diff --git a/progs.csv b/progs.csv index 29a26f8..df0e9de 100644 --- a/progs.csv +++ b/progs.csv @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ G,https://github.com/tiynger/st.git,is my custom build of suckless's terminal em ,imagemagick,is a terminal image-manipulator providing some convenient shortcuts and the lockscreen in LARBS.,, ,keepassxc,for the keepass password manager.,, ,libnotify,allows desktop notifications.,, -A,libxft-bgra,fix for colored emojis in dwm/st/..,, ,light,for adding light for adjustments of screen.,, ,lsd,is a better version of ls with included colors and tree command.,, ,lxappearance,for editing of gtk look.,,