cleanup colors

tiyn 2 years ago
parent ca17628bbb
commit 5e5fc43b4a

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ local c = require('tccs.colors').get_colors()
local line_c = {
fg_prim = c.fg,
bg_prim = c.panel_bg,
bg_sec = c.panel_shadow,
bg_prim =,
bg_sec = c.bg_alt,
visual = c.operator,
insert = c.comment,
normal = c.entity,

@ -3,45 +3,36 @@ colors.get_colors = function()
local mycolors = {} ---@type table<string,string>
mycolors = {
-- common
accent = "#C586C0",
bg = "#191919",
-- bg_alt = "#121212",
fg = "#D4D4D4",
ui = "#4D5566",
-- ui
bg = "#191919",
bg_alt = "#0D1016",
fg = "#D4D4D4",
accent = "#C586C0",
ui = "#4D5566",
color_column = "#772222",
popup = "#272727",
guide_active = "#393F4D",
guide_normal = "#242A35",
-- syntax
tag = "#9CDCFE",
func = "#DCDCAA",
entity = "#9CDCFE",
string = "#CE9178",
regexp = "#D16969",
markup = "#C586C0",
keyword = "#C586C0",
special = "#D7BA7D",
comment = "#608B4E",
constant = "#D4D4D4",
operator = "#C586C0",
error = "#FF0000",
tag = "#9CDCFE",
func = "#DCDCAA",
entity = "#9CDCFE",
string = "#CE9178",
regexp = "#D16969",
markup = "#C586C0",
keyword = "#C586C0",
special = "#D7BA7D",
comment = "#608B4E",
constant = "#D4D4D4",
operator = "#C586C0",
error = "#FF0000",
-- extended color palette
fg_idle = "#FFFF00",
warning = "#FFFF00",
-- ui
-- line = "#00010A",
line_alt = "#772222",
panel_bg = "#0D1016",
panel_shadow = "#00010A",
-- panel_border = "#000000",
-- gutter_normal = "#323945",
-- gutter_active = "#464D5E",
-- selection_bg = "#273747",
selection_inactive = "#272727",
-- selection_border = "#304357",
guide_active = "#393F4D",
guide_normal = "#242A35",
fg_idle = "#FFFF00",
warning = "#FFFF00",
-- vcs
vcs_added = "#608B4E",
vcs_modified = "#9CDCFE",
vcs_removed = "#D16969",
vcs_added = "#608B4E",
vcs_modified = "#9CDCFE",
vcs_removed = "#D16969",
-- Extend the colors with overrides passed by `color_overrides`

