diff --git a/.bash_profile b/.bash_profile
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..aa7da3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.bash_profile
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.config/dunst/dunstrc b/.config/dunst/dunstrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abf5586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/dunst/dunstrc
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+ monitor = 0
+ follow = keyboard
+ geometry = "350x5-0+24"
+ indicate_hidden = yes
+ shrink = yes
+ transparency = 20
+ notification_height = 0
+ separator_height = 2
+ padding = 0
+ horizontal_padding = 8
+ frame_width = 3
+ frame_color = "#282828"
+ # Define a color for the separator.
+ # possible values are:
+ # * auto: dunst tries to find a color fitting to the background;
+ # * foreground: use the same color as the foreground;
+ # * frame: use the same color as the frame;
+ # * anything else will be interpreted as a X color.
+ separator_color = frame
+ # Sort messages by urgency.
+ sort = yes
+ idle_threshold = 120
+ font = Monospace 14
+ line_height = 0
+ markup = full
+ # The format of the message. Possible variables are:
+ # %a appname
+ # %s summary
+ # %b body
+ # %i iconname (including its path)
+ # %I iconname (without its path)
+ # %p progress value if set ([ 0%] to [100%]) or nothing
+ # %n progress value if set without any extra characters
+ # %% Literal %
+ # Markup is allowed
+ format = "%s\n%b"
+ alignment = left
+ show_age_threshold = 60
+ word_wrap = yes
+ ellipsize = middle
+ ignore_newline = no
+ stack_duplicates = true
+ hide_duplicate_count = true
+ show_indicators = yes
+ icon_position = left
+ max_icon_size = 40
+ #icon_path = /usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/status/:/usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/devices/:/usr/share/icons/Adwaita/256x256/status/
+ sticky_history = yes
+ history_length = 20
+ dmenu = /usr/bin/dmenu -p dunst:
+ browser = /usr/bin/firefox -new-tab
+ # Always run rule-defined scripts, even if the notification is suppressed
+ always_run_script = true
+ title = Dunst
+ class = Dunst
+ startup_notification = false
+ force_xinerama = false
+ per_monitor_dpi = false
+ close = ctrl+space
+ close_all = ctrl+shift+space
+ history = ctrl+grave
+ context = ctrl+shift+period
+ # IMPORTANT: colors have to be defined in quotation marks.
+ # Otherwise the "#" and following would be interpreted as a comment.
+ background = "#282828"
+ foreground = "#928374"
+ timeout = 5
+ # Icon for notifications with low urgency, uncomment to enable
+ #icon = /path/to/icon
+ background = "#458588"
+ foreground = "#ebdbb2"
+ timeout = 5
+ background = "#cc2421"
+ foreground = "#ebdbb2"
+ frame_color = "#fabd2f"
+ timeout = 0
+# Every section that isn't one of the above is interpreted as a rules to
+# override settings for certain messages.
+# Messages can be matched by "appname", "summary", "body", "icon", "category",
+# "msg_urgency" and you can override the "timeout", "urgency", "foreground",
+# "background", "new_icon" and "format".
+# Shell-like globbing will get expanded.
+# You can specify a script that gets run when the rule matches by
+# setting the "script" option.
+# The script will be called as follows:
+# script appname summary body icon urgency
+# where urgency can be "LOW", "NORMAL" or "CRITICAL".
+# NOTE: if you don't want a notification to be displayed, set the format
+# to "".
+# NOTE: It might be helpful to run dunst -print in a terminal in order
+# to find fitting options for rules.
+# summary = "*"
+# script = dunst_espeak.sh
+# summary = "*script*"
+# script = dunst_test.sh
+# # This notification will not be displayed
+# summary = "foobar"
+# format = ""
+# # This notification will not be saved in history
+# summary = "foobar"
+# history_ignore = yes
+# appname = Pidgin
+# summary = "*signed on*"
+# urgency = low
+# appname = Pidgin
+# summary = *signed off*
+# urgency = low
+# appname = Pidgin
+# summary = *says*
+# urgency = critical
+# appname = Pidgin
+# summary = *twitter.com*
+# urgency = normal
+# vim: ft=cfg
diff --git a/.config/emoji b/.config/emoji
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35c1e1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/emoji
@@ -0,0 +1,1644 @@
+๐ grinning face; U+1F600
+๐ grinning face with big eyes; U+1F603
+๐ grinning face with smiling eyes; U+1F604
+๐ beaming face with smiling eyes; U+1F601
+๐ grinning squinting face; U+1F606
grinning face with sweat; U+1F605
+๐คฃ rolling on the floor laughing; U+1F923
+๐ face with tears of joy; U+1F602
+๐ slightly smiling face; U+1F642
+๐ upside-down face; U+1F643
+๐ winking face; U+1F609
+๐ smiling face with smiling eyes; U+1F60A
+๐ smiling face with halo; U+1F607
+๐ฅฐ smiling face with 3 hearts; U+1F970
+๐ smiling face with heart-eyes; U+1F60D
+๐คฉ star-struck; U+1F929
+๐ face blowing a kiss; U+1F618
+๐ kissing face; U+1F617
+โบ smiling face; U+263A
+๐ kissing face with closed eyes; U+1F61A
+๐ kissing face with smiling eyes; U+1F619
+๐ face savoring food; U+1F60B
+๐ face with tongue; U+1F61B
+๐ winking face with tongue; U+1F61C
+๐คช zany face; U+1F92A
+๐ squinting face with tongue; U+1F61D
+๐ค money-mouth face; U+1F911
+๐ค hugging face; U+1F917
+๐คญ face with hand over mouth; U+1F92D
+๐คซ shushing face; U+1F92B
+๐ค thinking face; U+1F914
+๐ค zipper-mouth face; U+1F910
+๐คจ face with raised eyebrow; U+1F928
+๐ neutral face; U+1F610
+๐ expressionless face; U+1F611
+๐ถ face without mouth; U+1F636
+๐ smirking face; U+1F60F
+๐ unamused face; U+1F612
+๐ face with rolling eyes; U+1F644
+๐ฌ grimacing face; U+1F62C
+๐คฅ lying face; U+1F925
+๐ relieved face; U+1F60C
+๐ pensive face; U+1F614
+๐ช sleepy face; U+1F62A
+๐คค drooling face; U+1F924
+๐ด sleeping face; U+1F634
+๐ท face with medical mask; U+1F637
+๐ค face with thermometer; U+1F912
+๐ค face with head-bandage; U+1F915
+๐คข nauseated face; U+1F922
+๐คฎ face vomiting; U+1F92E
+๐คง sneezing face; U+1F927
+๐ฅต hot face; U+1F975
+๐ฅถ cold face; U+1F976
+๐ฅด woozy face; U+1F974
+๐ต dizzy face; U+1F635
+๐คฏ exploding head; U+1F92F
+๐ค cowboy hat face; U+1F920
+๐ฅณ partying face; U+1F973
+๐ smiling face with sunglasses; U+1F60E
+๐ค nerd face; U+1F913
+๐ง face with monocle; U+1F9D0
+๐ confused face; U+1F615
+๐ worried face; U+1F61F
+๐ slightly frowning face; U+1F641
+โน frowning face; U+2639
+๐ฎ face with open mouth; U+1F62E
+๐ฏ hushed face; U+1F62F
+๐ฒ astonished face; U+1F632
+๐ณ flushed face; U+1F633
+๐ฅบ pleading face; U+1F97A
+๐ฆ frowning face with open mouth; U+1F626
+๐ง anguished face; U+1F627
+๐จ fearful face; U+1F628
+๐ฐ anxious face with sweat; U+1F630
+๐ฅ sad but relieved face; U+1F625
+๐ข crying face; U+1F622
+๐ญ loudly crying face; U+1F62D
+๐ฑ face screaming in fear; U+1F631
+๐ confounded face; U+1F616
+๐ฃ persevering face; U+1F623
+๐ disappointed face; U+1F61E
+๐ downcast face with sweat; U+1F613
+๐ฉ weary face; U+1F629
+๐ซ tired face; U+1F62B
+๐ค face with steam from nose; U+1F624
+๐ก pouting face; U+1F621
+๐ angry face; U+1F620
+๐คฌ face with symbols on mouth; U+1F92C
+๐ smiling face with horns; U+1F608
+๐ฟ angry face with horns; U+1F47F
+๐ skull; U+1F480
+โ skull and crossbones; U+2620
+๐ฉ pile of poo; U+1F4A9
+๐คก clown face; U+1F921
+๐น ogre; U+1F479
+๐บ goblin; U+1F47A
+๐ป ghost; U+1F47B
+๐ฝ alien; U+1F47D
+๐พ alien monster; U+1F47E
+๐ค robot face; U+1F916
+๐บ grinning cat face; U+1F63A
+๐ธ grinning cat face with smiling eyes; U+1F638
+๐น cat face with tears of joy; U+1F639
+๐ป smiling cat face with heart-eyes; U+1F63B
+๐ผ cat face with wry smile; U+1F63C
+๐ฝ kissing cat face; U+1F63D
+๐ weary cat face; U+1F640
+๐ฟ crying cat face; U+1F63F
+๐พ pouting cat face; U+1F63E
+๐ see-no-evil monkey; U+1F648
+๐ hear-no-evil monkey; U+1F649
+๐ speak-no-evil monkey; U+1F64A
+๐ kiss mark; U+1F48B
+๐ love letter; U+1F48C
+๐ heart with arrow; U+1F498
+๐ heart with ribbon; U+1F49D
+๐ sparkling heart; U+1F496
+๐ growing heart; U+1F497
+๐ beating heart; U+1F493
+๐ revolving hearts; U+1F49E
+๐ two hearts; U+1F495
+๐ heart decoration; U+1F49F
+โฃ heavy heart exclamation; U+2763
+๐ broken heart; U+1F494
+โค red heart; U+2764
+๐งก orange heart; U+1F9E1
+๐ yellow heart; U+1F49B
+๐ green heart; U+1F49A
+๐ blue heart; U+1F499
+๐ purple heart; U+1F49C
+๐ค black heart; U+1F5A4
+๐ฏ hundred points; U+1F4AF
+๐ข anger symbol; U+1F4A2
+๐ฅ collision; U+1F4A5
+๐ซ dizzy; U+1F4AB
+๐ฆ sweat droplets; U+1F4A6
+๐จ dashing away; U+1F4A8
+๐ณ hole; U+1F573
+๐ฃ bomb; U+1F4A3
+๐ฌ speech balloon; U+1F4AC
+๐๏ธโ๐จ๏ธ eye in speech bubble; U+1F441 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F5E8 U+FE0F
+๐จ left speech bubble; U+1F5E8
+๐ฏ right anger bubble; U+1F5EF
+๐ญ thought balloon; U+1F4AD
+๐ค zzz; U+1F4A4
+๐ waving hand; U+1F44B
+๐ค raised back of hand; U+1F91A
+๐ hand with fingers splayed; U+1F590
+โ raised hand; U+270B
+๐ vulcan salute; U+1F596
+๐ OK hand; U+1F44C
+โ victory hand; U+270C
+๐ค crossed fingers; U+1F91E
+๐ค love-you gesture; U+1F91F
+๐ค sign of the horns; U+1F918
+๐ค call me hand; U+1F919
+๐ backhand index pointing left; U+1F448
+๐ backhand index pointing right; U+1F449
+๐ backhand index pointing up; U+1F446
+๐ middle finger; U+1F595
+๐ backhand index pointing down; U+1F447
+โ index pointing up; U+261D
+๐ thumbs up; U+1F44D
+๐ thumbs down; U+1F44E
+โ raised fist; U+270A
+๐ oncoming fist; U+1F44A
+๐ค left-facing fist; U+1F91B
+๐ค right-facing fist; U+1F91C
+๐ clapping hands; U+1F44F
+๐ raising hands; U+1F64C
+๐ open hands; U+1F450
+๐คฒ palms up together; U+1F932
+๐ค handshake; U+1F91D
+๐ folded hands; U+1F64F
+โ writing hand; U+270D
nail polish; U+1F485
+๐คณ selfie; U+1F933
+๐ช flexed biceps; U+1F4AA
+๐ฆต leg; U+1F9B5
+๐ฆถ foot; U+1F9B6
+๐ ear; U+1F442
+๐ nose; U+1F443
+๐ง brain; U+1F9E0
+๐ฆท tooth; U+1F9B7
+๐ฆด bone; U+1F9B4
+๐ eyes; U+1F440
+๐ eye; U+1F441
tongue; U+1F445
+๐ mouth; U+1F444
+๐ถ baby; U+1F476
+๐ง child; U+1F9D2
+๐ฆ boy; U+1F466
+๐ง girl; U+1F467
+๐ง person; U+1F9D1
+๐ฑ person: blond hair; U+1F471
+๐จ man; U+1F468
+๐ฑโโ๏ธ man: blond hair; U+1F471 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐จโ๐ฆฐ man: red hair; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F9B0
+๐จโ๐ฆฑ man: curly hair; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F9B1
+๐จโ๐ฆณ man: white hair; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F9B3
+๐จโ๐ฆฒ man: bald; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F9B2
+๐ง man: beard; U+1F9D4
+๐ฉ woman; U+1F469
+๐ฑโโ๏ธ woman: blond hair; U+1F471 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ฉโ๐ฆฐ woman: red hair; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F9B0
+๐ฉโ๐ฆฑ woman: curly hair; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F9B1
+๐ฉโ๐ฆณ woman: white hair; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F9B3
