# shbang 3 snippet #! #!/usr/bin/env python3 # shbang 2 snippet #!2 #!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # shbang 3 snippet #!3 #!/usr/bin/env python3 # import snippet imp import ${0:module} # from ... import snippet from from ${1:package} import ${0:module} # while snippet wh while ${1:condition}: ${0:${VISUAL}} # do ... while snippet dowh while True: ${1} if ${0:condition}: break # with snippet with with ${1:expr} as ${2:var}: ${0:${VISUAL}} # async with snippet awith async with ${1:expr} as ${2:var}: ${0:${VISUAL}} # class snippet cla class ${1:class_name}: """${0:description}""" # class with init snippet clai class ${1:class_name}: """${2:description}""" def __init__(self, ${3:args}): ${0} # function with docstring snippet def def ${1:fname}(${2:`indent('.') ? 'self' : ''`}): """${3:docstring for $1}""" ${0} # function snippet deff def ${1:fname}(${2:`indent('.') ? 'self' : ''`}): ${0} # async function with docstring snippet adef async def ${1:fname}(${2:`indent('.') ? 'self' : ''`}): """${3:docstring for $1}""" ${0} # async function snippet adeff async def ${1:fname}(${2:`indent('.') ? 'self' : ''`}): ${0} # init function snippet defi def __init__(self, ${1:args}): ${0} # if snippet if if ${1:condition}: ${0:${VISUAL}} # else snippet el else: ${0:${VISUAL}} # else if snippet ei elif ${1:condition}: ${0:${VISUAL}} # for snippet for for ${1:item} in ${2:items}: ${0} # return snippet ret return ${0} # self reference snippet . self. # self attribute snippet sa self.attribute = attribute self.${1:attribute} = $1 # try ... except snippet try Try/Except try: ${1:${VISUAL}} except ${2:Exception} as ${3:e}: ${0:raise $3} # try ... except ... else snippet trye Try/Except/Else try: ${1:${VISUAL}} except ${2:Exception} as ${3:e}: ${4:raise $3} else: ${0} # try ... except ... finally snippet tryf Try/Except/Finally try: ${1:${VISUAL}} except ${2:Exception} as ${3:e}: ${4:raise $3} finally: ${0} # try ... except ... else ... finally snippet tryef Try/Except/Else/Finally try: ${1:${VISUAL}} except ${2:Exception} as ${3:e}: ${4:raise $3} else: ${5} finally: ${0} # if name is main snippet ifmain if __name__ == '__main__': ${0:main()} # docstring snippet " """${0:doc} """ # test function snippet test def test_${1:description}(${2:`indent('.') ? 'self' : ''`}): ${0} # list comprehension snippet lcp list comprehension [${1} for ${2} in ${3:${VISUAL}}]${0} # dict comprehension snippet dcp dict comprehension {${1}: ${2} for ${3} in ${4:${VISUAL}}}${0} # set comprehension snippet scp set comprehension {${1} for ${2} in ${3:${VISUAL}}}${0} # print snippet pr print($0) # print string snippet prs print("$0") # fprint string snippet prf print(f"$0") # print to file snippet fpr print($0, file=${1:sys.stderr}) # print string to file snippet fprs print("$0", file=${1:sys.stderr}) # fprint string to file snippet fprf print(f"$0", file=${1:sys.stderr})