# CUPS [CUPS](https://www.cups.org/) is a open source printing software developed for unix and unix-like systems. ## Setup The software can be setup via [Docker](/wiki/docker.md) with the [linuxserver image](./docker/linuxserver_-_airsonic.md). Additionally to this a client is needed on the system that need access to the server software. ### Client To use CUPS an additional client software is needed. For Linux computers follow these instructions: - Install the CUPS-client package (in Arch Linux it is included in `cups`) - Edit `/etc/cups/client.conf` and insert `ServerName :631` - Restart the CUPS service: `systemctl restart cups` - Test connectivity: `lpstat -r` - Check the detected printers with: `lpstat -v` ## Usage This section addresses the usage of the CUPS. ### Adding a Printer A printer can be added using the webinterface. The webinterface is normally reachable on port 631. This process is guided and should be self-explanatory. However in some cases additional drivers have to be installed. For example Brother label printers of the ptouch series feature drivers that are available for most [Linux](/wiki/linux.md) distributions in a package named `printer-driver-ptouch`. When adding the printer a network address has to be given. For USB printers this can be done via the USB protocol. Continuing the example Brother label Printer QL-600 the connection `usb://Brother/QL-600` is sufficient. When using multiple printers the serial number can be given in addition to this. This is done by appending it the the mentioned connection string and will look like `usb://Brother/QL-600?serial=000J1Z140282`. The examples using the Brother printer are taken from a [dwaves article](https://dwaves.de/2022/07/13/gnu-linux-debian-11-how-to-setup-brother-ql-600-labelprinter/).