+๐ฉโ๐ฆฒ woman: bald; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F9B2
+๐ง older person; U+1F9D3
+๐ด old man; U+1F474
+๐ต old woman; U+1F475
+๐ person frowning; U+1F64D
+๐โโ๏ธ man frowning; U+1F64D U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐โโ๏ธ woman frowning; U+1F64D U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ person pouting; U+1F64E
+๐โโ๏ธ man pouting; U+1F64E U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐โโ๏ธ woman pouting; U+1F64E U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
person gesturing NO; U+1F645
โโ๏ธ man gesturing NO; U+1F645 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
โโ๏ธ woman gesturing NO; U+1F645 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ person gesturing OK; U+1F646
+๐โโ๏ธ man gesturing OK; U+1F646 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐โโ๏ธ woman gesturing OK; U+1F646 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ person tipping hand; U+1F481
+๐โโ๏ธ man tipping hand; U+1F481 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐โโ๏ธ woman tipping hand; U+1F481 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ person raising hand; U+1F64B
+๐โโ๏ธ man raising hand; U+1F64B U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐โโ๏ธ woman raising hand; U+1F64B U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ person bowing; U+1F647
+๐โโ๏ธ man bowing; U+1F647 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐โโ๏ธ woman bowing; U+1F647 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐คฆ person facepalming; U+1F926
+๐คฆโโ๏ธ man facepalming; U+1F926 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐คฆโโ๏ธ woman facepalming; U+1F926 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐คท person shrugging; U+1F937
+๐คทโโ๏ธ man shrugging; U+1F937 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐คทโโ๏ธ woman shrugging; U+1F937 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐จโโ๏ธ man health worker; U+1F468 U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F
+๐ฉโโ๏ธ woman health worker; U+1F469 U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F
+๐จโ๐ man student; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F393
+๐ฉโ๐ woman student; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F393
+๐จโ๐ซ man teacher; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F3EB
+๐ฉโ๐ซ woman teacher; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F3EB
+๐จโโ๏ธ man judge; U+1F468 U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F
+๐ฉโโ๏ธ woman judge; U+1F469 U+200D U+2696 U+FE0F
+๐จโ๐พ man farmer; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F33E
+๐ฉโ๐พ woman farmer; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F33E
+๐จโ๐ณ man cook; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F373
+๐ฉโ๐ณ woman cook; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F373
+๐จโ๐ง man mechanic; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F527
+๐ฉโ๐ง woman mechanic; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F527
+๐จโ๐ญ man factory worker; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F3ED
+๐ฉโ๐ญ woman factory worker; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F3ED
+๐จโ๐ผ man office worker; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F4BC
+๐ฉโ๐ผ woman office worker; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F4BC
+๐จโ๐ฌ man scientist; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F52C
+๐ฉโ๐ฌ woman scientist; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F52C
+๐จโ๐ป man technologist; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F4BB
+๐ฉโ๐ป woman technologist; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F4BB
+๐จโ๐ค man singer; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F3A4
+๐ฉโ๐ค woman singer; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F3A4
+๐จโ๐จ man artist; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F3A8
+๐ฉโ๐จ woman artist; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F3A8
+๐จโโ๏ธ man pilot; U+1F468 U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F
+๐ฉโโ๏ธ woman pilot; U+1F469 U+200D U+2708 U+FE0F
+๐จโ๐ man astronaut; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F680
+๐ฉโ๐ woman astronaut; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F680
+๐จโ๐ man firefighter; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F692
+๐ฉโ๐ woman firefighter; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F692
+๐ฎ police officer; U+1F46E
+๐ฎโโ๏ธ man police officer; U+1F46E U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐ฎโโ๏ธ woman police officer; U+1F46E U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ต detective; U+1F575
+๐ต๏ธโโ๏ธ man detective; U+1F575 U+FE0F U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐ต๏ธโโ๏ธ woman detective; U+1F575 U+FE0F U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ guard; U+1F482
+๐โโ๏ธ man guard; U+1F482 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐โโ๏ธ woman guard; U+1F482 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ท construction worker; U+1F477
+๐ทโโ๏ธ man construction worker; U+1F477 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐ทโโ๏ธ woman construction worker; U+1F477 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐คด prince; U+1F934
+๐ธ princess; U+1F478
+๐ณ person wearing turban; U+1F473
+๐ณโโ๏ธ man wearing turban; U+1F473 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐ณโโ๏ธ woman wearing turban; U+1F473 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ฒ man with Chinese cap; U+1F472
+๐ง woman with headscarf; U+1F9D5
+๐คต man in tuxedo; U+1F935
+๐ฐ bride with veil; U+1F470
+๐คฐ pregnant woman; U+1F930
+๐คฑ breast-feeding; U+1F931
+๐ผ baby angel; U+1F47C
Santa Claus; U+1F385
+๐คถ Mrs. Claus; U+1F936
+๐ฆธ superhero; U+1F9B8
+๐ฆธโโ๏ธ man superhero; U+1F9B8 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐ฆธโโ๏ธ woman superhero; U+1F9B8 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ฆน supervillain; U+1F9B9
+๐ฆนโโ๏ธ man supervillain; U+1F9B9 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐ฆนโโ๏ธ woman supervillain; U+1F9B9 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ง mage; U+1F9D9
+๐งโโ๏ธ man mage; U+1F9D9 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐งโโ๏ธ woman mage; U+1F9D9 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ง fairy; U+1F9DA
+๐งโโ๏ธ man fairy; U+1F9DA U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐งโโ๏ธ woman fairy; U+1F9DA U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ง vampire; U+1F9DB
+๐งโโ๏ธ man vampire; U+1F9DB U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐งโโ๏ธ woman vampire; U+1F9DB U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ง merperson; U+1F9DC
+๐งโโ๏ธ merman; U+1F9DC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐งโโ๏ธ mermaid; U+1F9DC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ง elf; U+1F9DD
+๐งโโ๏ธ man elf; U+1F9DD U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐งโโ๏ธ woman elf; U+1F9DD U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ง genie; U+1F9DE
+๐งโโ๏ธ man genie; U+1F9DE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐งโโ๏ธ woman genie; U+1F9DE U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ง zombie; U+1F9DF
+๐งโโ๏ธ man zombie; U+1F9DF U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐งโโ๏ธ woman zombie; U+1F9DF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ person getting massage; U+1F486
+๐โโ๏ธ man getting massage; U+1F486 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐โโ๏ธ woman getting massage; U+1F486 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ person getting haircut; U+1F487
+๐โโ๏ธ man getting haircut; U+1F487 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐โโ๏ธ woman getting haircut; U+1F487 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ถ person walking; U+1F6B6
+๐ถโโ๏ธ man walking; U+1F6B6 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐ถโโ๏ธ woman walking; U+1F6B6 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ person running; U+1F3C3
+๐โโ๏ธ man running; U+1F3C3 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐โโ๏ธ woman running; U+1F3C3 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ woman dancing; U+1F483
+๐บ man dancing; U+1F57A
+๐ด man in suit levitating; U+1F574
+๐ฏ people with bunny ears; U+1F46F
+๐ฏโโ๏ธ men with bunny ears; U+1F46F U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐ฏโโ๏ธ women with bunny ears; U+1F46F U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ง person in steamy room; U+1F9D6
+๐งโโ๏ธ man in steamy room; U+1F9D6 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐งโโ๏ธ woman in steamy room; U+1F9D6 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ง person climbing; U+1F9D7
+๐งโโ๏ธ man climbing; U+1F9D7 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐งโโ๏ธ woman climbing; U+1F9D7 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐คบ person fencing; U+1F93A
+๐ horse racing; U+1F3C7
+โท skier; U+26F7
+๐ snowboarder; U+1F3C2
+๐ person golfing; U+1F3CC
+๐๏ธโโ๏ธ man golfing; U+1F3CC U+FE0F U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐๏ธโโ๏ธ woman golfing; U+1F3CC U+FE0F U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ person surfing; U+1F3C4
+๐โโ๏ธ man surfing; U+1F3C4 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐โโ๏ธ woman surfing; U+1F3C4 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ฃ person rowing boat; U+1F6A3
+๐ฃโโ๏ธ man rowing boat; U+1F6A3 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐ฃโโ๏ธ woman rowing boat; U+1F6A3 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ person swimming; U+1F3CA
+๐โโ๏ธ man swimming; U+1F3CA U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐โโ๏ธ woman swimming; U+1F3CA U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+โน person bouncing ball; U+26F9
+โน๏ธโโ๏ธ man bouncing ball; U+26F9 U+FE0F U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+โน๏ธโโ๏ธ woman bouncing ball; U+26F9 U+FE0F U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ person lifting weights; U+1F3CB
+๐๏ธโโ๏ธ man lifting weights; U+1F3CB U+FE0F U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐๏ธโโ๏ธ woman lifting weights; U+1F3CB U+FE0F U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ด person biking; U+1F6B4
+๐ดโโ๏ธ man biking; U+1F6B4 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐ดโโ๏ธ woman biking; U+1F6B4 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ต person mountain biking; U+1F6B5
+๐ตโโ๏ธ man mountain biking; U+1F6B5 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐ตโโ๏ธ woman mountain biking; U+1F6B5 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐คธ person cartwheeling; U+1F938
