# LARBS This is my modified version of lukesmithxyz's auto-rice bootstrapping scripts. I made some changes which can be found mainly in the progs.csv. This also installs all needed dotfiles from my .dotfiles repository. ## Essentials To get this script working you need a base installation of arch. There is no need to configure users or anything else than internet access and what is needed to get arch booting. - Operating System: ```Arch Linux``` - Window Manager: ```i3``` - Shell: ```zsh``` - Terminal Emulator: ```zsh``` - File Manager: ```vifm``` - Application Launcher: ```dmenu(_run)``` - Compositor: ```xcompmgr``` - Status Bar: ```i3blocks``` - Notification Service: ```dunst``` - Text Editor: ```nvim``` ## Installation ``` curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tiynger/larbs/master/larbs.sh sh larbs.sh ```