local colors = {} colors.get_colors = function() local mycolors = {} ---@type table mycolors = { -- ui bg = "#191919", bg_alt = "#0D1016", fg = "#D4D4D4", fg_alt = "#CE9178", cursor = "#AEAFAD", accent = "#C586C0", accent_alt = "#608B4E", ui = "#4D5566", color_column = "#1C1C1C", popup = "#272727", border = "#242A35", border_alt = "#393F4D", fg_idle = "#FFD602", -- syntax tag = "#9CDCFE", func = "#DCDCAA", entity = "#9CDCFE", string = "#CE9178", regexp = "#D16969", markup = "#C586C0", keyword = "#C586C0", special = "#D7BA7D", comment = "#608B4E", constant = "#4FC1FE", bold = "#569CD6", operator = "#C586C0", number = "#B5CEA8", -- git added_fg = "#6A9955", added_bg = "#0E1F17", modified_fg = "#569CD6", modified_fg_alt = "#004080", modified_bg = "#223255", removed_fg = "#D16969", removed_bg = "#190E11", -- bonus visual_fg = "#C586C0", -- lsp error = "#FB0101", warning = "#FFD602", hint = "#608B4E", -- line line_fg = "#D4D4D4", line_bg = "#272727", line_bg_alt = "#0D1016", line_visual = "#C586C0", line_normal = "#569CD6", line_insert = "#6A9955", line_replace = "#D16969", line_contrast = "#CE9178", } -- Extend the colors with overrides passed by `color_overrides` local config = require('tccs.config') if config.opts.color_overrides then mycolors = vim.tbl_extend('force', mycolors, config.opts.color_overrides) end return mycolors end return colors