+๐คธโโ๏ธ man cartwheeling; U+1F938 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐คธโโ๏ธ woman cartwheeling; U+1F938 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐คผ people wrestling; U+1F93C
+๐คผโโ๏ธ men wrestling; U+1F93C U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐คผโโ๏ธ women wrestling; U+1F93C U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐คฝ person playing water polo; U+1F93D
+๐คฝโโ๏ธ man playing water polo; U+1F93D U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐คฝโโ๏ธ woman playing water polo; U+1F93D U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐คพ person playing handball; U+1F93E
+๐คพโโ๏ธ man playing handball; U+1F93E U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐คพโโ๏ธ woman playing handball; U+1F93E U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐คน person juggling; U+1F939
+๐คนโโ๏ธ man juggling; U+1F939 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐คนโโ๏ธ woman juggling; U+1F939 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ง person in lotus position; U+1F9D8
+๐งโโ๏ธ man in lotus position; U+1F9D8 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
+๐งโโ๏ธ woman in lotus position; U+1F9D8 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
+๐ person taking bath; U+1F6C0
+๐ person in bed; U+1F6CC
+๐ญ women holding hands; U+1F46D
+๐ซ woman and man holding hands; U+1F46B
+๐ฌ men holding hands; U+1F46C
+๐ kiss; U+1F48F
+๐ฉโโค๏ธโ๐โ๐จ kiss: woman, man; U+1F469 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468
+๐จโโค๏ธโ๐โ๐จ kiss: man, man; U+1F468 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F468
+๐ฉโโค๏ธโ๐โ๐ฉ kiss: woman, woman; U+1F469 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F48B U+200D U+1F469
+๐ couple with heart; U+1F491
+๐ฉโโค๏ธโ๐จ couple with heart: woman, man; U+1F469 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468
+๐จโโค๏ธโ๐จ couple with heart: man, man; U+1F468 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468
+๐ฉโโค๏ธโ๐ฉ couple with heart: woman, woman; U+1F469 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F469
+๐ช family; U+1F46A
+๐จโ๐ฉโ๐ฆ family: man, woman, boy; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F466
+๐จโ๐ฉโ๐ง family: man, woman, girl; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467
+๐จโ๐ฉโ๐งโ๐ฆ family: man, woman, girl, boy; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F466
+๐จโ๐ฉโ๐ฆโ๐ฆ family: man, woman, boy, boy; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F466 U+200D U+1F466
+๐จโ๐ฉโ๐งโ๐ง family: man, woman, girl, girl; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F467
+๐จโ๐จโ๐ฆ family: man, man, boy; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F466
+๐จโ๐จโ๐ง family: man, man, girl; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F467
+๐จโ๐จโ๐งโ๐ฆ family: man, man, girl, boy; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F466
+๐จโ๐จโ๐ฆโ๐ฆ family: man, man, boy, boy; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F466 U+200D U+1F466
+๐จโ๐จโ๐งโ๐ง family: man, man, girl, girl; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F468 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F467
+๐ฉโ๐ฉโ๐ฆ family: woman, woman, boy; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F466
+๐ฉโ๐ฉโ๐ง family: woman, woman, girl; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467
+๐ฉโ๐ฉโ๐งโ๐ฆ family: woman, woman, girl, boy; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F466
+๐ฉโ๐ฉโ๐ฆโ๐ฆ family: woman, woman, boy, boy; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F466 U+200D U+1F466
+๐ฉโ๐ฉโ๐งโ๐ง family: woman, woman, girl, girl; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F467
+๐จโ๐ฆ family: man, boy; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F466
+๐จโ๐ฆโ๐ฆ family: man, boy, boy; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F466 U+200D U+1F466
+๐จโ๐ง family: man, girl; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F467
+๐จโ๐งโ๐ฆ family: man, girl, boy; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F466
+๐จโ๐งโ๐ง family: man, girl, girl; U+1F468 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F467
+๐ฉโ๐ฆ family: woman, boy; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F466
+๐ฉโ๐ฆโ๐ฆ family: woman, boy, boy; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F466 U+200D U+1F466
+๐ฉโ๐ง family: woman, girl; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467
+๐ฉโ๐งโ๐ฆ family: woman, girl, boy; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F466
+๐ฉโ๐งโ๐ง family: woman, girl, girl; U+1F469 U+200D U+1F467 U+200D U+1F467
+๐ฃ speaking head; U+1F5E3
+๐ค bust in silhouette; U+1F464
+๐ฅ busts in silhouette; U+1F465
+๐ฃ footprints; U+1F463
+๐ฆฐ red hair; U+1F9B0
+๐ฆฑ curly hair; U+1F9B1
+๐ฆณ white hair; U+1F9B3
+๐ฆฒ bald; U+1F9B2
+๐ต monkey face; U+1F435
+๐ monkey; U+1F412
+๐ฆ gorilla; U+1F98D
+๐ถ dog face; U+1F436
+๐ dog; U+1F415
+๐ฉ poodle; U+1F429
+๐บ wolf face; U+1F43A
+๐ฆ fox face; U+1F98A
+๐ฆ raccoon; U+1F99D
+๐ฑ cat face; U+1F431
+๐ cat; U+1F408
+๐ฆ lion face; U+1F981
+๐ฏ tiger face; U+1F42F
tiger; U+1F405
+๐ leopard; U+1F406
+๐ด horse face; U+1F434
+๐ horse; U+1F40E
+๐ฆ unicorn face; U+1F984
+๐ฆ zebra; U+1F993
+๐ฆ deer; U+1F98C
+๐ฎ cow face; U+1F42E
+๐ ox; U+1F402
+๐ water buffalo; U+1F403
+๐ cow; U+1F404
+๐ท pig face; U+1F437
+๐ pig; U+1F416
+๐ boar; U+1F417
+๐ฝ pig nose; U+1F43D
+๐ ram; U+1F40F
+๐ ewe; U+1F411
+๐ goat; U+1F410
+๐ช camel; U+1F42A
+๐ซ two-hump camel; U+1F42B
+๐ฆ llama; U+1F999
+๐ฆ giraffe; U+1F992
+๐ elephant; U+1F418
+๐ฆ rhinoceros; U+1F98F
+๐ฆ hippopotamus; U+1F99B
+๐ญ mouse face; U+1F42D
+๐ mouse; U+1F401
+๐ rat; U+1F400
+๐น hamster face; U+1F439
+๐ฐ rabbit face; U+1F430
+๐ rabbit; U+1F407
+๐ฟ chipmunk; U+1F43F
+๐ฆ hedgehog; U+1F994
+๐ฆ bat; U+1F987
+๐ป bear face; U+1F43B
+๐จ koala; U+1F428
+๐ผ panda face; U+1F43C
+๐ฆ kangaroo; U+1F998
+๐ฆก badger; U+1F9A1
+๐พ paw prints; U+1F43E
+๐ฆ turkey; U+1F983
+๐ chicken; U+1F414
+๐ rooster; U+1F413
+๐ฃ hatching chick; U+1F423
+๐ค baby chick; U+1F424
+๐ฅ front-facing baby chick; U+1F425
+๐ฆ bird; U+1F426
+๐ง penguin; U+1F427
+๐ dove; U+1F54A
eagle; U+1F985
+๐ฆ duck; U+1F986
+๐ฆข swan; U+1F9A2
+๐ฆ owl; U+1F989
+๐ฆ peacock; U+1F99A
+๐ฆ parrot; U+1F99C
+๐ธ frog face; U+1F438
+๐ crocodile; U+1F40A
+๐ข turtle; U+1F422
+๐ฆ lizard; U+1F98E
+๐ snake; U+1F40D
+๐ฒ dragon face; U+1F432
+๐ dragon; U+1F409
+๐ฆ sauropod; U+1F995
+๐ฆ T-Rex; U+1F996
+๐ณ spouting whale; U+1F433
+๐ whale; U+1F40B
+๐ฌ dolphin; U+1F42C
+๐ fish; U+1F41F
+๐ tropical fish; U+1F420
+๐ก blowfish; U+1F421
+๐ฆ shark; U+1F988
+๐ octopus; U+1F419
+๐ spiral shell; U+1F41A
+๐ snail; U+1F40C
+๐ฆ butterfly; U+1F98B
+๐ bug; U+1F41B
+๐ ant; U+1F41C
+๐ honeybee; U+1F41D
+๐ lady beetle; U+1F41E
+๐ฆ cricket; U+1F997
+๐ท spider; U+1F577
+๐ธ spider web; U+1F578
+๐ฆ scorpion; U+1F982
+๐ฆ mosquito; U+1F99F
+๐ฆ microbe; U+1F9A0
+๐ bouquet; U+1F490
+๐ธ cherry blossom; U+1F338
+๐ฎ white flower; U+1F4AE
+๐ต rosette; U+1F3F5
+๐น rose; U+1F339
+๐ฅ wilted flower; U+1F940
+๐บ hibiscus; U+1F33A
+๐ป sunflower; U+1F33B
+๐ผ blossom; U+1F33C
+๐ท tulip; U+1F337
+๐ฑ seedling; U+1F331
+๐ฒ evergreen tree; U+1F332
+๐ณ deciduous tree; U+1F333
+๐ด palm tree; U+1F334
+๐ต cactus; U+1F335
+๐พ sheaf of rice; U+1F33E
+๐ฟ herb; U+1F33F
+โ shamrock; U+2618
+๐ four leaf clover; U+1F340
+๐ maple leaf; U+1F341
+๐ fallen leaf; U+1F342
+๐ leaf fluttering in wind; U+1F343
+๐ grapes; U+1F347
+๐ melon; U+1F348
+๐ watermelon; U+1F349
+๐ tangerine; U+1F34A
+๐ lemon; U+1F34B
+๐ banana; U+1F34C
+๐ pineapple; U+1F34D
+๐ฅญ mango; U+1F96D
+๐ red apple; U+1F34E
+๐ green apple; U+1F34F
+๐ pear; U+1F350
+๐ peach; U+1F351
+๐ cherries; U+1F352
+๐ strawberry; U+1F353
+๐ฅ kiwi fruit; U+1F95D
tomato; U+1F345
+๐ฅฅ coconut; U+1F965
+๐ฅ avocado; U+1F951
+๐ eggplant; U+1F346
+๐ฅ potato; U+1F954
+๐ฅ carrot; U+1F955
+๐ฝ ear of corn; U+1F33D
+๐ถ hot pepper; U+1F336
+๐ฅ cucumber; U+1F952
+๐ฅฌ leafy green; U+1F96C
+๐ฅฆ broccoli; U+1F966
+๐ mushroom; U+1F344
+๐ฅ peanuts; U+1F95C
+๐ฐ chestnut; U+1F330
+๐ bread; U+1F35E
+๐ฅ croissant; U+1F950
+๐ฅ baguette bread; U+1F956
+๐ฅจ pretzel; U+1F968
+๐ฅฏ bagel; U+1F96F
+๐ฅ pancakes; U+1F95E
+๐ง cheese wedge; U+1F9C0
+๐ meat on bone; U+1F356
+๐ poultry leg; U+1F357
+๐ฅฉ cut of meat; U+1F969
+๐ฅ bacon; U+1F953
+๐ hamburger; U+1F354
+๐ french fries; U+1F35F
+๐ pizza; U+1F355
+๐ญ hot dog; U+1F32D
+๐ฅช sandwich; U+1F96A
+๐ฎ taco; U+1F32E
+๐ฏ burrito; U+1F32F
+๐ฅ stuffed flatbread; U+1F959
+๐ฅ egg; U+1F95A
+๐ณ cooking; U+1F373
+๐ฅ shallow pan of food; U+1F958
+๐ฒ pot of food; U+1F372
+๐ฅฃ bowl with spoon; U+1F963
+๐ฅ green salad; U+1F957
+๐ฟ popcorn; U+1F37F
+๐ง salt; U+1F9C2
+๐ฅซ canned food; U+1F96B
+๐ฑ bento box; U+1F371
+๐ rice cracker; U+1F358
+๐ rice ball; U+1F359
+๐ cooked rice; U+1F35A
+๐ curry rice; U+1F35B
+๐ steaming bowl; U+1F35C
+๐ spaghetti; U+1F35D
+๐ roasted sweet potato; U+1F360
+๐ข oden; U+1F362
+๐ฃ sushi; U+1F363
+๐ค fried shrimp; U+1F364
+๐ฅ fish cake with swirl; U+1F365
+๐ฅฎ moon cake; U+1F96E
+๐ก dango; U+1F361
+๐ฅ dumpling; U+1F95F
+๐ฅ fortune cookie; U+1F960
+๐ฅก takeout box; U+1F961
+๐ฆ crab; U+1F980
+๐ฆ lobster; U+1F99E
+๐ฆ shrimp; U+1F990
+๐ฆ squid; U+1F991
+๐ฆ soft ice cream; U+1F366
+๐ง shaved ice; U+1F367
+๐จ ice cream; U+1F368
+๐ฉ doughnut; U+1F369
+๐ช cookie; U+1F36A
+๐ birthday cake; U+1F382
+๐ฐ shortcake; U+1F370
+๐ง cupcake; U+1F9C1
+๐ฅง pie; U+1F967
+๐ซ chocolate bar; U+1F36B
+๐ฌ candy; U+1F36C
+๐ญ lollipop; U+1F36D
+๐ฎ custard; U+1F36E
+๐ฏ honey pot; U+1F36F
+๐ผ baby bottle; U+1F37C
+๐ฅ glass of milk; U+1F95B
+โ hot beverage; U+2615
+๐ต teacup without handle; U+1F375
+๐ถ sake; U+1F376
+๐พ bottle with popping cork; U+1F37E
+๐ท wine glass; U+1F377
+๐ธ cocktail glass; U+1F378
+๐น tropical drink; U+1F379
+๐บ beer mug; U+1F37A
+๐ป clinking beer mugs; U+1F37B
+๐ฅ clinking glasses; U+1F942
+๐ฅ tumbler glass; U+1F943
+๐ฅค cup with straw; U+1F964
+๐ฅข chopsticks; U+1F962
+๐ฝ fork and knife with plate; U+1F37D
+๐ด fork and knife; U+1F374
+๐ฅ spoon; U+1F944
+๐ช kitchen knife; U+1F52A
+๐บ amphora; U+1F3FA
+๐ globe showing Europe-Africa; U+1F30D
+๐ globe showing Americas; U+1F30E
+๐ globe showing Asia-Australia; U+1F30F
+๐ globe with meridians; U+1F310
+๐บ world map; U+1F5FA
+๐พ map of Japan; U+1F5FE
+๐งญ compass; U+1F9ED
+๐ snow-capped mountain; U+1F3D4
+โฐ mountain; U+26F0
+๐ volcano; U+1F30B
+๐ป mount fuji; U+1F5FB
+๐ camping; U+1F3D5
+๐ beach with umbrella; U+1F3D6
+๐ desert; U+1F3DC
+๐ desert island; U+1F3DD
+๐ national park; U+1F3DE
+๐ stadium; U+1F3DF
+๐ classical building; U+1F3DB
+๐ building construction; U+1F3D7
+๐งฑ brick; U+1F9F1
+๐ houses; U+1F3D8
+๐ derelict house; U+1F3DA
+๐ house; U+1F3E0
+๐ก house with garden; U+1F3E1
+๐ข office building; U+1F3E2
+๐ฃ Japanese post office; U+1F3E3
+๐ค post office; U+1F3E4
+๐ฅ hospital; U+1F3E5
+๐ฆ bank; U+1F3E6
