPawn * ord ( color ) :
chess . board [ dest ] = prom
chess . previousBoard . add ( chess . board )
chess . halfMoveClock = chess . halfMoveClock + 1
@ -807,7 +794,11 @@ proc checkedMove*(chess: var Chess, move: Move): bool {.discardable.} =
chess . fullMoveCounter + = 1
if fiftyMoveRuleReset :
chess . halfMoveClock = 0
chess . previousBoard = @ [ ]
chess . previousBoard = @ [ chess . board ]
if createEnPassant and ( chess . board [ dest + E ] = = BPawn * ord ( color ) or
chess . board [ dest + W ] = = BPawn * ord ( color ) ) :
chess . enPassantSquare = dest - ( N * ord ( color ) )
chess . previousBoard = @ [ ]
return true
proc isCheckmate * ( chess : Chess , color : Color ) : bool =