@ -1,72 +1,46 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Mofiqul Islam
-- Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Mofiqul Islam
-- MIT license, see LICENSE for more details.
-- MIT license, see LICENSE for more details.
local config = require('tccs.config')
local config = require('tccs.config')
local tccs = {}
local c = require('tccs.colors').get_colors()
local colors = {}
local line_c = {
if vim.o.background == 'dark' then
fg_prim = c.fg,
colors.inactive = '#666666'
bg_prim = c.bg_alt,
colors.bg = '#262626'
fg_sec = c.fg,
colors.bg2 = '#373737'
bg_sec = c.panel_shadow,
colors.fg = '#ffffff'
visual = c.operator,
colors.red = '#f44747'
insert = c.comment,
colors.green = '#4EC9B0'
normal = c.entity,
colors.blue = '#0a7aca'
replace = c.vcs_removed,
colors.lightblue = '#5CB6F8'
contrast = c.string,
colors.yellow = '#ffaf00'
colors.pink = '#DDB6F2'
colors.inactive = '#888888'
colors.bg = '#F5F5F5'
colors.bg2 = '#E4E4E4'
colors.fg = '#343434'
colors.red = '#FF0000'
colors.green = '#008000'
colors.blue = '#AF00DB'
colors.lightblue = '#0451A5'
colors.yellow = '#ffaf00'
colors.pink = '#FFA3A3'
tccs.normal = {
a = { fg = vim.o.background == 'dark' and colors.fg or colors.bg, bg = colors.blue, gui = 'bold' },
b = { fg = colors.blue, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or colors.bg2 },
c = { fg = colors.fg, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or colors.bg },
tccs.visual = {
a = { fg = colors.bg, bg = colors.yellow, gui = 'bold' },
b = { fg = colors.yellow, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or colors.bg },
tccs.inactive = {
return {
a = { fg = colors.fg, bg = colors.bg, gui = 'bold' },
normal = {
b = { fg = colors.inactive, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or colors.bg },
a = { fg = line_c.bg_prim, bg = line_c.insert, gui = 'bold' },
c = { fg = colors.inactive, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or colors.bg },
b = { fg = line_c.fg_prim, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or line_c.bg_sec },
c = { fg = line_c.fg_sec, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or line_c.bg_prim },
insert = {
a = { fg = line_c.bg_prim, bg = line_c.normal, gui = 'bold' },
b = { fg = line_c.fg_prim, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or line_c.bg_sec },
visual = {
a = { fg = line_c.bg_prim, bg = line_c.visual, gui = 'bold' },
b = { fg = line_c.fg_prim, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or line_c.bg_sec },
replace = {
a = { fg = line_c.bg_prim, bg = line_c.replace, gui = 'bold' },
b = { fg = line_c.fg_prim, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or line_c.bg_sec },
command = {
a = { fg = line_c.bg_prim, bg = line_c.contrast, gui = 'bold' },
b = { fg = line_c.fg_prim, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or line_c.bg_sec },
c = { fg = line_c.fg_sec, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or line_c.bg_prim },
inactive = {
a = { fg = line_c.fg_prim, bg = line_c.bg_sec, gui = 'bold' },
b = { fg = line_c.fg_prim, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or line_c.bg_sec },
c = { fg = line_c.fg_prim, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or line_c.bg_prim },
tccs.replace = {
a = { fg = vim.o.background == 'dark' and colors.bg or colors.fg, bg = colors.red, gui = 'bold' },
b = { fg = colors.red, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or colors.bg2 },
c = { fg = colors.fg, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or colors.bg },
tccs.insert = {
a = { fg = vim.o.background == 'dark' and colors.bg or colors.fg, bg = colors.green, gui = 'bold' },
b = { fg = colors.green, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or colors.bg2 },
c = { fg = colors.fg, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or colors.bg },
tccs.terminal = {
a = { fg = vim.o.background == 'dark' and colors.bg or colors.fg, bg = colors.green, gui = 'bold' },
b = { fg = colors.fg, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or colors.bg2 },
c = { fg = colors.fg, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or colors.bg },
tccs.command = {
a = { fg = vim.o.background == 'dark' and colors.bg or colors.fg, bg = colors.pink, gui = 'bold' },
b = { fg = colors.pink, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or colors.bg2 },
c = { fg = colors.fg, bg = config.opts.transparent and 'NONE' or colors.bg },
return tccs