+๐จ hotel; U+1F3E8
+๐ฉ love hotel; U+1F3E9
+๐ช convenience store; U+1F3EA
+๐ซ school; U+1F3EB
+๐ฌ department store; U+1F3EC
+๐ญ factory; U+1F3ED
+๐ฏ Japanese castle; U+1F3EF
+๐ฐ castle; U+1F3F0
+๐ wedding; U+1F492
+๐ผ Tokyo tower; U+1F5FC
+๐ฝ Statue of Liberty; U+1F5FD
+โช church; U+26EA
+๐ mosque; U+1F54C
+๐ synagogue; U+1F54D
+โฉ shinto shrine; U+26E9
+๐ kaaba; U+1F54B
+โฒ fountain; U+26F2
+โบ tent; U+26FA
+๐ foggy; U+1F301
+๐ night with stars; U+1F303
+๐ cityscape; U+1F3D9
+๐ sunrise over mountains; U+1F304
sunrise; U+1F305
+๐ cityscape at dusk; U+1F306
+๐ sunset; U+1F307
+๐ bridge at night; U+1F309
+โจ hot springs; U+2668
+๐ milky way; U+1F30C
+๐ carousel horse; U+1F3A0
+๐ก ferris wheel; U+1F3A1
+๐ข roller coaster; U+1F3A2
+๐ barber pole; U+1F488
+๐ช circus tent; U+1F3AA
+๐ locomotive; U+1F682
+๐ railway car; U+1F683
+๐ high-speed train; U+1F684
bullet train; U+1F685
+๐ train; U+1F686
+๐ metro; U+1F687
+๐ light rail; U+1F688
+๐ station; U+1F689
+๐ tram; U+1F68A
+๐ monorail; U+1F69D
+๐ mountain railway; U+1F69E
+๐ tram car; U+1F68B
+๐ bus; U+1F68C
+๐ oncoming bus; U+1F68D
+๐ trolleybus; U+1F68E
+๐ minibus; U+1F690
+๐ ambulance; U+1F691
+๐ fire engine; U+1F692
+๐ police car; U+1F693
+๐ oncoming police car; U+1F694
+๐ taxi; U+1F695
+๐ oncoming taxi; U+1F696
+๐ automobile; U+1F697
+๐ oncoming automobile; U+1F698
+๐ sport utility vehicle; U+1F699
+๐ delivery truck; U+1F69A
+๐ articulated lorry; U+1F69B
+๐ tractor; U+1F69C
+๐ racing car; U+1F3CE
+๐ motorcycle; U+1F3CD
+๐ต motor scooter; U+1F6F5
+๐ฒ bicycle; U+1F6B2
+๐ด kick scooter; U+1F6F4
+๐น skateboard; U+1F6F9
+๐ bus stop; U+1F68F
+๐ฃ motorway; U+1F6E3
+๐ค railway track; U+1F6E4
+๐ข oil drum; U+1F6E2
+โฝ fuel pump; U+26FD
+๐จ police car light; U+1F6A8
+๐ฅ horizontal traffic light; U+1F6A5
+๐ฆ vertical traffic light; U+1F6A6
+๐ stop sign; U+1F6D1
+๐ง construction; U+1F6A7
+โ anchor; U+2693
+โต sailboat; U+26F5
+๐ถ canoe; U+1F6F6
+๐ค speedboat; U+1F6A4
+๐ณ passenger ship; U+1F6F3
+โด ferry; U+26F4
+๐ฅ motor boat; U+1F6E5
+๐ข ship; U+1F6A2
+โ airplane; U+2708
+๐ฉ small airplane; U+1F6E9
+๐ซ airplane departure; U+1F6EB
+๐ฌ airplane arrival; U+1F6EC
+๐บ seat; U+1F4BA
+๐ helicopter; U+1F681
+๐ suspension railway; U+1F69F
+๐ mountain cableway; U+1F6A0
+๐ก aerial tramway; U+1F6A1
+๐ฐ satellite; U+1F6F0
+๐ rocket; U+1F680
+๐ธ flying saucer; U+1F6F8
+๐ bellhop bell; U+1F6CE
+๐งณ luggage; U+1F9F3
+โ hourglass done; U+231B
+โณ hourglass not done; U+23F3
+โ watch; U+231A
+โฐ alarm clock; U+23F0
+โฑ stopwatch; U+23F1
+โฒ timer clock; U+23F2
+๐ฐ mantelpiece clock; U+1F570
+๐ twelve oโclock; U+1F55B
+๐ง twelve-thirty; U+1F567
+๐ one oโclock; U+1F550
+๐ one-thirty; U+1F55C
+๐ two oโclock; U+1F551
+๐ two-thirty; U+1F55D
+๐ three oโclock; U+1F552
+๐ three-thirty; U+1F55E
+๐ four oโclock; U+1F553
+๐ four-thirty; U+1F55F
+๐ five oโclock; U+1F554
+๐ five-thirty; U+1F560
+๐ six oโclock; U+1F555
+๐ก six-thirty; U+1F561
+๐ seven oโclock; U+1F556
+๐ข seven-thirty; U+1F562
+๐ eight oโclock; U+1F557
+๐ฃ eight-thirty; U+1F563
+๐ nine oโclock; U+1F558
+๐ค nine-thirty; U+1F564
+๐ ten oโclock; U+1F559
+๐ฅ ten-thirty; U+1F565
+๐ eleven oโclock; U+1F55A
+๐ฆ eleven-thirty; U+1F566
+๐ new moon; U+1F311
+๐ waxing crescent moon; U+1F312
+๐ first quarter moon; U+1F313
+๐ waxing gibbous moon; U+1F314
+๐ full moon; U+1F315
+๐ waning gibbous moon; U+1F316
+๐ last quarter moon; U+1F317
+๐ waning crescent moon; U+1F318
+๐ crescent moon; U+1F319
+๐ new moon face; U+1F31A
+๐ first quarter moon face; U+1F31B
+๐ last quarter moon face; U+1F31C
+๐ก thermometer; U+1F321
+โ sun; U+2600
+๐ full moon face; U+1F31D
+๐ sun with face; U+1F31E
+โญ star; U+2B50
+๐ glowing star; U+1F31F
+๐ shooting star; U+1F320
+โ cloud; U+2601
sun behind cloud; U+26C5
+โ cloud with lightning and rain; U+26C8
+๐ค sun behind small cloud; U+1F324
+๐ฅ sun behind large cloud; U+1F325
+๐ฆ sun behind rain cloud; U+1F326
+๐ง cloud with rain; U+1F327
+๐จ cloud with snow; U+1F328
+๐ฉ cloud with lightning; U+1F329
+๐ช tornado; U+1F32A
+๐ซ fog; U+1F32B
+๐ฌ wind face; U+1F32C
+๐ cyclone; U+1F300
+๐ rainbow; U+1F308
+๐ closed umbrella; U+1F302
+โ umbrella; U+2602
+โ umbrella with rain drops; U+2614
+โฑ umbrella on ground; U+26F1
+โก high voltage; U+26A1
+โ snowflake; U+2744
+โ snowman; U+2603
+โ snowman without snow; U+26C4
+โ comet; U+2604
+๐ฅ fire; U+1F525
+๐ง droplet; U+1F4A7
+๐ water wave; U+1F30A
+๐ jack-o-lantern; U+1F383
+๐ Christmas tree; U+1F384
+๐ fireworks; U+1F386
+๐ sparkler; U+1F387
+๐งจ firecracker; U+1F9E8
+โจ sparkles; U+2728
+๐ balloon; U+1F388
+๐ party popper; U+1F389
+๐ confetti ball; U+1F38A
+๐ tanabata tree; U+1F38B
+๐ pine decoration; U+1F38D
+๐ Japanese dolls; U+1F38E
+๐ carp streamer; U+1F38F
+๐ wind chime; U+1F390
+๐ moon viewing ceremony; U+1F391
+๐งง red envelope; U+1F9E7
+๐ ribbon; U+1F380
+๐ wrapped gift; U+1F381
+๐ reminder ribbon; U+1F397
+๐ admission tickets; U+1F39F
+๐ซ ticket; U+1F3AB
+๐ military medal; U+1F396
+๐ trophy; U+1F3C6
sports medal; U+1F3C5
+1st place medal; U+1F947 ๐ฅ
+2nd place medal; U+1F948 ๐ฅ
+3rd place medal; U+1F949 ๐ฅ
+โฝ soccer ball; U+26BD
+โพ baseball; U+26BE
+๐ฅ softball; U+1F94E
+๐ basketball; U+1F3C0
+๐ volleyball; U+1F3D0
+๐ american football; U+1F3C8
+๐ rugby football; U+1F3C9
+๐พ tennis; U+1F3BE
+๐ฅ flying disc; U+1F94F
+๐ณ bowling; U+1F3B3
+๐ cricket game; U+1F3CF
+๐ field hockey; U+1F3D1
+๐ ice hockey; U+1F3D2
+๐ฅ lacrosse; U+1F94D
+๐ ping pong; U+1F3D3
+๐ธ badminton; U+1F3F8
+๐ฅ boxing glove; U+1F94A
+๐ฅ martial arts uniform; U+1F94B
goal net; U+1F945
+โณ flag in hole; U+26F3
+โธ ice skate; U+26F8
+๐ฃ fishing pole; U+1F3A3
+๐ฝ running shirt; U+1F3BD
+๐ฟ skis; U+1F3BF
+๐ท sled; U+1F6F7
+๐ฅ curling stone; U+1F94C
+๐ฏ direct hit; U+1F3AF
+๐ฑ pool 8 ball; U+1F3B1
+๐ฎ crystal ball; U+1F52E
+๐งฟ nazar amulet; U+1F9FF
+๐ฎ video game; U+1F3AE
+๐น joystick; U+1F579
+๐ฐ slot machine; U+1F3B0
+๐ฒ game die; U+1F3B2
+๐งฉ jigsaw; U+1F9E9
+๐งธ teddy bear; U+1F9F8
+โ spade suit; U+2660
+โฅ heart suit; U+2665
+โฆ diamond suit; U+2666
+โฃ club suit; U+2663
+โ chess pawn; U+265F
+๐ joker; U+1F0CF
+๐ mahjong red dragon; U+1F004
+๐ด flower playing cards; U+1F3B4
+๐ญ performing arts; U+1F3AD
+๐ผ framed picture; U+1F5BC
+๐จ artist palette; U+1F3A8
+๐งต thread; U+1F9F5
+๐งถ yarn; U+1F9F6
+๐ glasses; U+1F453
+๐ถ sunglasses; U+1F576
+๐ฅฝ goggles; U+1F97D
+๐ฅผ lab coat; U+1F97C
+๐ necktie; U+1F454
+๐ t-shirt; U+1F455
+๐ jeans; U+1F456
+๐งฃ scarf; U+1F9E3
+๐งค gloves; U+1F9E4
+๐งฅ coat; U+1F9E5
+๐งฆ socks; U+1F9E6
+๐ dress; U+1F457
+๐ kimono; U+1F458
+๐ bikini; U+1F459
+๐ womanโs clothes; U+1F45A
+๐ purse; U+1F45B
+๐ handbag; U+1F45C
+๐ clutch bag; U+1F45D
+๐ shopping bags; U+1F6CD
+๐ backpack; U+1F392
+๐ manโs shoe; U+1F45E
+๐ running shoe; U+1F45F
+๐ฅพ hiking boot; U+1F97E
+๐ฅฟ flat shoe; U+1F97F
+๐ high-heeled shoe; U+1F460
+๐ก womanโs sandal; U+1F461
+๐ข womanโs boot; U+1F462
+๐ crown; U+1F451
+๐ womanโs hat; U+1F452
+๐ฉ top hat; U+1F3A9
+๐ graduation cap; U+1F393
+๐งข billed cap; U+1F9E2
+โ rescue workerโs helmet; U+26D1
+๐ฟ prayer beads; U+1F4FF
+๐ lipstick; U+1F484
+๐ ring; U+1F48D
+๐ gem stone; U+1F48E
+๐ muted speaker; U+1F507
+๐ speaker low volume; U+1F508
+๐ speaker medium volume; U+1F509
+๐ speaker high volume; U+1F50A
+๐ข loudspeaker; U+1F4E2
+๐ฃ megaphone; U+1F4E3
+๐ฏ postal horn; U+1F4EF
+๐ bell; U+1F514
+๐ bell with slash; U+1F515
+๐ผ musical score; U+1F3BC
+๐ต musical note; U+1F3B5
+๐ถ musical notes; U+1F3B6
+๐ studio microphone; U+1F399
+๐ level slider; U+1F39A
+๐ control knobs; U+1F39B
+๐ค microphone; U+1F3A4
+๐ง headphone; U+1F3A7
+๐ป radio; U+1F4FB
+๐ท saxophone; U+1F3B7
+๐ธ guitar; U+1F3B8
+๐น musical keyboard; U+1F3B9
+๐บ trumpet; U+1F3BA
+๐ป violin; U+1F3BB
+๐ฅ drum; U+1F941
+๐ฑ mobile phone; U+1F4F1
+๐ฒ mobile phone with arrow; U+1F4F2
+โ telephone; U+260E
+๐ telephone receiver; U+1F4DE
+๐ pager; U+1F4DF
+๐ fax machine; U+1F4E0
+๐ battery; U+1F50B
+๐ electric plug; U+1F50C
+๐ป laptop computer; U+1F4BB
+๐ฅ desktop computer; U+1F5A5
+๐จ printer; U+1F5A8
+โจ keyboard; U+2328
+๐ฑ computer mouse; U+1F5B1
+๐ฒ trackball; U+1F5B2
+๐ฝ computer disk; U+1F4BD
+๐พ floppy disk; U+1F4BE
+๐ฟ optical disk; U+1F4BF
+๐ dvd; U+1F4C0
+๐งฎ abacus; U+1F9EE
+๐ฅ movie camera; U+1F3A5
+๐ film frames; U+1F39E
+๐ฝ film projector; U+1F4FD
+๐ฌ clapper board; U+1F3AC
+๐บ television; U+1F4FA
+๐ท camera; U+1F4F7
+๐ธ camera with flash; U+1F4F8
+๐น video camera; U+1F4F9
+๐ผ videocassette; U+1F4FC
+๐ magnifying glass tilted left; U+1F50D
+๐ magnifying glass tilted right; U+1F50E
+๐ฏ candle; U+1F56F
+๐ก light bulb; U+1F4A1
+๐ฆ flashlight; U+1F526
+๐ฎ red paper lantern; U+1F3EE
+๐ notebook with decorative cover; U+1F4D4
+๐ closed book; U+1F4D5
+๐ open book; U+1F4D6
+๐ green book; U+1F4D7
+๐ blue book; U+1F4D8
+๐ orange book; U+1F4D9
+๐ books; U+1F4DA
+๐ notebook; U+1F4D3
+๐ ledger; U+1F4D2
+๐ page with curl; U+1F4C3
+๐ scroll; U+1F4DC
+๐ page facing up; U+1F4C4
+๐ฐ newspaper; U+1F4F0
+๐ rolled-up newspaper; U+1F5DE
+๐ bookmark tabs; U+1F4D1
+๐ bookmark; U+1F516
+๐ท label; U+1F3F7
+๐ฐ money bag; U+1F4B0
+๐ด yen banknote; U+1F4B4
+๐ต dollar banknote; U+1F4B5
+๐ถ euro banknote; U+1F4B6
+๐ท pound banknote; U+1F4B7
+๐ธ money with wings; U+1F4B8
+๐ณ credit card; U+1F4B3
+๐งพ receipt; U+1F9FE
+๐น chart increasing with yen; U+1F4B9
+๐ฑ currency exchange; U+1F4B1
+๐ฒ heavy dollar sign; U+1F4B2
+โ envelope; U+2709
+๐ง e-mail; U+1F4E7
+๐จ incoming envelope; U+1F4E8
+๐ฉ envelope with arrow; U+1F4E9
+๐ค outbox tray; U+1F4E4
+๐ฅ inbox tray; U+1F4E5
+๐ฆ package; U+1F4E6
+๐ซ closed mailbox with raised flag; U+1F4EB
+๐ช closed mailbox with lowered flag; U+1F4EA
+๐ฌ open mailbox with raised flag; U+1F4EC
+๐ญ open mailbox with lowered flag; U+1F4ED
+๐ฎ postbox; U+1F4EE
+๐ณ ballot box with ballot; U+1F5F3
+โ pencil; U+270F
+โ black nib; U+2712
+๐ fountain pen; U+1F58B
+๐ pen; U+1F58A
+๐ paintbrush; U+1F58C
+๐ crayon; U+1F58D
+๐ memo; U+1F4DD
+๐ผ briefcase; U+1F4BC
+๐ file folder; U+1F4C1
+๐ open file folder; U+1F4C2
+๐ card index dividers; U+1F5C2
calendar; U+1F4C5
+๐ tear-off calendar; U+1F4C6
+๐ spiral notepad; U+1F5D2
+๐ spiral calendar; U+1F5D3
+๐ card index; U+1F4C7
+๐ chart increasing; U+1F4C8
+๐ chart decreasing; U+1F4C9
+๐ bar chart; U+1F4CA
+๐ clipboard; U+1F4CB
+๐ pushpin; U+1F4CC
+๐ round pushpin; U+1F4CD
+๐ paperclip; U+1F4CE
+๐ linked paperclips; U+1F587
+๐ straight ruler; U+1F4CF
+๐ triangular ruler; U+1F4D0
+โ scissors; U+2702
+๐ card file box; U+1F5C3
+๐ file cabinet; U+1F5C4
+๐ wastebasket; U+1F5D1
+๐ locked; U+1F512
+๐ unlocked; U+1F513
+๐ locked with pen; U+1F50F
+๐ locked with key; U+1F510
+๐ key; U+1F511
+๐ old key; U+1F5DD
+๐จ hammer; U+1F528
+โ pick; U+26CF
+โ hammer and pick; U+2692
+๐ hammer and wrench; U+1F6E0
+๐ก dagger; U+1F5E1
+โ crossed swords; U+2694
+๐ซ pistol; U+1F52B
+๐น bow and arrow; U+1F3F9
+๐ก shield; U+1F6E1
