chess: Moved replaced with CastleRights

Moved was a 10x12 1-d array, that stored bools.
It was only used for checking if a pawn moved (especially important for
the double move of the pawns) and if the other pieces moved (important
for checking if the player can castle or not).
The pawn moves are now checked by the starting position (pawns on the
second rank cant be already moved).
The castle rights of a game are expressed as CastleRights, a tuple with 4 bools.
This saves basically 116 boolean values.
TiynGER 4 years ago
parent c91bf64047
commit 0a0accb3d0

@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ type
White = 1
Board* = array[0..119, int] ## \
## `Board` saves the position of the chess pieces.
Moved* = array[0..119, bool] ## \
## `Moved` saves the position of squares a piece moved on or from.
CastleRights = tuple
## `CastleRights` contains the rights to castling for each player.
wk: bool # `wk` describes White kingside castle
@ -19,11 +17,11 @@ type
Game* = object
## `Game` stores all important information of a chess game.
board*: Board
moved: Moved
toMove*: Color
previousBoard: seq[Board]
previousCastleRights: seq[CastleRights]
fiftyMoveCounter: int
castleRights: CastleRights
Move* = object
## `Move` stores all important information for a move.
start: int
@ -246,16 +244,11 @@ proc initBoard(board: array[0..63, int]): Board =
Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Block]
return board
proc initMoved(): Moved =
## Create and return a board of pieces moved.
var moved: Moved
return moved
proc initGame*(): Game =
## Create and return a Game object.
let game = Game(board: initBoard(), moved: initMoved(),
let game = Game(board: initBoard(),
to_move: Color.White, previousBoard: @[], previousCastleRights: @[],
fiftyMoveCounter: 0)
fiftyMoveCounter: 0, castleRights: (true, true, true, true))
return game
proc initGame*(board: array[0..63, int], color: Color): Game =
@ -263,14 +256,26 @@ proc initGame*(board: array[0..63, int], color: Color): Game =
## `board` describes the pieces, `color` the color that is about to move.
let board = initBoard(board)
let compare = initBoard()
var moved = initMoved()
var same_piece: bool
var wk = false
var wq = false
var bk = false
var bq = false
if (board[fieldToInd("e1")] == compare[fieldToInd("e1")]):
if (board[fieldToInd("a1")] == compare[fieldToInd("a1")]):
wq = true
if (board[fieldToInd("h1")] == compare[fieldToInd("h1")]):
wk = true
if (board[fieldToInd("e8")] == compare[fieldToInd("e8")]):
if (board[fieldToInd("a8")] == compare[fieldToInd("a8")]):
bq = true
if (board[fieldToInd("h8")] == compare[fieldToInd("h8")]):
bk = true
for ind in board.low..board.high:
same_piece = (board[ind] != compare[ind])
moved[ind] = same_piece
let game = Game(board: board, moved: moved,
let game = Game(board: board,
to_move: color, previousBoard: @[], previousCastleRights: @[],
fiftyMoveCounter: 0)
fiftyMoveCounter: 0, castleRights: (wk, wq, bk, bq))
return game
proc echoBoard*(game: Game, color: Color) =
@ -296,14 +301,6 @@ proc echoBoard*(game: Game, color: Color) =
echo line_str
echo "a b c d e f g h"
proc genCastleRights(moved: Moved): CastleRights =
## Generate and return rights to castle from given `moved`
let wk = not moved[fieldToInd("e1")] and not moved[fieldToInd("h1")]
let wq = not moved[fieldToInd("e1")] and not moved[fieldToInd("a1")]
let bk = not moved[fieldToInd("e8")] and not moved[fieldToInd("h8")]
let bq = not moved[fieldToInd("e8")] and not moved[fieldToInd("a8")]
return (wk, wq, bk, bq)
proc genPawnAttackDests(game: Game, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] =
## Generate possible attack destinations for a pawn with specific `color`
## located at index `field` of `game`.
@ -337,9 +334,13 @@ proc genPawnDoubleDests(game: Game, field: int, color: Color): seq[int] =
if (not dest in
target = game.board[dest]
if (game.moved[field] or (target != 0) or (
if ((target != 0) or (
game.board[dest+(S*ord(color))] != 0)):
if (color == Color.White and not (field in fieldToInd("h2")..fieldToInd("a2"))):
if (color == Color.Black and not (field in fieldToInd("h7")..fieldToInd("a7"))):
return res
@ -538,8 +539,22 @@ proc uncheckedMove(game: var Game, start: int, dest: int): bool {.discardable.}
let piece = game.board[start]
game.board[start] = 0
game.board[dest] = piece
game.moved[start] = true
game.moved[dest] = true
if (start == fieldToInd("e1") or start == fieldToInd("a1")):
game.castleRights.wq = false
if (start == fieldToInd("e1") or start == fieldToInd("h1")):
game.castleRights.wk = false
if (start == fieldToInd("e8") or start == fieldToInd("a8")): = false
if (start == fieldToInd("e8") or start == fieldToInd("h8")):
game.castleRights.bk = false
if (dest == fieldToInd("e1") or dest == fieldToInd("a1")):
game.castleRights.wq = false
if (dest == fieldToInd("e1") or dest == fieldToInd("h1")):
game.castleRights.wk = false
if (dest == fieldToInd("e8") or dest == fieldToInd("a8")): = false
if (dest == fieldToInd("e8") or dest == fieldToInd("h8")):
game.castleRights.bk = false
return true
proc moveLeadsToCheck(game: Game, start: int, dest: int,
@ -681,15 +696,24 @@ proc castling(game: var Game, kstart: int, dest_kingside: bool,
var kdest = kstart
var rstart: int
var rdest: int
var rights = false
if (dest_kingside):
kdest = kstart + (E+E)
rstart = kstart + (E+E+E)
rdest = rstart + (W+W)
if (color == Color.White):
rights = game.castleRights.wk
rights = game.castleRights.bk
rstart = kstart + (W+W+W+W)
rdest = rstart + (E+E+E)
kdest = kstart + (W+W)
if not game.moved[kstart] and not game.moved[rstart]:
if (color == Color.White):
rights =
rights =
if (rights):
var check = false
if (dest_kingside):
check = check or game.isAttacked(kstart, color)
@ -756,7 +780,7 @@ proc checkedMove*(game: var Game, move: Move): bool {.discardable.} =
var prevBoard = game.previousBoard
var prevCastle = game.previousCastleRights
game.fiftyMoveCounter = game.fiftyMoveCounter + 1
if fiftyMoveRuleReset:
game.fiftyMoveCounter = 0
