@ -199,7 +199,20 @@ en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
- `passwd` - set password for the root account
- `systemctl enable NetworkManager.service`
## 11. Finish the setup
## 11. Optional Steps
In [Arch Linux](/wiki/linux/arch-linux.md) 32-bit software is managed via the `multilib`
repository, which is for example needed for the `steam` package.
Due to it not being enabled by default, this has to be
[done manually](/wiki/linux/package_manager.md#enabling-multilib).
For this navigate to `/etc/pacman.conf` and find and uncomment the following lines.
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
## 12. Finish the setup
- `exit` - exit the installed system
- `umount /mnt/{boot,}` - unmount all partitions
@ -210,7 +223,7 @@ en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
If the system is installed in a virtual environment or a system with deactivated
UEFI, don't forget to enable the EFI option, otherwise the system won't boot.
## 12. Further steps and graphical environment
## 13. Further steps and graphical environment
Now you can follow the recommended larbs installation script of this wiki
(`curl -LO larbs.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tiyn/larbs/master/larbs.sh`)