+๐ง wrench; U+1F527
+๐ฉ nut and bolt; U+1F529
+โ gear; U+2699
+๐ clamp; U+1F5DC
+โ balance scale; U+2696
+๐ link; U+1F517
+โ chains; U+26D3
+๐งฐ toolbox; U+1F9F0
+๐งฒ magnet; U+1F9F2
+โ alembic; U+2697
+๐งช test tube; U+1F9EA
+๐งซ petri dish; U+1F9EB
+๐งฌ dna; U+1F9EC
+๐ฌ microscope; U+1F52C
+๐ญ telescope; U+1F52D
+๐ก satellite antenna; U+1F4E1
+๐ syringe; U+1F489
+๐ pill; U+1F48A
+๐ช door; U+1F6AA
+๐ bed; U+1F6CF
+๐ couch and lamp; U+1F6CB
+๐ฝ toilet; U+1F6BD
+๐ฟ shower; U+1F6BF
+๐ bathtub; U+1F6C1
+๐งด lotion bottle; U+1F9F4
+๐งท safety pin; U+1F9F7
+๐งน broom; U+1F9F9
+๐งบ basket; U+1F9FA
+๐งป roll of paper; U+1F9FB
+๐งผ soap; U+1F9FC
+๐งฝ sponge; U+1F9FD
+๐งฏ fire extinguisher; U+1F9EF
+๐ shopping cart; U+1F6D2
+๐ฌ cigarette; U+1F6AC
+โฐ coffin; U+26B0
+โฑ funeral urn; U+26B1
+๐ฟ moai; U+1F5FF
+๐ง ATM sign; U+1F3E7
+๐ฎ litter in bin sign; U+1F6AE
+๐ฐ potable water; U+1F6B0
+โฟ wheelchair symbol; U+267F
+๐น menโs room; U+1F6B9
+๐บ womenโs room; U+1F6BA
+๐ป restroom; U+1F6BB
+๐ผ baby symbol; U+1F6BC
+๐พ water closet; U+1F6BE
+๐ passport control; U+1F6C2
+๐ customs; U+1F6C3
+๐ baggage claim; U+1F6C4
left luggage; U+1F6C5
+โ warning; U+26A0
+๐ธ children crossing; U+1F6B8
+โ no entry; U+26D4
+๐ซ prohibited; U+1F6AB
+๐ณ no bicycles; U+1F6B3
+๐ญ no smoking; U+1F6AD
+๐ฏ no littering; U+1F6AF
+๐ฑ non-potable water; U+1F6B1
+๐ท no pedestrians; U+1F6B7
+๐ต no mobile phones; U+1F4F5
+๐ no one under eighteen; U+1F51E
+โข radioactive; U+2622
+โฃ biohazard; U+2623
+โฌ up arrow; U+2B06
+โ up-right arrow; U+2197
+โก right arrow; U+27A1
+โ down-right arrow; U+2198
+โฌ down arrow; U+2B07
+โ down-left arrow; U+2199
left arrow; U+2B05
+โ up-left arrow; U+2196
+โ up-down arrow; U+2195
+โ left-right arrow; U+2194
+โฉ right arrow curving left; U+21A9
+โช left arrow curving right; U+21AA
+โคด right arrow curving up; U+2934
+โคต right arrow curving down; U+2935
+๐ clockwise vertical arrows; U+1F503
+๐ counterclockwise arrows button; U+1F504
+๐ BACK arrow; U+1F519
+๐ END arrow; U+1F51A
+๐ ON! arrow; U+1F51B
+๐ SOON arrow; U+1F51C
+๐ TOP arrow; U+1F51D
+๐ place of worship; U+1F6D0
+โ atom symbol; U+269B
+๐ om; U+1F549
+โก star of David; U+2721
+โธ wheel of dharma; U+2638
+โฏ yin yang; U+262F
+โ latin cross; U+271D
+โฆ orthodox cross; U+2626
+โช star and crescent; U+262A
+โฎ peace symbol; U+262E
+๐ menorah; U+1F54E
+๐ฏ dotted six-pointed star; U+1F52F
+โ Aries; U+2648
+โ Taurus; U+2649
+โ Gemini; U+264A
+โ Cancer; U+264B
+โ Leo; U+264C
+โ Virgo; U+264D
+โ Libra; U+264E
+โ Scorpio; U+264F
+โ Sagittarius; U+2650
+โ Capricorn; U+2651
+โ Aquarius; U+2652
+โ Pisces; U+2653
+โ Ophiuchus; U+26CE
+๐ shuffle tracks button; U+1F500
+๐ repeat button; U+1F501
+๐ repeat single button; U+1F502
+โถ play button; U+25B6
+โฉ fast-forward button; U+23E9
+โญ next track button; U+23ED
+โฏ play or pause button; U+23EF
+โ reverse button; U+25C0
+โช fast reverse button; U+23EA
+โฎ last track button; U+23EE
+๐ผ upwards button; U+1F53C
+โซ fast up button; U+23EB
+๐ฝ downwards button; U+1F53D
+โฌ fast down button; U+23EC
+โธ pause button; U+23F8
+โน stop button; U+23F9
+โบ record button; U+23FA
+โ eject button; U+23CF
+๐ฆ cinema; U+1F3A6
dim button; U+1F505
+๐ bright button; U+1F506
+๐ถ antenna bars; U+1F4F6
+๐ณ vibration mode; U+1F4F3
+๐ด mobile phone off; U+1F4F4
+โ female sign; U+2640
+โ male sign; U+2642
+โ medical symbol; U+2695
+โพ infinity; U+267E
+โป recycling symbol; U+267B
+โ fleur-de-lis; U+269C
+๐ฑ trident emblem; U+1F531
+๐ name badge; U+1F4DB
+๐ฐ Japanese symbol for beginner; U+1F530
+โญ heavy large circle; U+2B55
white heavy check mark; U+2705
+โ ballot box with check; U+2611
+โ heavy check mark; U+2714
+โ heavy multiplication x; U+2716
+โ cross mark; U+274C
+โ cross mark button; U+274E
+โ heavy plus sign; U+2795
+โ heavy minus sign; U+2796
+โ heavy division sign; U+2797
+โฐ curly loop; U+27B0
+โฟ double curly loop; U+27BF
+ใฝ part alternation mark; U+303D
+โณ eight-spoked asterisk; U+2733
+โด eight-pointed star; U+2734
+โ sparkle; U+2747
+โผ double exclamation mark; U+203C
+โ exclamation question mark; U+2049
+โ question mark; U+2753
+โ white question mark; U+2754
+โ white exclamation mark; U+2755
+โ exclamation mark; U+2757
+ใฐ wavy dash; U+3030
+ยฉ copyright; U+00A9
+ยฎ registered; U+00AE
+โข trade mark; U+2122
+#๏ธโฃ keycap: #; U+0023 U+FE0F U+20E3
+*๏ธโฃ keycap: *; U+002A U+FE0F U+20E3
+0๏ธโฃ keycap: 0; U+0030 U+FE0F U+20E3
+1๏ธโฃ keycap: 1; U+0031 U+FE0F U+20E3
+2๏ธโฃ keycap: 2; U+0032 U+FE0F U+20E3
+3๏ธโฃ keycap: 3; U+0033 U+FE0F U+20E3
+4๏ธโฃ keycap: 4; U+0034 U+FE0F U+20E3
+5๏ธโฃ keycap: 5; U+0035 U+FE0F U+20E3
+6๏ธโฃ keycap: 6; U+0036 U+FE0F U+20E3
+7๏ธโฃ keycap: 7; U+0037 U+FE0F U+20E3
+8๏ธโฃ keycap: 8; U+0038 U+FE0F U+20E3
+9๏ธโฃ keycap: 9; U+0039 U+FE0F U+20E3
+๐ keycap: 10; U+1F51F
+๐ input latin uppercase; U+1F520
+๐ก input latin lowercase; U+1F521
+๐ข input numbers; U+1F522
+๐ฃ input symbols; U+1F523
+๐ค input latin letters; U+1F524
ฐ A button (blood type); U+1F170
+๐ AB button (blood type); U+1F18E
ฑ B button (blood type); U+1F171
+๐ CL button; U+1F191
+๐ COOL button; U+1F192
+๐ FREE button; U+1F193
+โน information; U+2139
+๐ ID button; U+1F194
+โ circled M; U+24C2
+๐ NEW button; U+1F195
+๐ NG button; U+1F196
พ O button (blood type); U+1F17E
+๐ OK button; U+1F197
ฟ P button; U+1F17F
+๐ SOS button; U+1F198
+๐ UP! button; U+1F199
+๐ VS button; U+1F19A
+๐ Japanese โhereโ button; U+1F201
+๐ Japanese โservice chargeโ button; U+1F202
+๐ท Japanese โmonthly amountโ button; U+1F237
+๐ถ Japanese โnot free of chargeโ button; U+1F236
+๐ฏ Japanese โreservedโ button; U+1F22F
+๐ Japanese โbargainโ button; U+1F250
+๐น Japanese โdiscountโ button; U+1F239
+๐ Japanese โfree of chargeโ button; U+1F21A
+๐ฒ Japanese โprohibitedโ button; U+1F232
+๐ Japanese โacceptableโ button; U+1F251
+๐ธ Japanese โapplicationโ button; U+1F238
+๐ด Japanese โpassing gradeโ button; U+1F234
+๐ณ Japanese โvacancyโ button; U+1F233
+ใ Japanese โcongratulationsโ button; U+3297
+ใ Japanese โsecretโ button; U+3299
+๐บ Japanese โopen for businessโ button; U+1F23A
+๐ต Japanese โno vacancyโ button; U+1F235
+๐ด red circle; U+1F534
+๐ต blue circle; U+1F535
+โช white circle; U+26AA
+โซ black circle; U+26AB
+โฌ white large square; U+2B1C
+โฌ black large square; U+2B1B
+โผ black medium square; U+25FC
+โป white medium square; U+25FB
+โฝ white medium-small square; U+25FD
+โพ black medium-small square; U+25FE
+โซ white small square; U+25AB
+โช black small square; U+25AA
+๐ถ large orange diamond; U+1F536
+๐ท large blue diamond; U+1F537
+๐ธ small orange diamond; U+1F538
+๐น small blue diamond; U+1F539
+๐บ red triangle pointed up; U+1F53A
+๐ป red triangle pointed down; U+1F53B
+๐ diamond with a dot; U+1F4A0
+๐ radio button; U+1F518
+๐ฒ black square button; U+1F532
+๐ณ white square button; U+1F533
+๐ chequered flag; U+1F3C1
+๐ฉ triangular flag; U+1F6A9
+๐ crossed flags; U+1F38C
+๐ด black flag; U+1F3F4
+๐ณ white flag; U+1F3F3
+๐ณ๏ธโ๐ rainbow flag; U+1F3F3 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F308
+๐ดโโ ๏ธ pirate flag; U+1F3F4 U+200D U+2620 U+FE0F
+๐ฆ๐จ flag: Ascension Island; U+1F1E6 U+1F1E8
+๐ฆ๐ฉ flag: Andorra; U+1F1E6 U+1F1E9
+๐ฆ๐ช flag: United Arab Emirates; U+1F1E6 U+1F1EA
+๐ฆ๐ซ flag: Afghanistan; U+1F1E6 U+1F1EB
+๐ฆ๐ฌ flag: Antigua & Barbuda; U+1F1E6 U+1F1EC
+๐ฆ๐ฎ flag: Anguilla; U+1F1E6 U+1F1EE
+๐ฆ๐ฑ flag: Albania; U+1F1E6 U+1F1F1
+๐ฆ๐ฒ flag: Armenia; U+1F1E6 U+1F1F2
+๐ฆ๐ด flag: Angola; U+1F1E6 U+1F1F4
+๐ฆ๐ถ flag: Antarctica; U+1F1E6 U+1F1F6
+๐ฆ๐ท flag: Argentina; U+1F1E6 U+1F1F7
+๐ฆ๐ธ flag: American Samoa; U+1F1E6 U+1F1F8
+๐ฆ๐น flag: Austria; U+1F1E6 U+1F1F9
+๐ฆ๐บ flag: Australia; U+1F1E6 U+1F1FA
+๐ฆ๐ผ flag: Aruba; U+1F1E6 U+1F1FC
+๐ฆ๐ฝ flag: ร
land Islands; U+1F1E6 U+1F1FD
+๐ฆ๐ฟ flag: Azerbaijan; U+1F1E6 U+1F1FF
+๐ง๐ฆ flag: Bosnia & Herzegovina; U+1F1E7 U+1F1E6
+๐ง๐ง flag: Barbados; U+1F1E7 U+1F1E7
+๐ง๐ฉ flag: Bangladesh; U+1F1E7 U+1F1E9
+๐ง๐ช flag: Belgium; U+1F1E7 U+1F1EA
+๐ง๐ซ flag: Burkina Faso; U+1F1E7 U+1F1EB
+๐ง๐ฌ flag: Bulgaria; U+1F1E7 U+1F1EC
+๐ง๐ญ flag: Bahrain; U+1F1E7 U+1F1ED
+๐ง๐ฎ flag: Burundi; U+1F1E7 U+1F1EE
+๐ง๐ฏ flag: Benin; U+1F1E7 U+1F1EF
+๐ง๐ฑ flag: St. Barthรฉlemy; U+1F1E7 U+1F1F1
+๐ง๐ฒ flag: Bermuda; U+1F1E7 U+1F1F2
+๐ง๐ณ flag: Brunei; U+1F1E7 U+1F1F3
+๐ง๐ด flag: Bolivia; U+1F1E7 U+1F1F4
+๐ง๐ถ flag: Caribbean Netherlands; U+1F1E7 U+1F1F6
+๐ง๐ท flag: Brazil; U+1F1E7 U+1F1F7
+๐ง๐ธ flag: Bahamas; U+1F1E7 U+1F1F8
+๐ง๐น flag: Bhutan; U+1F1E7 U+1F1F9
+๐ง๐ป flag: Bouvet Island; U+1F1E7 U+1F1FB
+๐ง๐ผ flag: Botswana; U+1F1E7 U+1F1FC
+๐ง๐พ flag: Belarus; U+1F1E7 U+1F1FE
+๐ง๐ฟ flag: Belize; U+1F1E7 U+1F1FF
+๐จ๐ฆ flag: Canada; U+1F1E8 U+1F1E6
+๐จ๐จ flag: Cocos (Keeling) Islands; U+1F1E8 U+1F1E8
+๐จ๐ฉ flag: Congo - Kinshasa; U+1F1E8 U+1F1E9
+๐จ๐ซ flag: Central African Republic; U+1F1E8 U+1F1EB
+๐จ๐ฌ flag: Congo - Brazzaville; U+1F1E8 U+1F1EC
+๐จ๐ญ flag: Switzerland; U+1F1E8 U+1F1ED
+๐จ๐ฎ flag: Cรดte dโIvoire; U+1F1E8 U+1F1EE
+๐จ๐ฐ flag: Cook Islands; U+1F1E8 U+1F1F0
+๐จ๐ฑ flag: Chile; U+1F1E8 U+1F1F1
+๐จ๐ฒ flag: Cameroon; U+1F1E8 U+1F1F2
+๐จ๐ณ flag: China; U+1F1E8 U+1F1F3
+๐จ๐ด flag: Colombia; U+1F1E8 U+1F1F4
+๐จ๐ต flag: Clipperton Island; U+1F1E8 U+1F1F5
+๐จ๐ท flag: Costa Rica; U+1F1E8 U+1F1F7
+๐จ๐บ flag: Cuba; U+1F1E8 U+1F1FA
+๐จ๐ป flag: Cape Verde; U+1F1E8 U+1F1FB
+๐จ๐ผ flag: Curaรงao; U+1F1E8 U+1F1FC
+๐จ๐ฝ flag: Christmas Island; U+1F1E8 U+1F1FD
+๐จ๐พ flag: Cyprus; U+1F1E8 U+1F1FE
+๐จ๐ฟ flag: Czechia; U+1F1E8 U+1F1FF
+๐ฉ๐ช flag: Germany; U+1F1E9 U+1F1EA
+๐ฉ๐ฌ flag: Diego Garcia; U+1F1E9 U+1F1EC
+๐ฉ๐ฏ flag: Djibouti; U+1F1E9 U+1F1EF
+๐ฉ๐ฐ flag: Denmark; U+1F1E9 U+1F1F0
+๐ฉ๐ฒ flag: Dominica; U+1F1E9 U+1F1F2
+๐ฉ๐ด flag: Dominican Republic; U+1F1E9 U+1F1F4
+๐ฉ๐ฟ flag: Algeria; U+1F1E9 U+1F1FF
+๐ช๐ฆ flag: Ceuta & Melilla; U+1F1EA U+1F1E6
+๐ช๐จ flag: Ecuador; U+1F1EA U+1F1E8
+๐ช๐ช flag: Estonia; U+1F1EA U+1F1EA
+๐ช๐ฌ flag: Egypt; U+1F1EA U+1F1EC
+๐ช๐ญ flag: Western Sahara; U+1F1EA U+1F1ED
+๐ช๐ท flag: Eritrea; U+1F1EA U+1F1F7
+๐ช๐ธ flag: Spain; U+1F1EA U+1F1F8
+๐ช๐น flag: Ethiopia; U+1F1EA U+1F1F9
+๐ช๐บ flag: European Union; U+1F1EA U+1F1FA
+๐ซ๐ฎ flag: Finland; U+1F1EB U+1F1EE
+๐ซ๐ฏ flag: Fiji; U+1F1EB U+1F1EF
+๐ซ๐ฐ flag: Falkland Islands; U+1F1EB U+1F1F0
+๐ซ๐ฒ flag: Micronesia; U+1F1EB U+1F1F2
+๐ซ๐ด flag: Faroe Islands; U+1F1EB U+1F1F4
+๐ซ๐ท flag: France; U+1F1EB U+1F1F7
+๐ฌ๐ฆ flag: Gabon; U+1F1EC U+1F1E6
+๐ฌ๐ง flag: United Kingdom; U+1F1EC U+1F1E7
+๐ฌ๐ฉ flag: Grenada; U+1F1EC U+1F1E9
+๐ฌ๐ช flag: Georgia; U+1F1EC U+1F1EA
+๐ฌ๐ซ flag: French Guiana; U+1F1EC U+1F1EB
+๐ฌ๐ฌ flag: Guernsey; U+1F1EC U+1F1EC
+๐ฌ๐ญ flag: Ghana; U+1F1EC U+1F1ED
+๐ฌ๐ฎ flag: Gibraltar; U+1F1EC U+1F1EE
+๐ฌ๐ฑ flag: Greenland; U+1F1EC U+1F1F1
+๐ฌ๐ฒ flag: Gambia; U+1F1EC U+1F1F2
+๐ฌ๐ณ flag: Guinea; U+1F1EC U+1F1F3
+๐ฌ๐ต flag: Guadeloupe; U+1F1EC U+1F1F5
+๐ฌ๐ถ flag: Equatorial Guinea; U+1F1EC U+1F1F6
+๐ฌ๐ท flag: Greece; U+1F1EC U+1F1F7
