
Where is IRC command xy (ignore etc.)?
ii is for advanced users, please use standard tools like awk, sed and grep for
this. This can be done easily and will not bloat the code.

Where is a graphical interface?
Basically ii follows the UNIX philosophy so it is only file based. But it
should be easy to build different interface because they only have to handle
the FIFOs and output files. Feel free to implement or wait until we have done
this. Actually I use ii in combination with vim, multitail and screen and it works
like a charm.

Which commands are supported?
j (join or msg), t (topic), a (away), n (nick), l (leave). The missing are
obsolete or can be easily used by typing the IRC commands itself (i.e. /WHO
instead of /who).

How can I recognize queries?
ii itself doesn't support this but the queries.sh script is an example
of how to get the new and changed files in your irc directory.
To get an instant notice of a new file other mechanisms like inotify/dnotify
could be used as well but I was too lazy to try it out since the script
is enough for me.

What other fancy stuff can I do with ii?
It is very easy to write irc bots in ii:

	tail -f "${chan}/out" | while read -r line; do
		cmd=$(printf '%s\n' "$line" | cut -d ' ' -f 4-)
		name=$(printf '%s\n' "$line" | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | tr -d '<>')
		if [ "$cmd" = "!rand" ]; then
			if expr "$r" "%" "10"; then
				echo "$name: $r" >> "${chan}/in"

This will just spam a channel but think about using nagios2irc or you can
use ii to generate channel stats. Your imagination should be boundless.