@ -6,14 +6,15 @@ MTG is published by [Wizards of the Coast](https://company.wizards.com) - which
reffered to as Wizards.
reffered to as Wizards.
In Magic: The Gathering there are many different formats that are all listed on
In Magic: The Gathering there are many different formats that are all listed on
[the official website](https://magic.wizards.com/en/formats).
[the official website](https://magic.wizards.com/en/formats).
Rules can also be found on [Wizards website](https://magic.wizards.com/en/rules).
## Playing Online
## Playing Online
There is a fully digital and online version of MTG called
There is a fully digital and online version of MTG called
[Magic: The Gathering Arena](https://magic.wizards.com/mtgarena) - or MTGA for short - that has
[Magic: The Gathering Arena](https://magic.wizards.com/mtgarena) - or MTGA for short - that has
nearly the same rules as the tabletop variant.
nearly the same rules as the tabletop variant.
Another alternative to playing fully digital is [Magic: The Gathering Online](https://www.mtgo.com)
Another alternative to playing fully digital is [Magic: The Gathering Online](https://www.mtgo.com).
This is also known as MTG Online or MTGO.
It is also possible to remotely play with tabletop cards.
It is also possible to remotely play with tabletop cards.
This is most easily done on [Spelltable](https://spelltable.wizards.com/) which is an official
This is most easily done on [Spelltable](https://spelltable.wizards.com/) which is an official
@ -107,3 +108,156 @@ The following sites sell MTGO tix and rent cards.
to buy tix.
to buy tix.
Lastly [decklist.org](https://decklist.org/) can be used to neatly print out decklists.
Lastly [decklist.org](https://decklist.org/) can be used to neatly print out decklists.
## Deck Building
A central part of MTG is the composition of cards to a deck.
This section addresses the act of building a deck and important topics regarding deck composition.
Starting with the general topics of deck building this section will then split into multiple
subsections for building decks of different deck size.
This following general part is mainly based on a
[video by Pompeius IIb.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a37dLTiV58o).
It is generally recommended to stick with the minimum number of allowed cards in a format for a
This will assure that cards that are in the deck have a higher possibility to be drawn or in the
starting hand.
The first step of building a deck is setting up a clear strategy.
There are 3 main strategies.
Aggro decks are meant to build pressure and end the game fastly.
They are generally proactive and have minimal interaction with the opponent.
On the other side of the spectrum are control decks.
They counter the opponent and neutralize their strategy.
Due to this they are reactive.
These type of decks usually use a lot of card draw to get the advantage and find the correct counter
for a given opponent.
As a third theme combo decks use a combination of cards that are meant to finish the game.
They are based on finding these cards and performing the combo.
These kind of decks can use loops that can take a long time or even are infinite.
There are also combination of these strategies.
Aggro and control decks are called tempo or midrange decks.
Control and combo decks use the combo as a finisher to the game but are generally similar to control
The combination of aggro and control are generally fast, non-interactive and are synergy based Aggro
To find a strategy for your needs the following three questions are important to answer.
- How to end the game?
- When to end the game?
- How many interactions with the opponent?
The other big topic in deck building is card selection.
For picking a card multiple things have to be considered.
The card has to be efficient mana-wise.
It should therefore always be compared to other cards that are played similarly.
For creatures without any bonus attributes it is said that 1 Power and 1 Toughness per Mana is a
good starting point.
Additionally cards should fit the strategy and shouldn't be too specific.
Modal spells (1 card with multiple options) can be useful to be prepared for different
situations without too specific cards
They shouldn't be "win-more"-card and play good on their own.
The cards selected should include some few good concepts and synergies between cards.
Another thing to consider is the mana curve.
Mana curve describes the histogram of the mana values of the cards in a deck.
The curve should always begin at 1 and when the point is reached that wasspecified to end the game.
Using mana-acceleration a turn and its mana cost on the curve can be reduced or skipped.
The mana base is the land cards that are in a deck.
The mana base should include the right colors in the right ratio.
This ration can be calculated by calculating the mean of all used mana colors.
Sometimes it can be useful to increase the mana color of cards that are needed very early in the
game to ensure they can be played.
In non-mono decks double lands are useful but their restrictions they come with should be noted.
Approximately 1/3 of a deck should be reserved for land cards.
### Building a 60 Card Deck
This section will focus on the building of a 60 card deck.
60 cards per deck is the minimum requirement for most formats like standard, modern and more.
For 100 card decks navigate to the [following section](#building-a-100-card-deck)
This section is also mainly based on a
[video by german YouTuber Pompeius IIb.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a37dLTiV58o).
All tipps that are in the [above section](#deck-building) are to be considered in this section too.
As a rule of thumb the number of lands in a 60 card deck should be around
`18 + [cost of the most expensive card] (+- 1)`.
It is recommended to use playsets (4 cards) of cards or use multiple cards that are similar to
reduce the possibilities of draws.
### Building a 100 Card Deck
This section will focus on the building of a 100 card deck.
100 cards per deck is most notably the minimum requirement for the commander format.
Therefor this section will mostly focus on commander
For 60 card decks navigate to the [previous section](#building-a-60-card-deck)
All tipps that are in the [above section](#deck-building) are to be considered in this section too.
For commander decks it is also important to select a commander to build the deck around.
Selecting the commander should be done in a step before choosing the strategy.
There are four main templates to build a commander.
The first three templates are fairly similar and will be explained as one in the
[following section](#9x7-8x8-and-7x9-deck-templates).
The last in the [section thereafter](#the-command-zone-deck-template).
#### 9x7, 8x8 and 7x9 Deck Templates
This section is mainly based on a [EDH Wiki entry](https://edh.fandom.com/wiki/7_by_9).
These three templates are considered to be very flexible.
Each theory gives a number of categories and a number of cards in that category.
Those categories of cards are intended to use many cards with similar effects to make the deck more
robust and redundant to draw similar cards consistently.
The categories are usually a combination of the following ones - though other categories are
- Card Draw
- Ramp
- Board Wipes
- Spot Removal
- Protection
- Reanimation Spells
- Tutors
- Haste Enablers
- Counterspells
- Buffs
- Blink Spells
- Token Makers
- Lifegain
- Lifegain Payoffs
- Graveyard Hate
- Pet Cards
- Miscellaneous
The three templates are the following:
The first is 7 categories by 9 cards (7x9) which will leave 36 cards for the mana base.
8 categories by 8 cards (8x8) which will leave 35 cards for the mana base.
9 categories by 7 cards (9x7) which will leave 36 cards for the mana base.
The category number and sizes can be adjusted.
It is considered that 10 cards in a category will make 2 cards of that category appear in a game and
a good chance to draw one card of that category in the starting hand.
categories with 5 cards are considered to make 1 card of that category appear in a game.
#### The Command Zone Deck Template
The fourth template is a template made by [Command Zone](https://www.youtube.com/@commandcast).
This section is therefore based on the corresponding
[video by Command Zone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K9PEeLG_6M).
It specifies the following categories and number cards in them.
The first card is the commander.
36 to 38 cards are used for the mana base.
10 cards are used for mana ramp.
10 cards are used for card draw.
5 cards each are used for targeted removal and board wipes.
The remaining 31 to 33 cards are used for the intended game strategy and deck plan.