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Audio is an important point in a linux desktop environment
Audio is an important point in a linux desktop environment
## Pulseaudio
[Pulseaudio](https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio) is the go-to
audio server program for linux distributions.
## Noise cancellation
## Noise cancellation
Noise cancellation can be achieved by installing
Noise cancellation can be easily achieved by installing
This works for `pulseaudio` and `pipewire`.
After the installation modify the `Voice Activation Threshhold` to your needs.
After the installation modify the `Voice Activation Threshhold` to your needs.
## Pipewire
[Pipewire](https://pipewire.org) is a graph based processing engine for
`pulseaudio` and `JACK`.
It makes improvements for the input and output handling.
### Installation
If the current audio server program running is `pulseaudio`, you can just
install `pipewire-pulse` (on Arch-based distros or according packages on other
distros) and pipewire is running.
Make sure to restart to be sure everything is running correctly.
### Noise cancellation
Noise cancellation can be easily achieved in `pipewire`-style by installing
Make sure to check the box `Process all Inputs` and `Process all Outputs` to
route everything through `easyeffects`.
Make log out of your system afterwards.
To enable noise cancellation navigate `Inputs` and click `Plugins`.
After that click `Add Plugin` and select `Noise Reduction`.