+๐ฌ๐ธ flag: South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands; U+1F1EC U+1F1F8
+๐ฌ๐น flag: Guatemala; U+1F1EC U+1F1F9
+๐ฌ๐บ flag: Guam; U+1F1EC U+1F1FA
+๐ฌ๐ผ flag: Guinea-Bissau; U+1F1EC U+1F1FC
+๐ฌ๐พ flag: Guyana; U+1F1EC U+1F1FE
+๐ญ๐ฐ flag: Hong Kong SAR China; U+1F1ED U+1F1F0
+๐ญ๐ฒ flag: Heard & McDonald Islands; U+1F1ED U+1F1F2
+๐ญ๐ณ flag: Honduras; U+1F1ED U+1F1F3
+๐ญ๐ท flag: Croatia; U+1F1ED U+1F1F7
+๐ญ๐น flag: Haiti; U+1F1ED U+1F1F9
+๐ญ๐บ flag: Hungary; U+1F1ED U+1F1FA
+๐ฎ๐จ flag: Canary Islands; U+1F1EE U+1F1E8
+๐ฎ๐ฉ flag: Indonesia; U+1F1EE U+1F1E9
+๐ฎ๐ช flag: Ireland; U+1F1EE U+1F1EA
+๐ฎ๐ฑ flag: Israel; U+1F1EE U+1F1F1
+๐ฎ๐ฒ flag: Isle of Man; U+1F1EE U+1F1F2
+๐ฎ๐ณ flag: India; U+1F1EE U+1F1F3
+๐ฎ๐ด flag: British Indian Ocean Territory; U+1F1EE U+1F1F4
+๐ฎ๐ถ flag: Iraq; U+1F1EE U+1F1F6
+๐ฎ๐ท flag: Iran; U+1F1EE U+1F1F7
+๐ฎ๐ธ flag: Iceland; U+1F1EE U+1F1F8
+๐ฎ๐น flag: Italy; U+1F1EE U+1F1F9
+๐ฏ๐ช flag: Jersey; U+1F1EF U+1F1EA
+๐ฏ๐ฒ flag: Jamaica; U+1F1EF U+1F1F2
+๐ฏ๐ด flag: Jordan; U+1F1EF U+1F1F4
+๐ฏ๐ต flag: Japan; U+1F1EF U+1F1F5
+๐ฐ๐ช flag: Kenya; U+1F1F0 U+1F1EA
+๐ฐ๐ฌ flag: Kyrgyzstan; U+1F1F0 U+1F1EC
+๐ฐ๐ญ flag: Cambodia; U+1F1F0 U+1F1ED
+๐ฐ๐ฎ flag: Kiribati; U+1F1F0 U+1F1EE
+๐ฐ๐ฒ flag: Comoros; U+1F1F0 U+1F1F2
+๐ฐ๐ณ flag: St. Kitts & Nevis; U+1F1F0 U+1F1F3
+๐ฐ๐ต flag: North Korea; U+1F1F0 U+1F1F5
+๐ฐ๐ท flag: South Korea; U+1F1F0 U+1F1F7
+๐ฐ๐ผ flag: Kuwait; U+1F1F0 U+1F1FC
+๐ฐ๐พ flag: Cayman Islands; U+1F1F0 U+1F1FE
+๐ฐ๐ฟ flag: Kazakhstan; U+1F1F0 U+1F1FF
+๐ฑ๐ฆ flag: Laos; U+1F1F1 U+1F1E6
+๐ฑ๐ง flag: Lebanon; U+1F1F1 U+1F1E7
+๐ฑ๐จ flag: St. Lucia; U+1F1F1 U+1F1E8
+๐ฑ๐ฎ flag: Liechtenstein; U+1F1F1 U+1F1EE
+๐ฑ๐ฐ flag: Sri Lanka; U+1F1F1 U+1F1F0
+๐ฑ๐ท flag: Liberia; U+1F1F1 U+1F1F7
+๐ฑ๐ธ flag: Lesotho; U+1F1F1 U+1F1F8
+๐ฑ๐น flag: Lithuania; U+1F1F1 U+1F1F9
+๐ฑ๐บ flag: Luxembourg; U+1F1F1 U+1F1FA
+๐ฑ๐ป flag: Latvia; U+1F1F1 U+1F1FB
+๐ฑ๐พ flag: Libya; U+1F1F1 U+1F1FE
+๐ฒ๐ฆ flag: Morocco; U+1F1F2 U+1F1E6
+๐ฒ๐จ flag: Monaco; U+1F1F2 U+1F1E8
+๐ฒ๐ฉ flag: Moldova; U+1F1F2 U+1F1E9
+๐ฒ๐ช flag: Montenegro; U+1F1F2 U+1F1EA
+๐ฒ๐ซ flag: St. Martin; U+1F1F2 U+1F1EB
+๐ฒ๐ฌ flag: Madagascar; U+1F1F2 U+1F1EC
+๐ฒ๐ญ flag: Marshall Islands; U+1F1F2 U+1F1ED
+๐ฒ๐ฐ flag: Macedonia; U+1F1F2 U+1F1F0
+๐ฒ๐ฑ flag: Mali; U+1F1F2 U+1F1F1
+๐ฒ๐ฒ flag: Myanmar (Burma); U+1F1F2 U+1F1F2
+๐ฒ๐ณ flag: Mongolia; U+1F1F2 U+1F1F3
+๐ฒ๐ด flag: Macau SAR China; U+1F1F2 U+1F1F4
+๐ฒ๐ต flag: Northern Mariana Islands; U+1F1F2 U+1F1F5
+๐ฒ๐ถ flag: Martinique; U+1F1F2 U+1F1F6
+๐ฒ๐ท flag: Mauritania; U+1F1F2 U+1F1F7
+๐ฒ๐ธ flag: Montserrat; U+1F1F2 U+1F1F8
+๐ฒ๐น flag: Malta; U+1F1F2 U+1F1F9
+๐ฒ๐บ flag: Mauritius; U+1F1F2 U+1F1FA
+๐ฒ๐ป flag: Maldives; U+1F1F2 U+1F1FB
+๐ฒ๐ผ flag: Malawi; U+1F1F2 U+1F1FC
+๐ฒ๐ฝ flag: Mexico; U+1F1F2 U+1F1FD
+๐ฒ๐พ flag: Malaysia; U+1F1F2 U+1F1FE
+๐ฒ๐ฟ flag: Mozambique; U+1F1F2 U+1F1FF
+๐ณ๐ฆ flag: Namibia; U+1F1F3 U+1F1E6
+๐ณ๐จ flag: New Caledonia; U+1F1F3 U+1F1E8
+๐ณ๐ช flag: Niger; U+1F1F3 U+1F1EA
+๐ณ๐ซ flag: Norfolk Island; U+1F1F3 U+1F1EB
+๐ณ๐ฌ flag: Nigeria; U+1F1F3 U+1F1EC
+๐ณ๐ฎ flag: Nicaragua; U+1F1F3 U+1F1EE
+๐ณ๐ฑ flag: Netherlands; U+1F1F3 U+1F1F1
+๐ณ๐ด flag: Norway; U+1F1F3 U+1F1F4
+๐ณ๐ต flag: Nepal; U+1F1F3 U+1F1F5
+๐ณ๐ท flag: Nauru; U+1F1F3 U+1F1F7
+๐ณ๐บ flag: Niue; U+1F1F3 U+1F1FA
+๐ณ๐ฟ flag: New Zealand; U+1F1F3 U+1F1FF
+๐ด๐ฒ flag: Oman; U+1F1F4 U+1F1F2
+๐ต๐ฆ flag: Panama; U+1F1F5 U+1F1E6
+๐ต๐ช flag: Peru; U+1F1F5 U+1F1EA
+๐ต๐ซ flag: French Polynesia; U+1F1F5 U+1F1EB
+๐ต๐ฌ flag: Papua New Guinea; U+1F1F5 U+1F1EC
+๐ต๐ญ flag: Philippines; U+1F1F5 U+1F1ED
+๐ต๐ฐ flag: Pakistan; U+1F1F5 U+1F1F0
+๐ต๐ฑ flag: Poland; U+1F1F5 U+1F1F1
+๐ต๐ฒ flag: St. Pierre & Miquelon; U+1F1F5 U+1F1F2
+๐ต๐ณ flag: Pitcairn Islands; U+1F1F5 U+1F1F3
+๐ต๐ท flag: Puerto Rico; U+1F1F5 U+1F1F7
+๐ต๐ธ flag: Palestinian Territories; U+1F1F5 U+1F1F8
+๐ต๐น flag: Portugal; U+1F1F5 U+1F1F9
+๐ต๐ผ flag: Palau; U+1F1F5 U+1F1FC
+๐ต๐พ flag: Paraguay; U+1F1F5 U+1F1FE
+๐ถ๐ฆ flag: Qatar; U+1F1F6 U+1F1E6
+๐ท๐ช flag: Rรฉunion; U+1F1F7 U+1F1EA
+๐ท๐ด flag: Romania; U+1F1F7 U+1F1F4
+๐ท๐ธ flag: Serbia; U+1F1F7 U+1F1F8
+๐ท๐บ flag: Russia; U+1F1F7 U+1F1FA
+๐ท๐ผ flag: Rwanda; U+1F1F7 U+1F1FC
+๐ธ๐ฆ flag: Saudi Arabia; U+1F1F8 U+1F1E6
+๐ธ๐ง flag: Solomon Islands; U+1F1F8 U+1F1E7
+๐ธ๐จ flag: Seychelles; U+1F1F8 U+1F1E8
+๐ธ๐ฉ flag: Sudan; U+1F1F8 U+1F1E9
+๐ธ๐ช flag: Sweden; U+1F1F8 U+1F1EA
+๐ธ๐ฌ flag: Singapore; U+1F1F8 U+1F1EC
+๐ธ๐ญ flag: St. Helena; U+1F1F8 U+1F1ED
+๐ธ๐ฎ flag: Slovenia; U+1F1F8 U+1F1EE
+๐ธ๐ฏ flag: Svalbard & Jan Mayen; U+1F1F8 U+1F1EF
+๐ธ๐ฐ flag: Slovakia; U+1F1F8 U+1F1F0
+๐ธ๐ฑ flag: Sierra Leone; U+1F1F8 U+1F1F1
+๐ธ๐ฒ flag: San Marino; U+1F1F8 U+1F1F2
+๐ธ๐ณ flag: Senegal; U+1F1F8 U+1F1F3
+๐ธ๐ด flag: Somalia; U+1F1F8 U+1F1F4
+๐ธ๐ท flag: Suriname; U+1F1F8 U+1F1F7
+๐ธ๐ธ flag: South Sudan; U+1F1F8 U+1F1F8
+๐ธ๐น flag: Sรฃo Tomรฉ & Prรญncipe; U+1F1F8 U+1F1F9
+๐ธ๐ป flag: El Salvador; U+1F1F8 U+1F1FB
+๐ธ๐ฝ flag: Sint Maarten; U+1F1F8 U+1F1FD
+๐ธ๐พ flag: Syria; U+1F1F8 U+1F1FE
+๐ธ๐ฟ flag: Swaziland; U+1F1F8 U+1F1FF
+๐น๐ฆ flag: Tristan da Cunha; U+1F1F9 U+1F1E6
+๐น๐จ flag: Turks & Caicos Islands; U+1F1F9 U+1F1E8
+๐น๐ฉ flag: Chad; U+1F1F9 U+1F1E9
+๐น๐ซ flag: French Southern Territories; U+1F1F9 U+1F1EB
+๐น๐ฌ flag: Togo; U+1F1F9 U+1F1EC
+๐น๐ญ flag: Thailand; U+1F1F9 U+1F1ED
+๐น๐ฏ flag: Tajikistan; U+1F1F9 U+1F1EF
+๐น๐ฐ flag: Tokelau; U+1F1F9 U+1F1F0
+๐น๐ฑ flag: Timor-Leste; U+1F1F9 U+1F1F1
+๐น๐ฒ flag: Turkmenistan; U+1F1F9 U+1F1F2
+๐น๐ณ flag: Tunisia; U+1F1F9 U+1F1F3
+๐น๐ด flag: Tonga; U+1F1F9 U+1F1F4
+๐น๐ท flag: Turkey; U+1F1F9 U+1F1F7
+๐น๐น flag: Trinidad & Tobago; U+1F1F9 U+1F1F9
+๐น๐ป flag: Tuvalu; U+1F1F9 U+1F1FB
+๐น๐ผ flag: Taiwan; U+1F1F9 U+1F1FC
+๐น๐ฟ flag: Tanzania; U+1F1F9 U+1F1FF
+๐บ๐ฆ flag: Ukraine; U+1F1FA U+1F1E6
+๐บ๐ฌ flag: Uganda; U+1F1FA U+1F1EC
+๐บ๐ฒ flag: U.S. Outlying Islands; U+1F1FA U+1F1F2
+๐บ๐ณ flag: United Nations; U+1F1FA U+1F1F3
+๐บ๐ธ flag: United States; U+1F1FA U+1F1F8
+๐บ๐พ flag: Uruguay; U+1F1FA U+1F1FE
+๐บ๐ฟ flag: Uzbekistan; U+1F1FA U+1F1FF
+๐ป๐ฆ flag: Vatican City; U+1F1FB U+1F1E6
+๐ป๐จ flag: St. Vincent & Grenadines; U+1F1FB U+1F1E8
+๐ป๐ช flag: Venezuela; U+1F1FB U+1F1EA
+๐ป๐ฌ flag: British Virgin Islands; U+1F1FB U+1F1EC
+๐ป๐ฎ flag: U.S. Virgin Islands; U+1F1FB U+1F1EE
+๐ป๐ณ flag: Vietnam; U+1F1FB U+1F1F3
+๐ป๐บ flag: Vanuatu; U+1F1FB U+1F1FA
+๐ผ๐ซ flag: Wallis & Futuna; U+1F1FC U+1F1EB
+๐ผ๐ธ flag: Samoa; U+1F1FC U+1F1F8
+๐ฝ๐ฐ flag: Kosovo; U+1F1FD U+1F1F0
+๐พ๐ช flag: Yemen; U+1F1FE U+1F1EA
+๐พ๐น flag: Mayotte; U+1F1FE U+1F1F9
+๐ฟ๐ฆ flag: South Africa; U+1F1FF U+1F1E6
+๐ฟ๐ฒ flag: Zambia; U+1F1FF U+1F1F2
+๐ฟ๐ผ flag: Zimbabwe; U+1F1FF U+1F1FC
+๐ด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ flag: England; U+1F3F4 U+E0067 U+E0062 U+E0065 U+E006E U+E0067 U+E007F
+๐ด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ณ๓ ฃ๓ ด๓ ฟ flag: Scotland; U+1F3F4 U+E0067 U+E0062 U+E0073 U+E0063 U+E0074 U+E007F
+๐ด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ flag: Wales; U+1F3F4 U+E0067 U+E0062 U+E0077 U+E006C U+E0073 U+E007F
diff --git a/.config/fontawesome b/.config/fontawesome
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f58fbf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fontawesome
@@ -0,0 +1,1483 @@
+๏ fa-ad; U+F641
+๏น fa-address-book; U+F2B9
+๏ป fa-address-card; U+F2BB
+๏ fa-adjust; U+F042
+๏ fa-air-freshener; U+F5D0
+๏ท fa-align-center; U+F037
+๏น fa-align-justify; U+F039
+๏ถ fa-align-left; U+F036
+๏ธ fa-align-right; U+F038
+๏ก fa-allergies; U+F461
+๏น fa-ambulance; U+F0F9
+๏ฃ fa-american-sign-language-interpreting; U+F2A3
+๏ฝ fa-anchor; U+F13D
+๏ fa-angle-double-down; U+F103
+๏ fa-angle-double-left; U+F100
+๏ fa-angle-double-right; U+F101
+๏ fa-angle-double-up; U+F102
+๏ fa-angle-down; U+F107
+๏ fa-angle-left; U+F104
fa-angle-right; U+F105
+๏ fa-angle-up; U+F106
+๏ fa-angry; U+F556
+๏ fa-ankh; U+F644
+๏ fa-apple-alt; U+F5D1
+๏ fa-archive; U+F187
+๏ fa-archway; U+F557
+๏ fa-arrow-alt-circle-down; U+F358
+๏ fa-arrow-alt-circle-left; U+F359
+๏ fa-arrow-alt-circle-right; U+F35A
+๏ fa-arrow-alt-circle-up; U+F35B
+๏ซ fa-arrow-circle-down; U+F0AB
+๏จ fa-arrow-circle-left; U+F0A8
+๏ฉ fa-arrow-circle-right; U+F0A9
+๏ช fa-arrow-circle-up; U+F0AA
+๏ฃ fa-arrow-down; U+F063
+๏ fa-arrow-left; U+F060
+๏ก fa-arrow-right; U+F061
+๏ข fa-arrow-up; U+F062
+๏ฒ fa-arrows-alt; U+F0B2
+๏ท fa-arrows-alt-h; U+F337
+๏ธ fa-arrows-alt-v; U+F338
+๏ข fa-assistive-listening-systems; U+F2A2
+๏ฉ fa-asterisk; U+F069
+๏บ fa-at; U+F1FA
+๏ fa-atlas; U+F558
+๏ fa-atom; U+F5D2
+๏ fa-audio-description; U+F29E
+๏ fa-award; U+F559
+๏ผ fa-baby; U+F77C
+๏ฝ fa-baby-carriage; U+F77D
+๏ fa-backspace; U+F55A
+๏ fa-backward; U+F04A
+๏ fa-balance-scale; U+F24E
+๏ fa-ban; U+F05E
+๏ข fa-band-aid; U+F462
+๏ช fa-barcode; U+F02A
+๏ fa-bars; U+F0C9
+๏ณ fa-baseball-ball; U+F433
+๏ด fa-basketball-ball; U+F434
+๏ fa-bath; U+F2CD
+๏ fa-battery-empty; U+F244
+๏ fa-battery-full; U+F240
+๏ fa-battery-half; U+F242
+๏ fa-battery-quarter; U+F243
+๏ fa-battery-three-quarters; U+F241
+๏ถ fa-bed; U+F236
+๏ผ fa-beer; U+F0FC
+๏ณ fa-bell; U+F0F3
+๏ถ fa-bell-slash; U+F1F6
+๏ fa-bezier-curve; U+F55B
+๏ fa-bible; U+F647
+๏ fa-bicycle; U+F206
+๏ฅ fa-binoculars; U+F1E5
+๏ fa-biohazard; U+F780
+๏ฝ fa-birthday-cake; U+F1FD
+๏ fa-blender; U+F517
+๏ถ fa-blender-phone; U+F6B6
+๏ fa-blind; U+F29D
+๏ fa-blog; U+F781
+๏ฒ fa-bold; U+F032
+๏ง fa-bolt; U+F0E7
+๏ข fa-bomb; U+F1E2
+๏ fa-bone; U+F5D7
+๏ fa-bong; U+F55C
+๏ญ fa-book; U+F02D
+๏ท fa-book-dead; U+F6B7
+๏ fa-book-open; U+F518
+๏ fa-book-reader; U+F5DA
+๏ฎ fa-bookmark; U+F02E
+๏ถ fa-bowling-ball; U+F436
+๏ฆ fa-box; U+F466
+๏ fa-box-open; U+F49E
+๏จ fa-boxes; U+F468
+๏ก fa-braille; U+F2A1
+๏ fa-brain; U+F5DC
+๏ฑ fa-briefcase; U+F0B1
+๏ฉ fa-briefcase-medical; U+F469
+๏ fa-broadcast-tower; U+F519
+๏ fa-broom; U+F51A
+๏ fa-brush; U+F55D
+๏ fa-bug; U+F188
+๏ญ fa-building; U+F1AD
+๏ก fa-bullhorn; U+F0A1
fa-bullseye; U+F140
+๏ช fa-burn; U+F46A
+๏ fa-bus; U+F207
+๏ fa-bus-alt; U+F55E
+๏ fa-business-time; U+F64A
+๏ฌ fa-calculator; U+F1EC
+๏ณ fa-calendar; U+F133
+๏ณ fa-calendar-alt; U+F073
+๏ด fa-calendar-check; U+F274
+๏ fa-calendar-day; U+F783
+๏ฒ fa-calendar-minus; U+F272
+๏ฑ fa-calendar-plus; U+F271
+๏ณ fa-calendar-times; U+F273
+๏ fa-calendar-week; U+F784
+๏ฐ fa-camera; U+F030
+๏ fa-camera-retro; U+F083
+๏ป fa-campground; U+F6BB
+๏ fa-candy-cane; U+F786
+๏ fa-cannabis; U+F55F
+๏ซ fa-capsules; U+F46B
+๏น fa-car; U+F1B9
+๏ fa-car-alt; U+F5DE
+๏ fa-car-battery; U+F5DF
+๏ก fa-car-crash; U+F5E1
+๏ค fa-car-side; U+F5E4
+๏ fa-caret-down; U+F0D7
+๏ fa-caret-left; U+F0D9
+๏ fa-caret-right; U+F0DA
fa-caret-square-down; U+F150
+๏ fa-caret-square-left; U+F191
fa-caret-square-right; U+F152
fa-caret-square-up; U+F151
+๏ fa-caret-up; U+F0D8
+๏ fa-carrot; U+F787
+๏ fa-cart-arrow-down; U+F218
+๏ fa-cart-plus; U+F217
+๏ fa-cash-register; U+F788
