# Dotfiles ![vim-example](vim-example.png) My Arch Linux compatible user dotfiles. They were originally based on the dotfiles of [lukesmithxyz](https://github.com/lukesmithxyz/voidrice). This being some time, hundreds of commits and my personalized version of [larbs](https://github.com/Tiyn/larbs) ago, they are now quite different. ## Required and Recommended Software All requirements and recommendations get installed by my version of LARBS. To take a look at all the software it installs look at the [progs.csv](https://github.com/Tiyn/larbs/blob/master/progs.csv) in my LARBS repository. ## Migration of my Dotfiles to Other System - set alias in .bashrc: `alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'` - clone this repository: `git clone --bare https://github.com/Tiyn/dotfiles $HOME/.dotfiles` - optional: backup old files: ```sh mkdir -p .config-backup && \ config checkout 2>&1 | egrep "\s+\." | awk {'print $1'} | \ xargs -I{} mv {} .config-backup/{} ``` - checkout changes: `config checkout` - ignore untracked files: `config config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no` - pull current setup: `config pull` - finish setup for vim: - open vim The step containing commenting out is needed because the colorscheme has problems being not available and disrupts the further process of the plugin installation. ## Ignore Local Changes to Config Files If you need to make local changes to config files that are not to be pushed run `config update-index --skip-worktree ` to stop git from showing them having changes. ## Hotkeys There are various shortcuts and hotkeys used in this version. Included in my build are the following. [Dwm](https://github.com/tiyn/dwm)s and [st](https://github.com/tiyn/st)s hotkeys can be found in their repositories. ### SXHKD | ModKey | Shift | Key | Function | | ------ | ----- | ----------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | | Super | | a | (sounds) Previous song | | Super | | b | (program) Spawn browser | | Super | | c | (sounds) Toggle looping of songs | | Super | | d | (sounds) Next song | | Super | | f | (program) Spawn filemanager | | Super | | i | (display) Stop recording | | Super | | m | (program) Spawn thunderbird | | Super | | o | (display) Start replay window | | Super | | p | (display) Save replay window | | Super | | u | (display) Start recording window | | Super | | r | (program) Spawn dmenu\_run | | Super | | s | (sounds) Pause song | | Super | | x | (sounds) Toggle shuffling of songs | | Super | Shift | l | (keyboard) Toggle keymap | | Super | Shift | r | (sxhkd) Restart sxkd | | Super | Shift | Space | (notifications) Close all notifications | | Super | | [ | (notifications) Toggle dunst dnd | | Super | | ] | (sounds) Toggle mute | | Super | | \ | (sounds) Toggle deaf | | Super | | F5 | (display) Enable 2 Screen Monitor | | Super | | F6 | (keyboard) Toggle touchpad | | Super | | F7 | (mounting) Mounting drives | | Super | | F8 | (mounting) Unmounting drives | | Super | | F9 | (network) Restart NetworkManager | | Super | | F10 | (display) slock | | Super | | F11 | (shutdown) reboot | | Super | | F12 | (shutdown) shutdown | | Super | | Return | (program) Spawn terminal | | | | Print | (program) Prompt to take a screenshot | | | | AudioMute | (sound) Volume mute | | | | AudioMicMute | (sound) Mic Mute | | | | AudioLowerVolume | (sound) Volume lower | | | | AudioRaiseVolume | (sound) Volume raise | | | | MonBrightnessDown | (display) Brightness decrease | | | | MonBrightnessUp | (display) Brightness increase | ## Additional Configs Additional configs (and for example firefox plugins) can be found in my [wiki](https://github.com/tiyn/wiki). ## Additional Information This section contains information regarding special configurations that will be enabled or available by using these dotfiles. ### Audio Setup This configuration features settings and profiles for [easyeffects](https://github.com/tiyn/wiki/blob/master/wiki/linux/easyeffects.md). Additionally to the flat profile there are also various profiles that are based on [AutoEQ](https://github.com/tiyn/wiki/blob/master/wiki/linux/audio.md#sound-server). Every profile that includes the name of a headphone is based on the AutoEQ-settings for this specific headphone.