diff --git a/wiki/games/minecraft.md b/wiki/games/minecraft.md index 5df477c..d31d83f 100644 --- a/wiki/games/minecraft.md +++ b/wiki/games/minecraft.md @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ The following resources have been used to find and select modifications and reso Goal of these is a slight change of the vanilla experience. The first category that will be discussed are the server mods. -The following changes are recommended to install on the server to improve performance. +The following changes are recommended to install server-side to improve performance. - "Concurrent Chunk Management Engine" is a mod that introduces a concurrently working chunk management engine. @@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ The following changes are recommended to install on the server to improve perfor - "ModernFix" is a mod that introduces more general optimizations. - "Noisium" is a mod that speeds up the world generation function. - "spark" is a mod that does not improve performance but enables operators to monitor it. +- "Chunky" is a mod that adds commands to pregenerate chunks. After the performance mods have been listed the next mods that will be discussed are focussed on gameplay. @@ -131,6 +132,14 @@ The following changes are recommended to install on the server for gameplay reas The key to use can be changed on a per user basis by installing the mod client-side. - "Cycle Paintings" is a mod that lets player cycle through the motifs of a painting by right-clicking it with another painting. +- "NetherPortalFix" is a mod that fixes some behaviour for Nether Portals that overlap. +- "Beautified Chat (Server)" is a mod that changes style and color of the chat. +- "AfkPlus" is a mod that adds AFK functionality that allows ignoring AFK players in the sleep + percentage. +- "Scaffolding Drops Nearby" is a mod that makes all scaffolding be dropped on the place of the + broken scaffolding. +- "Glowing Eyeblossom" is a mod that makes eyeblossoms glow. +- "Glowing Torchflower" is a mod that makes torchflowers glow. Finally for the server-side mods the following ones are focussed on graphical changes. @@ -158,6 +167,7 @@ The following modifications are recommended client-side performance mods. Additionally it changes the look of the video options to be more in line with Minecrafts other options. A similar mod to this is "Reese's Sodium Options". +- "More Culling" is a mod that introduces more culling. The following are recommended client-side graphical mods. @@ -232,6 +242,27 @@ The following are recommended client-side graphical mods. additional loading bar. - "More Heart Types" is a mod that changes the heart style based on the type of damage the player is taking. +- "Endless End Rods" from Vanilla Tweaks is a resource pack that removes the base off of end rods. +- "Brighter Nether" from Vanilla Tweaks is a resource pack that increases the brightness of the + nether blocks. +- "Variated Villagers" from Vanilla Tweaks is a resource pack that changes the skin of villagers + depending on the biome. +- "Quieter Villagers" from Vanilla Tweaks is a resource pack that sets the volume of villagers + much lower. +- "Clear Banner Patterns" from Vanilla Tweaks is a resource pack that changes the appearance of + banner patterns to be more clear. +- "Music Disc Redstone Level Preview" from Vanilla Tweaks is a resource pack that displays the + redstone level of a music disc in game. +- "Rename 'Stem' to 'Log'" from Vanilla Tweaks is a resource pack that changes the Nether woods to + use 'Stem' instead of 'Log'. +- "Icons" is a ressource pack that adds icons into the menu and game. + Additionally "Icons Advertisement Removal" removes the logo of the "Icons" ressource pack. +- "Hoffen's Minimal Armor" is a ressource pack that minimizes the look of armor. +- "Vertical Nuggets" is a ressource pack that flips all nuggets to be vertical. +- "Colorful Canines" is a ressource pack that makes dog armor more colorful. +- "Colorful Sheared Sheep" is a ressource pack that makes the color of sheep wool visible even + after the shearing. +- "Real Arrrow Tip" is a ressource pack that makes the look of arrows correct ingame. The following are recommended client-side audio mods. @@ -278,6 +309,9 @@ The following are recommended client-side HUD and other UI modifications It is similar to "GUI Perfected" but also includes chests, etc. - "Scribble" is a mod that makes editing books easier by adding buttons for color, bold font and more. +- "Chat Patches" is a mod that extends the chat history and adds some more tweaks. +- "Armor Chroma for Fabric" is a ressource pack that shows the type of armor in the bar. +- "Colorful Ping" is a ressource pack that shows the ping symbol in color. The following are possible client-side mods that change the gameplay or give other information in the game.