# Owncloud This is a dockerized version of an owncloud server. The official container and documentation was made by [owncloud](https://hub.docker.com/_/owncloud). This docker-rebuild is made up by a ```docker-compose.yml``` file. The services in this files are explained seperately. ## Owncloud ### Volumes Set the following volumes in the ```volumes:``` section of the docker-compose file. | Volume-Name | Container mount | Description | | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------------- | | owncloud | /var/www/html | storage for owncloud plugins | | config | /var/www/html/config | storage for owncloud config | ### Ports Set the following ports in the ```ports:``` section. | Container Port | Recommended outside port | Protocol | Description | | -------------- | ------------------------ | -------- | ----------- | | 80 | 80 | TCP | WebUI | ## Maria DB ### Environment-variables Set the following environment-variables in the ```environment:``` section of the docker-compose file. | Name | Usage | Default | | ------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------- | | MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD | set the mysql admin password | | ### Volumes Set the following volumes in the ```volumes:``` section of the docker-compose file. | Volume-Name | Container mount | Description | | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------------- | | mariadb | /var/lib/mysql | storage for owncloud data |