+๏พ fa-cat; U+F6BE
+๏ฃ fa-certificate; U+F0A3
+๏ fa-chair; U+F6C0
+๏ fa-chalkboard; U+F51B
+๏ fa-chalkboard-teacher; U+F51C
+๏ง fa-charging-station; U+F5E7
+๏พ fa-chart-area; U+F1FE
+๏ fa-chart-bar; U+F080
+๏ fa-chart-line; U+F201
+๏ fa-chart-pie; U+F200
+๏ fa-check; U+F00C
+๏ fa-check-circle; U+F058
+๏ fa-check-double; U+F560
fa-check-square; U+F14A
+๏น fa-chess; U+F439
+๏บ fa-chess-bishop; U+F43A
+๏ผ fa-chess-board; U+F43C
+๏ฟ fa-chess-king; U+F43F
+๏ fa-chess-knight; U+F441
+๏ fa-chess-pawn; U+F443
fa-chess-queen; U+F445
+๏ fa-chess-rook; U+F447
+๏บ fa-chevron-circle-down; U+F13A
+๏ท fa-chevron-circle-left; U+F137
+๏ธ fa-chevron-circle-right; U+F138
+๏น fa-chevron-circle-up; U+F139
+๏ธ fa-chevron-down; U+F078
+๏ fa-chevron-left; U+F053
+๏ fa-chevron-right; U+F054
+๏ท fa-chevron-up; U+F077
+๏ฎ fa-child; U+F1AE
+๏ fa-church; U+F51D
+๏ fa-circle; U+F111
+๏ fa-circle-notch; U+F1CE
+๏ fa-city; U+F64F
+๏จ fa-clipboard; U+F328
+๏ฌ fa-clipboard-check; U+F46C
+๏ญ fa-clipboard-list; U+F46D
+๏ fa-clock; U+F017
+๏ fa-clone; U+F24D
+๏ fa-closed-captioning; U+F20A
+๏ fa-cloud; U+F0C2
+๏ fa-cloud-download-alt; U+F381
+๏ป fa-cloud-meatball; U+F73B
+๏ fa-cloud-moon; U+F6C3
+๏ผ fa-cloud-moon-rain; U+F73C
+๏ฝ fa-cloud-rain; U+F73D
+๏ fa-cloud-showers-heavy; U+F740
+๏ fa-cloud-sun; U+F6C4
+๏ fa-cloud-sun-rain; U+F743
+๏ fa-cloud-upload-alt; U+F382
+๏ก fa-cocktail; U+F561
+๏ก fa-code; U+F121
+๏ฆ fa-code-branch; U+F126
+๏ด fa-coffee; U+F0F4
+๏ fa-cog; U+F013
fa-cogs; U+F085
+๏ fa-coins; U+F51E
+๏ fa-columns; U+F0DB
+๏ต fa-comment; U+F075
+๏บ fa-comment-alt; U+F27A
+๏ fa-comment-dollar; U+F651
+๏ญ fa-comment-dots; U+F4AD
+๏ณ fa-comment-slash; U+F4B3
+๏ fa-comments; U+F086
+๏ fa-comments-dollar; U+F653
+๏ fa-compact-disc; U+F51F
fa-compass; U+F14E
+๏ฆ fa-compress; U+F066
+๏ fa-compress-arrows-alt; U+F78C
+๏ข fa-concierge-bell; U+F562
+๏ฃ fa-cookie; U+F563
+๏ค fa-cookie-bite; U+F564
fa-copy; U+F0C5
+๏น fa-copyright; U+F1F9
+๏ธ fa-couch; U+F4B8
+๏ fa-credit-card; U+F09D
+๏ฅ fa-crop; U+F125
+๏ฅ fa-crop-alt; U+F565
+๏ fa-cross; U+F654
+๏ fa-crosshairs; U+F05B
+๏ fa-crow; U+F520
+๏ก fa-crown; U+F521
+๏ฒ fa-cube; U+F1B2
+๏ณ fa-cubes; U+F1B3
+๏ fa-cut; U+F0C4
+๏ fa-database; U+F1C0
+๏ค fa-deaf; U+F2A4
+๏ fa-democrat; U+F747
+๏ fa-desktop; U+F108
+๏ fa-dharmachakra; U+F655
+๏ฐ fa-diagnoses; U+F470
+๏ข fa-dice; U+F522
+๏ fa-dice-d20; U+F6CF
+๏ fa-dice-d6; U+F6D1
+๏ฃ fa-dice-five; U+F523
+๏ค fa-dice-four; U+F524
+๏ฅ fa-dice-one; U+F525
+๏ฆ fa-dice-six; U+F526
+๏ง fa-dice-three; U+F527
+๏จ fa-dice-two; U+F528
+๏ฆ fa-digital-tachograph; U+F566
+๏ซ fa-directions; U+F5EB
+๏ฉ fa-divide; U+F529
+๏ง fa-dizzy; U+F567
+๏ฑ fa-dna; U+F471
+๏ fa-dog; U+F6D3
fa-dollar-sign; U+F155
+๏ฒ fa-dolly; U+F472
+๏ด fa-dolly-flatbed; U+F474
+๏น fa-donate; U+F4B9
+๏ช fa-door-closed; U+F52A
+๏ซ fa-door-open; U+F52B
+๏ fa-dot-circle; U+F192
+๏บ fa-dove; U+F4BA
+๏ fa-download; U+F019
+๏จ fa-drafting-compass; U+F568
+๏ fa-dragon; U+F6D5
+๏ฎ fa-draw-polygon; U+F5EE
+๏ฉ fa-drum; U+F569
+๏ช fa-drum-steelpan; U+F56A
+๏ fa-drumstick-bite; U+F6D7
+๏ fa-dumbbell; U+F44B
+๏ fa-dumpster; U+F793
+๏ fa-dumpster-fire; U+F794
+๏ fa-dungeon; U+F6D9
+๏ fa-edit; U+F044
+๏ fa-eject; U+F052
fa-ellipsis-h; U+F141
fa-ellipsis-v; U+F142
+๏ fa-envelope; U+F0E0
+๏ถ fa-envelope-open; U+F2B6
+๏ fa-envelope-open-text; U+F658
+๏ fa-envelope-square; U+F199
+๏ฌ fa-equals; U+F52C
+๏ญ fa-eraser; U+F12D
+๏ fa-ethernet; U+F796
fa-euro-sign; U+F153
+๏ข fa-exchange-alt; U+F362
+๏ช fa-exclamation; U+F12A
+๏ช fa-exclamation-circle; U+F06A
+๏ฑ fa-exclamation-triangle; U+F071
+๏ฅ fa-expand; U+F065
+๏ fa-expand-arrows-alt; U+F31E
+๏ fa-external-link-alt; U+F35D
+๏ fa-external-link-square-alt; U+F360
+๏ฎ fa-eye; U+F06E
+๏ป fa-eye-dropper; U+F1FB
+๏ฐ fa-eye-slash; U+F070
+๏ fa-fast-backward; U+F049
+๏ fa-fast-forward; U+F050
+๏ฌ fa-fax; U+F1AC
+๏ญ fa-feather; U+F52D
+๏ซ fa-feather-alt; U+F56B
+๏ fa-female; U+F182
+๏ป fa-fighter-jet; U+F0FB
fa-file; U+F15B
fa-file-alt; U+F15C
+๏ fa-file-archive; U+F1C6
+๏ fa-file-audio; U+F1C7
+๏ fa-file-code; U+F1C9
+๏ฌ fa-file-contract; U+F56C
+๏ fa-file-csv; U+F6DD
+๏ญ fa-file-download; U+F56D
+๏ fa-file-excel; U+F1C3
+๏ฎ fa-file-export; U+F56E
fa-file-image; U+F1C5
+๏ฏ fa-file-import; U+F56F
+๏ฐ fa-file-invoice; U+F570
+๏ฑ fa-file-invoice-dollar; U+F571
+๏ท fa-file-medical; U+F477
+๏ธ fa-file-medical-alt; U+F478
+๏ fa-file-pdf; U+F1C1
+๏ fa-file-powerpoint; U+F1C4
+๏ฒ fa-file-prescription; U+F572
+๏ณ fa-file-signature; U+F573
+๏ด fa-file-upload; U+F574
+๏ fa-file-video; U+F1C8
+๏ fa-file-word; U+F1C2
+๏ต fa-fill; U+F575
+๏ถ fa-fill-drip; U+F576
+๏ fa-film; U+F008
+๏ฐ fa-filter; U+F0B0
+๏ท fa-fingerprint; U+F577
+๏ญ fa-fire; U+F06D
+๏ค fa-fire-alt; U+F7E4
+๏ด fa-fire-extinguisher; U+F134
+๏น fa-first-aid; U+F479
+๏ธ fa-fish; U+F578
+๏ fa-fist-raised; U+F6DE
+๏ค fa-flag; U+F024
+๏ fa-flag-checkered; U+F11E
+๏ fa-flag-usa; U+F74D
+๏ fa-flask; U+F0C3
+๏น fa-flushed; U+F579
+๏ป fa-folder; U+F07B
+๏ fa-folder-minus; U+F65D
+๏ผ fa-folder-open; U+F07C
+๏ fa-folder-plus; U+F65E
+๏ฑ fa-font; U+F031
+๏ฆ fa-font-awesome-logo-full; U+F4E6
+๏ fa-football-ball; U+F44E
+๏ fa-forward; U+F04E
+๏ฎ fa-frog; U+F52E
+๏ fa-frown; U+F119
+๏บ fa-frown-open; U+F57A
+๏ข fa-funnel-dollar; U+F662
+๏ฃ fa-futbol; U+F1E3
+๏ fa-gamepad; U+F11B
+๏ฏ fa-gas-pump; U+F52F
+๏ฃ fa-gavel; U+F0E3
+๏ฅ fa-gem; U+F3A5
+๏ญ fa-genderless; U+F22D
+๏ข fa-ghost; U+F6E2
+๏ซ fa-gift; U+F06B
+๏ fa-gifts; U+F79C
+๏ fa-glass-cheers; U+F79F
+๏ fa-glass-martini; U+F000
+๏ป fa-glass-martini-alt; U+F57B
+๏ fa-glass-whiskey; U+F7A0
+๏ฐ fa-glasses; U+F530
+๏ฌ fa-globe; U+F0AC
+๏ผ fa-globe-africa; U+F57C
+๏ฝ fa-globe-americas; U+F57D
+๏พ fa-globe-asia; U+F57E
+๏ข fa-globe-europe; U+F7A2
+๏ fa-golf-ball; U+F450
+๏ค fa-gopuram; U+F664
+๏ fa-graduation-cap; U+F19D
+๏ฑ fa-greater-than; U+F531
+๏ฒ fa-greater-than-equal; U+F532
+๏ฟ fa-grimace; U+F57F
+๏ fa-grin; U+F580
+๏ fa-grin-alt; U+F581
+๏ fa-grin-beam; U+F582
+๏ fa-grin-beam-sweat; U+F583
+๏ fa-grin-hearts; U+F584
fa-grin-squint; U+F585
+๏ fa-grin-squint-tears; U+F586
+๏ fa-grin-stars; U+F587
+๏ fa-grin-tears; U+F588
+๏ fa-grin-tongue; U+F589
+๏ fa-grin-tongue-squint; U+F58A
+๏ fa-grin-tongue-wink; U+F58B
+๏ fa-grin-wink; U+F58C
+๏ fa-grip-horizontal; U+F58D
+๏ค fa-grip-lines; U+F7A4
+๏ฅ fa-grip-lines-vertical; U+F7A5
+๏ fa-grip-vertical; U+F58E
+๏ฆ fa-guitar; U+F7A6
+๏ฝ fa-h-square; U+F0FD
+๏ฃ fa-hammer; U+F6E3
+๏ฅ fa-hamsa; U+F665
+๏ฝ fa-hand-holding; U+F4BD
+๏พ fa-hand-holding-heart; U+F4BE
+๏ fa-hand-holding-usd; U+F4C0
+๏ fa-hand-lizard; U+F258
+๏ fa-hand-paper; U+F256
+๏ fa-hand-peace; U+F25B
+๏ง fa-hand-point-down; U+F0A7
+๏ฅ fa-hand-point-left; U+F0A5
+๏ค fa-hand-point-right; U+F0A4
+๏ฆ fa-hand-point-up; U+F0A6
+๏ fa-hand-pointer; U+F25A
+๏ fa-hand-rock; U+F255
+๏ fa-hand-scissors; U+F257
+๏ fa-hand-spock; U+F259
+๏ fa-hands; U+F4C2
+๏ fa-hands-helping; U+F4C4
+๏ต fa-handshake; U+F2B5
+๏ฆ fa-hanukiah; U+F6E6
+๏ fa-hashtag; U+F292
+๏จ fa-hat-wizard; U+F6E8
+๏ฆ fa-haykal; U+F666
+๏ fa-hdd; U+F0A0
+๏ fa-heading; U+F1DC
+๏ฅ fa-headphones; U+F025
+๏ fa-headphones-alt; U+F58F
+๏ fa-headset; U+F590
+๏ fa-heart; U+F004
+๏ฉ fa-heart-broken; U+F7A9
+๏ fa-heartbeat; U+F21E
+๏ณ fa-helicopter; U+F533
+๏ fa-highlighter; U+F591
+๏ฌ fa-hiking; U+F6EC
+๏ญ fa-hippo; U+F6ED
+๏ fa-history; U+F1DA
+๏ fa-hockey-puck; U+F453
+๏ช fa-holly-berry; U+F7AA
+๏ fa-home; U+F015
+๏ฐ fa-horse; U+F6F0
+๏ซ fa-horse-head; U+F7AB
+๏ธ fa-hospital; U+F0F8
+๏ฝ fa-hospital-alt; U+F47D
+๏พ fa-hospital-symbol; U+F47E
+๏ fa-hot-tub; U+F593
+๏ fa-hotel; U+F594
+๏ fa-hourglass; U+F254
+๏ fa-hourglass-end; U+F253
+๏ fa-hourglass-half; U+F252
+๏ fa-hourglass-start; U+F251
+๏ฑ fa-house-damage; U+F6F1
+๏ฒ fa-hryvnia; U+F6F2
+๏ fa-i-cursor; U+F246
+๏ญ fa-icicles; U+F7AD
+๏ fa-id-badge; U+F2C1
+๏ fa-id-card; U+F2C2
+๏ฟ fa-id-card-alt; U+F47F
+๏ฎ fa-igloo; U+F7AE
+๏พ fa-image; U+F03E
+๏ fa-images; U+F302
+๏ fa-inbox; U+F01C
+๏ผ fa-indent; U+F03C
+๏ต fa-industry; U+F275
+๏ด fa-infinity; U+F534
+๏ฉ fa-info; U+F129
+๏ fa-info-circle; U+F05A
+๏ณ fa-italic; U+F033
+๏ฉ fa-jedi; U+F669
+๏ fa-joint; U+F595
+๏ช fa-journal-whills; U+F66A
+๏ซ fa-kaaba; U+F66B
+๏ fa-key; U+F084
+๏ fa-keyboard; U+F11C
+๏ญ fa-khanda; U+F66D
+๏ fa-kiss; U+F596
+๏ fa-kiss-beam; U+F597
+๏ fa-kiss-wink-heart; U+F598
+๏ต fa-kiwi-bird; U+F535
+๏ฏ fa-landmark; U+F66F
+๏ซ fa-language; U+F1AB
+๏ fa-laptop; U+F109
+๏ผ fa-laptop-code; U+F5FC
+๏ fa-laugh; U+F599
+๏ fa-laugh-beam; U+F59A
+๏ fa-laugh-squint; U+F59B
+๏ fa-laugh-wink; U+F59C
+๏ฝ fa-layer-group; U+F5FD
+๏ฌ fa-leaf; U+F06C
+๏ fa-lemon; U+F094
+๏ถ fa-less-than; U+F536
+๏ท fa-less-than-equal; U+F537
+๏พ fa-level-down-alt; U+F3BE
+๏ฟ fa-level-up-alt; U+F3BF
+๏ fa-life-ring; U+F1CD
+๏ซ fa-lightbulb; U+F0EB
+๏ fa-link; U+F0C1
+๏ fa-lira-sign; U+F195
+๏บ fa-list; U+F03A
+๏ข fa-list-alt; U+F022
+๏ fa-list-ol; U+F0CB
+๏ fa-list-ul; U+F0CA
+๏ค fa-location-arrow; U+F124
+๏ฃ fa-lock; U+F023
+๏ fa-lock-open; U+F3C1
+๏ fa-long-arrow-alt-down; U+F309
+๏ fa-long-arrow-alt-left; U+F30A
+๏ fa-long-arrow-alt-right; U+F30B
+๏ fa-long-arrow-alt-up; U+F30C
+๏จ fa-low-vision; U+F2A8
+๏ fa-luggage-cart; U+F59D
+๏ fa-magic; U+F0D0
+๏ถ fa-magnet; U+F076
+๏ด fa-mail-bulk; U+F674
+๏ fa-male; U+F183
+๏น fa-map; U+F279
+๏ fa-map-marked; U+F59F
+๏ fa-map-marked-alt; U+F5A0
+๏ fa-map-marker; U+F041
fa-map-marker-alt; U+F3C5
+๏ถ fa-map-pin; U+F276
+๏ท fa-map-signs; U+F277
+๏ก fa-marker; U+F5A1
+๏ข fa-mars; U+F222
+๏ง fa-mars-double; U+F227
+๏ฉ fa-mars-stroke; U+F229
+๏ซ fa-mars-stroke-h; U+F22B
+๏ช fa-mars-stroke-v; U+F22A
+๏บ fa-mask; U+F6FA
+๏ข fa-medal; U+F5A2
+๏บ fa-medkit; U+F0FA
+๏ fa-meh; U+F11A
+๏ค fa-meh-blank; U+F5A4
+๏ฅ fa-meh-rolling-eyes; U+F5A5
+๏ธ fa-memory; U+F538
+๏ถ fa-menorah; U+F676
+๏ฃ fa-mercury; U+F223
+๏ fa-meteor; U+F753
+๏ fa-microchip; U+F2DB
+๏ฐ fa-microphone; U+F130
+๏ fa-microphone-alt; U+F3C9
+๏น fa-microphone-alt-slash; U+F539
+๏ฑ fa-microphone-slash; U+F131
+๏ fa-microscope; U+F610
+๏จ fa-minus; U+F068
+๏ fa-minus-circle; U+F056
fa-minus-square; U+F146
+๏ต fa-mitten; U+F7B5
+๏ fa-mobile; U+F10B
+๏ fa-mobile-alt; U+F3CD
+๏ fa-money-bill; U+F0D6
+๏ fa-money-bill-alt; U+F3D1
+๏บ fa-money-bill-wave; U+F53A
+๏ป fa-money-bill-wave-alt; U+F53B
+๏ผ fa-money-check; U+F53C
+๏ฝ fa-money-check-alt; U+F53D
+๏ฆ fa-monument; U+F5A6
+๏ fa-moon; U+F186
+๏ง fa-mortar-pestle; U+F5A7
+๏ธ fa-mosque; U+F678
+๏ fa-motorcycle; U+F21C
+๏ผ fa-mountain; U+F6FC
fa-mouse-pointer; U+F245
+๏ถ fa-mug-hot; U+F7B6
+๏ fa-music; U+F001
+๏ฟ fa-network-wired; U+F6FF
+๏ฌ fa-neuter; U+F22C
+๏ช fa-newspaper; U+F1EA
+๏พ fa-not-equal; U+F53E
+๏ fa-notes-medical; U+F481
+๏ fa-object-group; U+F247
+๏ fa-object-ungroup; U+F248
+๏ fa-oil-can; U+F613
+๏น fa-om; U+F679
+๏ fa-otter; U+F700
+๏ป fa-outdent; U+F03B
+๏ผ fa-paint-brush; U+F1FC
+๏ช fa-paint-roller; U+F5AA
+๏ฟ fa-palette; U+F53F
