# Mordhau ## Setup Server ### Docker The official container and documentation was made by [tetricz](https://hub.docker.com/r/tetricz/mordhau-server). #### Environment-variables Set the following variables with the -e tag. | Name | Usage | Default | | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------- | | QUERYPORT | port for query mordhau | | | GAME\_PORT | port for mordhau game | | | BEACONPORT | port for mordhau beacon | | | STEAM\_CONNECT | set to tell if you want to connect to steam | | | STEAMID64 | set the serve owner steamid | | | UID | users userid to run | | | GID | users groupid to run | | | GAME\_MODE | specify mordhau game mode | | | PLAYER\_COUNT | set a playercount limit | | | SERVER\_NAME | set a servername | | | SERVER\_PASSWORD | set a password | | | ADMIN\_PASSWORD | set an admin password | | #### Volumes Set the following volumes with the -v tag. | Volume-Name | Container mount | Description | | ---------------- | -------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | | mordhau | /serverdata/mordhau | storage for mordhau server relevant data | | mordhau\_steamcmd | /serverdata/steamcmd | storage for steam related data | #### Ports Set the following ports with the -p tag. | Container Port | Recommended outside port | Protocol | Description | | -------------- | ------------------------ | -------- | ----------------- | | 7777 | 7777 | UDP | mordhau internal | | 15000 | 15000 | UDP | mordhau internal | | 27015 | 27015 | UDP | mordhau internal | #### Start ``` #!/bin/sh docker pull tetricz/mordhau-server docker run --name=mordhau \ --restart=unless-stopped \ -p 27015:27015/udp \ -p 7777:7777/udp \ -p 15000:15000/udp \ -v mordhau:/serverdata/mordhau \ -v mordhau_steamcmd:/serverdata/steamcmd \ -e QUERYPORT=27015 \ -e GAME_PORT=7777 \ -e BEACONPORT=15000 \ -e STEAM_CONNECT=True \ -e STEAMID64="tmp" \ -e UID=99 \ -e GID=100 \ -e GAME_MODE=SKM \ -e PLAYER_COUNT="16" \ -e SERVER_NAME="tmp" \ -e SERVER_PASSWORD="tmp" \ -e ADMIN_PASSWORD="tmp" \ tetricz/mordhau-server ``` #### Stop ``` #/bin/sh docker stop mordhau docker rm mordhau ```