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5 years ago
# dwm
This is my patched version of dwm. The base version is directly from
This belongs to my larbs installation script and depends heavily on its scripts and programs.
It is supposed to work in the environment after the larbs-base-installation.
## Patches
The list below shows the currently applied patches to the master branch.
5 years ago
- dwm-alpha-6.2.diff (adds transparency)
- dwm-center-6.1.diff (adds ability to center floating windows at launch)
- dwm-deck-6.0.diff (adds deck layout)
- dwm-fakefullscreen-20170508-ceac8c9.diff (allows windows to only use their window as 'fullscreen')
- dwm-noborder-6.2.diff (removes border if there is only one window)
- dwm-pertag-20170513-ceac8c9.diff (allows having a layout/mwfact/barpos/nmaster per tag)
5 years ago
## Hotkeys
There are various shortcuts and hotkeys used in this version. Included in my build are the following.
Super + Shift + Escape -> Quit dwm
Super + Return -> Spawn st
Super + b -> Spawn firefox
Super + Shift + b -> Toggle dwmbar
5 years ago
Super + Shift + c -> Enable deck(/card) layout
5 years ago
Super + Shift + d -> Toggle floating/tiled for selected window
Super + f -> Spawn vifm in st
Super + Shift + f -> Enable fullscreen layout
5 years ago
Super + h -> (Tiling/Deck) Focus window higher in stack than current
Super + Shift + h -> (Tiling/Deck) Make current window the master window
5 years ago
Super + i -> Spawn intellij-idea-ultimate-edition
5 years ago
Super + j -> (Tiling/Deck) Focus window lower in stack than current
Super + Shift + j -> (Tiling/Deck) Make current window the master window
Super + k -> (Tiling/Deck) Focus window higher in stack than current
Super + Shift + k -> (Tiling/Deck) Make current window the master window
Super + l -> (Tiling/Deck) Focus window lower in stack than current
5 years ago
Super + m -> Spawn thunderbird
5 years ago
Super + Shift + o -> (Tiling/Deck) Increase master window size
5 years ago
Super + p -> Spawn ncmpcpp in st
Super + q -> Close current window
Super + Shift + r -> (dmenu) dmenu_run
Super + s -> (dmenu) startpagesearch
Super + Shift + t -> Enable tiling layout
5 years ago
Super + Shift + z -> (Tiling/Deck) Decrease master window size
5 years ago
Super + 0 -> Show all tags
Super + Shift + 0 -> Add current window to all tag
Super + + 1/2/.../9 -> Show tag 1/2/.../9
Super + Shift + 1/2/.../9 -> Add current window to tag 1/2/.../9
Super + + . -> Show monitor lower in stack
Super + Shift + . -> Add to monitor lower in stack
Super + + , -> Show monitor higher in stack
Super + Shift + , -> Add to monitor higher in stack
5 years ago
Super + F5 -> enable 2 Screen Monitor
Super + F6 -> toggle touchpad
Super + F7 -> (dmenu) mounting drives
Super + F8 -> (dmenu) unmounting drives
Super + F9 -> Restart NetworkManager
Super + F10 -> (dmenu) prompt, if yes: slock
Super + F11 -> (dmenu) prompt, if yes: reboot
Super + F12 -> (dmenu) prompt, if yes: shutdown
AudioMute -> Volume mute
AudioMicMute -> Mic Mute
AudioLowerVolume -> Volume lower
AudioRaiseVolume -> Volume raise
MonBrightnessDown -> Brightness decrease
MonBrightnessUp -> Brightness increase