@ -5,19 +5,19 @@ theme.set_highlights = function(opts)
local c = require('tccs.colors').get_colors()
hl(0, 'Normal', { fg = c.fg, bg = })
hl(0, 'ColorColumn', { bg = c.line_alt })
hl(0, 'ColorColumn', { bg = c.color_column })
hl(0, 'Cursor', { fg = c.tag })
hl(0, 'CursorLine', { bg = c.panel_bg })
hl(0, 'CursorColumn', { bg = c.panel_bg })
hl(0, 'CursorLine', { bg = c.bg_alt })
hl(0, 'CursorColumn', { bg = c.bg_alt })
hl(0, 'CursorLineNr', { fg = c.accent, bg = c.panel_bg })
hl(0, 'CursorLineNr', { fg = c.accent, bg = c.bg_alt })
hl(0, 'LineNr', { fg = c.guide_normal })
hl(0, 'Directory', { fg = c.func })
hl(0, 'ErrorMsg', { fg = c.fg, bg = c.error, standout = true })
hl(0, 'VertSplit', { fg = c.panel_bg, bg = c.panel_bg })
hl(0, 'VertSplit', { fg = c.bg_alt, bg = c.bg_alt })
hl(0, 'Folded', { fg = c.fg_idle, bg = })
hl(0, 'FoldColumn', { bg = })
@ -28,31 +28,31 @@ theme.set_highlights = function(opts)
hl(0, 'MoreMsg', { fg = c.string })
hl(0, 'NonText', { fg = c.guide_normal })
hl(0, 'Pmenu', { fg = c.fg, bg = c.selection_inactive, ctermfg = 188, ctermbg = 235 })
hl(0, 'PmenuSel', { fg = c.selection_inactive, bg = c.fg, ctermfg = 235, ctermbg = 188 })
hl(0, 'Pmenu', { fg = c.fg, bg = c.popup, ctermfg = 188, ctermbg = 235 })
hl(0, 'PmenuSel', { fg = c.popup, bg = c.fg, ctermfg = 235, ctermbg = 188 })
hl(0, 'FloatBorder', { fg = c.fg, bg = c.selection_inactive })
hl(0, 'FloatBorder', { fg = c.fg, bg = c.popup })
hl(0, 'Question', { fg = c.string })
hl(0, 'Search', { fg =, bg = c.constant }) -- TODO: fix color
hl(0, 'SpecialKey', { fg = c.selection_inactive })
hl(0, 'SpecialKey', { fg = c.popup })
hl(0, 'SpellCap', { fg = c.tag, undercurl = true, sp = c.error })
hl(0, 'SpellLocal', { fg = c.keyword, undercurl = true, sp = c.keyword })
hl(0, 'SpellBad', { fg = c.error, undercurl = true, sp = c.error })
hl(0, 'SpellRare', { fg = c.regexp, undercurl = true, sp = c.error })
hl(0, 'StatusLine', { fg = c.fg, bg = c.panel_bg })
hl(0, 'StatusLineNC', { fg = c.fg_idle, bg = c.panel_bg })
hl(0, 'StatusLine', { fg = c.fg, bg = c.bg_alt })
hl(0, 'StatusLineNC', { fg = c.fg_idle, bg = c.bg_alt })
hl(0, 'WildMenu', { fg = c.fg, bg = c.markup }) -- TODO: fix color
hl(0, 'TabLine', { fg = c.comment, bg = c.panel_shadow })
hl(0, 'TabLineFill', { fg = c.fg, bg = c.selection_inactive })
hl(0, 'TabLine', { fg = c.comment, bg = c.bg_alt })
hl(0, 'TabLineFill', { fg = c.fg, bg = c.popup })
hl(0, 'TabLineSel', { fg = c.fg, bg = })
hl(0, 'Title', { fg = c.keyword, bold = true })
hl(0, 'Visual', { bg = c.selection_inactive })
hl(0, 'Visual', { bg = c.popup })
hl(0, 'WarningMsg', { fg = c.warning, bold = true })
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ theme.set_highlights = function(opts)
-- quickfix window highlighting
hl(0, 'qfLineNr', { fg = c.keyword })
hl(0, 'Conceal', { fg = c.comment })
hl(0, 'CursorLineConceal', { fg = c.guide_normal, bg = c.panel_bg })
hl(0, 'CursorLineConceal', { fg = c.guide_normal, bg = c.bg_alt })
-- diff syntax highlighting
hl(0, 'DiffAdd', { fg = c.vcs_added, bg = c.guide_normal })
@ -124,10 +124,10 @@ theme.set_highlights = function(opts)
-- lsp
hl(0, 'DiagnosticDefaultError', { fg = c.error })
hl(0, 'DiagnosticUnderlineError', { fg = c.error, undercurl = true, sp = c.error })
hl(0, 'DiagnosticSignError', { fg = c.error, bg = c.panel_bg })
hl(0, 'DiagnosticSignError', { fg = c.error, bg = c.bg_alt })
hl(0, 'DiagnosticWarn', { fg = c.warning })
hl(0, 'DiagnosticUnderlineWarn', { fg = c.warning, undercurl = true, sp = c.warning })
hl(0, 'DiagnosticSignWarning', { fg = c.warning, bg = c.panel_bg })
hl(0, 'DiagnosticSignWarning', { fg = c.warning, bg = c.bg_alt })
hl(0, 'DiagnosticVirtualTextHint', { fg = c.comment })
hl(0, 'DiagnosticSignHint', { fg = c.comment })
hl(0, 'DiagnosticHint', { fg = c.comment })
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ theme.set_highlights = function(opts)
hl(0, 'NvimTreeSpecialFile', { fg = c.keyword, underline = true })
hl(0, 'NvimTreeNormal', { fg = c.fg })
hl(0, 'NvimTreeCursorLine', {})
hl(0, 'NvimTreeVertSplit', { bg = c.panel_shadow })
hl(0, 'NvimTreeVertSplit', { bg = c.bg_alt })
hl(0, 'NvimTreeEndOfBuffer', {})
hl(0, 'NvimTreeOpenedFolderName', {})
hl(0, 'NvimTreeGitRenamed', { fg = c.vcs_modified })
