# Transmission [Transmission](https://transmissionbt.com/) is a free and cross-platform [BitTorrent](/wiki/bittorrent.md) client. ## Setup The software can be setup via [Docker](/wiki/docker.md) with the [haugene image](./docker-images/haugene_-_transmission-openvpn.md) that includes an openvpn tunnel. ## Limiting Upload When the downloaded torrent should not be seeded the best way is enabling and setting `Stop seeding at ratio:` to `0` under `Torrents` in the settings. This will stop the process of seeding once a package is downloaded allowing other torrents to start downloading. ## Change Number of Concurrent Downloads The default number of concurrent downloads is set to 5. To increase this number edit the file `~/.config/transmission/settings.json` inside the system that runs Transmission and change change the following line to the preferred number of downloads. When running [the haugene image](./docker-images/haugene_-_transmission-openvpn.md) the file is located at `/config/transmission-home/settings.json`. ```txt "download-queue-size": 5 ```