arch linux: expanded unbootable medium fixes

tiyn 4 months ago
parent ca8868a5e8
commit e1e5f84aaa

@ -85,7 +85,13 @@ Now the command line of the system can be accessed for troubleshooting.
After troubleshooting `exit` the system and [unmount](/wiki/linux/ all previously
mounted file systems and try to boot back into the system.
Probably the most common source for not bootable systems is
If the system broke during an update then the easiest way to fix it, is by running the same update
command again.
The used command can be found in `/var/log/pacman.log`.
Make sure to run exactly this command.
Afterwards try to reboot into the system.
Another common source for not bootable systems is
[the initial ramdisk](#problems-with-the-initial-ramdisk).
### Problems with the Initial Ramdisk