+๏ fa-pallet; U+F482
+๏ fa-paper-plane; U+F1D8
+๏ fa-paperclip; U+F0C6
+๏ fa-parachute-box; U+F4CD
+๏ fa-paragraph; U+F1DD
+๏ fa-parking; U+F540
+๏ซ fa-passport; U+F5AB
+๏ป fa-pastafarianism; U+F67B
+๏ช fa-paste; U+F0EA
+๏ fa-pause; U+F04C
+๏ fa-pause-circle; U+F28B
+๏ฐ fa-paw; U+F1B0
+๏ผ fa-peace; U+F67C
+๏ fa-pen; U+F304
fa-pen-alt; U+F305
+๏ฌ fa-pen-fancy; U+F5AC
+๏ญ fa-pen-nib; U+F5AD
fa-pen-square; U+F14B
+๏ fa-pencil-alt; U+F303
+๏ฎ fa-pencil-ruler; U+F5AE
+๏ fa-people-carry; U+F4CE
+๏ fa-percent; U+F295
+๏ fa-percentage; U+F541
+๏ fa-person-booth; U+F756
+๏ fa-phone; U+F095
+๏ fa-phone-slash; U+F3DD
+๏ fa-phone-square; U+F098
+๏ fa-phone-volume; U+F2A0
+๏ fa-piggy-bank; U+F4D3
+๏ fa-pills; U+F484
+๏ฟ fa-place-of-worship; U+F67F
+๏ฒ fa-plane; U+F072
+๏ฏ fa-plane-arrival; U+F5AF
+๏ฐ fa-plane-departure; U+F5B0
+๏ fa-play; U+F04B
fa-play-circle; U+F144
+๏ฆ fa-plug; U+F1E6
+๏ง fa-plus; U+F067
+๏ fa-plus-circle; U+F055
+๏พ fa-plus-square; U+F0FE
+๏ fa-podcast; U+F2CE
+๏ fa-poll; U+F681
+๏ fa-poll-h; U+F682
+๏พ fa-poo; U+F2FE
+๏ fa-poo-storm; U+F75A
+๏ fa-poop; U+F619
+๏ fa-portrait; U+F3E0
fa-pound-sign; U+F154
+๏ fa-power-off; U+F011
+๏ fa-pray; U+F683
+๏ fa-praying-hands; U+F684
+๏ฑ fa-prescription; U+F5B1
fa-prescription-bottle; U+F485
+๏ fa-prescription-bottle-alt; U+F486
+๏ฏ fa-print; U+F02F
+๏ fa-procedures; U+F487
+๏ fa-project-diagram; U+F542
+๏ฎ fa-puzzle-piece; U+F12E
+๏ฉ fa-qrcode; U+F029
+๏จ fa-question; U+F128
+๏ fa-question-circle; U+F059
+๏ fa-quidditch; U+F458
+๏ fa-quote-left; U+F10D
+๏ fa-quote-right; U+F10E
+๏ fa-quran; U+F687
+๏น fa-radiation; U+F7B9
+๏บ fa-radiation-alt; U+F7BA
+๏ fa-rainbow; U+F75B
+๏ด fa-random; U+F074
+๏ fa-receipt; U+F543
+๏ธ fa-recycle; U+F1B8
+๏ fa-redo; U+F01E
+๏น fa-redo-alt; U+F2F9
+๏ fa-registered; U+F25D
+๏ฅ fa-reply; U+F3E5
+๏ข fa-reply-all; U+F122
+๏ fa-republican; U+F75E
+๏ฝ fa-restroom; U+F7BD
+๏น fa-retweet; U+F079
+๏ fa-ribbon; U+F4D6
+๏ fa-ring; U+F70B
+๏ fa-road; U+F018
+๏ fa-robot; U+F544
+๏ต fa-rocket; U+F135
+๏ fa-route; U+F4D7
+๏ fa-rss; U+F09E
fa-rss-square; U+F143
fa-ruble-sign; U+F158
fa-ruler; U+F545
+๏ fa-ruler-combined; U+F546
+๏ fa-ruler-horizontal; U+F547
+๏ fa-ruler-vertical; U+F548
+๏ fa-running; U+F70C
fa-rupee-sign; U+F156
+๏ณ fa-sad-cry; U+F5B3
+๏ด fa-sad-tear; U+F5B4
+๏ฟ fa-satellite; U+F7BF
+๏ fa-satellite-dish; U+F7C0
+๏ fa-save; U+F0C7
+๏ fa-school; U+F549
+๏ fa-screwdriver; U+F54A
+๏ fa-scroll; U+F70E
+๏ fa-sd-card; U+F7C2
+๏ fa-search; U+F002
+๏ fa-search-dollar; U+F688
+๏ fa-search-location; U+F689
+๏ fa-search-minus; U+F010
+๏ fa-search-plus; U+F00E
+๏ fa-seedling; U+F4D8
+๏ณ fa-server; U+F233
+๏ fa-shapes; U+F61F
+๏ค fa-share; U+F064
+๏ fa-share-alt; U+F1E0
+๏ก fa-share-alt-square; U+F1E1
fa-share-square; U+F14D
+๏ fa-shekel-sign; U+F20B
+๏ญ fa-shield-alt; U+F3ED
+๏ fa-ship; U+F21A
+๏ fa-shipping-fast; U+F48B
+๏ fa-shoe-prints; U+F54B
+๏ fa-shopping-bag; U+F290
+๏ fa-shopping-basket; U+F291
+๏บ fa-shopping-cart; U+F07A
+๏ fa-shower; U+F2CC
+๏ถ fa-shuttle-van; U+F5B6
+๏ fa-sign; U+F4D9
+๏ถ fa-sign-in-alt; U+F2F6
+๏ง fa-sign-language; U+F2A7
+๏ต fa-sign-out-alt; U+F2F5
+๏ fa-signal; U+F012
+๏ท fa-signature; U+F5B7
+๏ fa-sim-card; U+F7C4
+๏จ fa-sitemap; U+F0E8
fa-skating; U+F7C5
+๏ fa-skiing; U+F7C9
+๏ fa-skiing-nordic; U+F7CA
+๏ fa-skull; U+F54C
+๏ fa-skull-crossbones; U+F714
+๏ fa-slash; U+F715
+๏ fa-sleigh; U+F7CC
+๏ fa-sliders-h; U+F1DE
+๏ fa-smile; U+F118
+๏ธ fa-smile-beam; U+F5B8
+๏ fa-smile-wink; U+F4DA
+๏ fa-smog; U+F75F
+๏ fa-smoking; U+F48D
+๏ fa-smoking-ban; U+F54D
+๏ fa-sms; U+F7CD
+๏ fa-snowboarding; U+F7CE
+๏ fa-snowflake; U+F2DC
+๏ fa-snowman; U+F7D0
+๏ fa-snowplow; U+F7D2
+๏ fa-socks; U+F696
+๏บ fa-solar-panel; U+F5BA
+๏ fa-sort; U+F0DC
fa-sort-alpha-down; U+F15D
fa-sort-alpha-up; U+F15E
fa-sort-amount-down; U+F160
ก fa-sort-amount-up; U+F161
+๏ fa-sort-down; U+F0DD
ข fa-sort-numeric-down; U+F162
ฃ fa-sort-numeric-up; U+F163
+๏ fa-sort-up; U+F0DE
+๏ป fa-spa; U+F5BB
+๏ fa-space-shuttle; U+F197
+๏ fa-spider; U+F717
+๏ fa-spinner; U+F110
+๏ผ fa-splotch; U+F5BC
+๏ฝ fa-spray-can; U+F5BD
+๏ fa-square; U+F0C8
+๏ fa-square-full; U+F45C
+๏ fa-square-root-alt; U+F698
+๏ฟ fa-stamp; U+F5BF
fa-star; U+F005
+๏ fa-star-and-crescent; U+F699
+๏ fa-star-half; U+F089
+๏ fa-star-half-alt; U+F5C0
+๏ fa-star-of-david; U+F69A
+๏ก fa-star-of-life; U+F621
+๏ fa-step-backward; U+F048
+๏ fa-step-forward; U+F051
+๏ฑ fa-stethoscope; U+F0F1
+๏ fa-sticky-note; U+F249
+๏ fa-stop; U+F04D
+๏ fa-stop-circle; U+F28D
+๏ฒ fa-stopwatch; U+F2F2
+๏ fa-store; U+F54E
+๏ fa-store-alt; U+F54F
+๏ fa-stream; U+F550
+๏ fa-street-view; U+F21D
+๏ fa-strikethrough; U+F0CC
+๏ fa-stroopwafel; U+F551
+๏ฌ fa-subscript; U+F12C
+๏น fa-subway; U+F239
+๏ฒ fa-suitcase; U+F0F2
+๏ fa-suitcase-rolling; U+F5C1
fa-sun; U+F185
+๏ซ fa-superscript; U+F12B
+๏ fa-surprise; U+F5C2
+๏ fa-swatchbook; U+F5C3
+๏ fa-swimmer; U+F5C4
fa-swimming-pool; U+F5C5
+๏ fa-synagogue; U+F69B
+๏ก fa-sync; U+F021
+๏ฑ fa-sync-alt; U+F2F1
+๏ fa-syringe; U+F48E
+๏ fa-table; U+F0CE
+๏ fa-table-tennis; U+F45D
+๏ fa-tablet; U+F10A
+๏บ fa-tablet-alt; U+F3FA
+๏ fa-tablets; U+F490
+๏ฝ fa-tachometer-alt; U+F3FD
+๏ซ fa-tag; U+F02B
+๏ฌ fa-tags; U+F02C
+๏ fa-tape; U+F4DB
+๏ฎ fa-tasks; U+F0AE
+๏บ fa-taxi; U+F1BA
+๏ฎ fa-teeth; U+F62E
+๏ฏ fa-teeth-open; U+F62F
+๏ฉ fa-temperature-high; U+F769
+๏ซ fa-temperature-low; U+F76B
+๏ fa-tenge; U+F7D7
+๏ fa-terminal; U+F120
+๏ด fa-text-height; U+F034
+๏ต fa-text-width; U+F035
+๏ fa-th; U+F00A
+๏ fa-th-large; U+F009
+๏ fa-th-list; U+F00B
+๏ฐ fa-theater-masks; U+F630
+๏ fa-thermometer; U+F491
+๏ fa-thermometer-empty; U+F2CB
+๏ fa-thermometer-full; U+F2C7
+๏ fa-thermometer-half; U+F2C9
+๏ fa-thermometer-quarter; U+F2CA
+๏ fa-thermometer-three-quarters; U+F2C8
ฅ fa-thumbs-down; U+F165
ค fa-thumbs-up; U+F164
+๏ fa-thumbtack; U+F08D
+๏ฟ fa-ticket-alt; U+F3FF
+๏ fa-times; U+F00D
+๏ fa-times-circle; U+F057
+๏ fa-tint; U+F043
+๏ fa-tint-slash; U+F5C7
+๏ fa-tired; U+F5C8
+๏ fa-toggle-off; U+F204
fa-toggle-on; U+F205
+๏ fa-toilet; U+F7D8
+๏ fa-toilet-paper; U+F71E
+๏ fa-toolbox; U+F552
+๏ fa-tools; U+F7D9
+๏ fa-tooth; U+F5C9
+๏ fa-torah; U+F6A0
+๏ก fa-torii-gate; U+F6A1
+๏ข fa-tractor; U+F722
+๏ fa-trademark; U+F25C
+๏ท fa-traffic-light; U+F637
+๏ธ fa-train; U+F238
+๏ fa-tram; U+F7DA
+๏ค fa-transgender; U+F224
+๏ฅ fa-transgender-alt; U+F225
+๏ธ fa-trash; U+F1F8
+๏ญ fa-trash-alt; U+F2ED
+๏ป fa-tree; U+F1BB
+๏ fa-trophy; U+F091
+๏ fa-truck; U+F0D1
+๏ fa-truck-loading; U+F4DE
+๏ป fa-truck-monster; U+F63B
+๏ fa-truck-moving; U+F4DF
+๏ผ fa-truck-pickup; U+F63C
+๏ fa-tshirt; U+F553
+๏ค fa-tty; U+F1E4
+๏ฌ fa-tv; U+F26C
+๏ฉ fa-umbrella; U+F0E9
+๏ fa-umbrella-beach; U+F5CA
+๏ fa-underline; U+F0CD
+๏ข fa-undo; U+F0E2
+๏ช fa-undo-alt; U+F2EA
+๏ fa-universal-access; U+F29A
+๏ fa-university; U+F19C
+๏ง fa-unlink; U+F127
+๏ fa-unlock; U+F09C
+๏พ fa-unlock-alt; U+F13E
+๏ fa-upload; U+F093
+๏ fa-user; U+F007
+๏ fa-user-alt; U+F406
+๏บ fa-user-alt-slash; U+F4FA
+๏ป fa-user-astronaut; U+F4FB
+๏ผ fa-user-check; U+F4FC
+๏ฝ fa-user-circle; U+F2BD
+๏ฝ fa-user-clock; U+F4FD
+๏พ fa-user-cog; U+F4FE
+๏ฟ fa-user-edit; U+F4FF
+๏ fa-user-friends; U+F500
+๏ fa-user-graduate; U+F501
+๏จ fa-user-injured; U+F728
+๏ fa-user-lock; U+F502
+๏ฐ fa-user-md; U+F0F0
+๏ fa-user-minus; U+F503
+๏ fa-user-ninja; U+F504
+๏ด fa-user-plus; U+F234
+๏ fa-user-secret; U+F21B
fa-user-shield; U+F505
+๏ fa-user-slash; U+F506
+๏ fa-user-tag; U+F507
+๏ fa-user-tie; U+F508
+๏ต fa-user-times; U+F235
+๏ fa-users; U+F0C0
+๏ fa-users-cog; U+F509
+๏ฅ fa-utensil-spoon; U+F2E5
+๏ง fa-utensils; U+F2E7
+๏ fa-vector-square; U+F5CB
+๏ก fa-venus; U+F221
+๏ฆ fa-venus-double; U+F226
+๏จ fa-venus-mars; U+F228
+๏ fa-vial; U+F492
+๏ fa-vials; U+F493
+๏ฝ fa-video; U+F03D
+๏ข fa-video-slash; U+F4E2
+๏ง fa-vihara; U+F6A7
+๏ fa-volleyball-ball; U+F45F
+๏ง fa-volume-down; U+F027
+๏ฉ fa-volume-mute; U+F6A9
+๏ฆ fa-volume-off; U+F026
+๏จ fa-volume-up; U+F028
+๏ฒ fa-vote-yea; U+F772
+๏ฉ fa-vr-cardboard; U+F729
+๏ fa-walking; U+F554
+๏ fa-wallet; U+F555
+๏ fa-warehouse; U+F494
+๏ณ fa-water; U+F773
+๏ fa-weight; U+F496
+๏ fa-weight-hanging; U+F5CD
+๏ fa-wheelchair; U+F193
+๏ซ fa-wifi; U+F1EB
+๏ฎ fa-wind; U+F72E
+๏ fa-window-close; U+F410
+๏ fa-window-maximize; U+F2D0
+๏ fa-window-minimize; U+F2D1
+๏ fa-window-restore; U+F2D2
+๏ฏ fa-wine-bottle; U+F72F
+๏ฃ fa-wine-glass; U+F4E3
+๏ fa-wine-glass-alt; U+F5CE
fa-won-sign; U+F159
+๏ญ fa-wrench; U+F0AD
+๏ fa-x-ray; U+F497
fa-yen-sign; U+F157
+๏ญ fa-yin-yang; U+F6AD
+๏น fa-address-book; U+F2B9
+๏ป fa-address-card; U+F2BB
+๏ fa-angry; U+F556
+๏ fa-arrow-alt-circle-down; U+F358
+๏ fa-arrow-alt-circle-left; U+F359
+๏ fa-arrow-alt-circle-right; U+F35A
+๏ fa-arrow-alt-circle-up; U+F35B
+๏ณ fa-bell; U+F0F3
+๏ถ fa-bell-slash; U+F1F6
+๏ฎ fa-bookmark; U+F02E
+๏ญ fa-building; U+F1AD
+๏ณ fa-calendar; U+F133
+๏ณ fa-calendar-alt; U+F073
+๏ด fa-calendar-check; U+F274
+๏ฒ fa-calendar-minus; U+F272
+๏ฑ fa-calendar-plus; U+F271
+๏ณ fa-calendar-times; U+F273
fa-caret-square-down; U+F150
+๏ fa-caret-square-left; U+F191
fa-caret-square-right; U+F152
fa-caret-square-up; U+F151
+๏ fa-chart-bar; U+F080
+๏ fa-check-circle; U+F058
fa-check-square; U+F14A
+๏ fa-circle; U+F111
+๏จ fa-clipboard; U+F328
+๏ fa-clock; U+F017
+๏ fa-clone; U+F24D
+๏ fa-closed-captioning; U+F20A
+๏ต fa-comment; U+F075
+๏บ fa-comment-alt; U+F27A
+๏ญ fa-comment-dots; U+F4AD
+๏ fa-comments; U+F086
fa-compass; U+F14E
fa-copy; U+F0C5
+๏น fa-copyright; U+F1F9
+๏ fa-credit-card; U+F09D
+๏ง fa-dizzy; U+F567
+๏ fa-dot-circle; U+F192
+๏ fa-edit; U+F044
+๏ fa-envelope; U+F0E0
+๏ถ fa-envelope-open; U+F2B6
+๏ฎ fa-eye; U+F06E
+๏ฐ fa-eye-slash; U+F070
fa-file; U+F15B
fa-file-alt; U+F15C
+๏ fa-file-archive; U+F1C6
+๏ fa-file-audio; U+F1C7
+๏ fa-file-code; U+F1C9
+๏ fa-file-excel; U+F1C3
fa-file-image; U+F1C5
+๏ fa-file-pdf; U+F1C1
+๏ fa-file-powerpoint; U+F1C4
+๏ fa-file-video; U+F1C8
+๏ fa-file-word; U+F1C2
+๏ค fa-flag; U+F024
+๏น fa-flushed; U+F579
+๏ป fa-folder; U+F07B
+๏ผ fa-folder-open; U+F07C
+๏ฆ fa-font-awesome-logo-full; U+F4E6
+๏ fa-frown; U+F119
+๏บ fa-frown-open; U+F57A
+๏ฃ fa-futbol; U+F1E3
+๏ฅ fa-gem; U+F3A5
+๏ฟ fa-grimace; U+F57F
+๏ fa-grin; U+F580
+๏ fa-grin-alt; U+F581
+๏ fa-grin-beam; U+F582
+๏ fa-grin-beam-sweat; U+F583
+๏ fa-grin-hearts; U+F584
fa-grin-squint; U+F585
+๏ fa-grin-squint-tears; U+F586
+๏ fa-grin-stars; U+F587
+๏ fa-grin-tears; U+F588
+๏ fa-grin-tongue; U+F589
+๏ fa-grin-tongue-squint; U+F58A
+๏ fa-grin-tongue-wink; U+F58B
+๏ fa-grin-wink; U+F58C
+๏ fa-hand-lizard; U+F258
+๏ fa-hand-paper; U+F256
+๏ fa-hand-peace; U+F25B
+๏ง fa-hand-point-down; U+F0A7
+๏ฅ fa-hand-point-left; U+F0A5
+๏ค fa-hand-point-right; U+F0A4
+๏ฆ fa-hand-point-up; U+F0A6
+๏ fa-hand-pointer; U+F25A
+๏ fa-hand-rock; U+F255
+๏ fa-hand-scissors; U+F257
+๏ fa-hand-spock; U+F259
+๏ต fa-handshake; U+F2B5
+๏ fa-hdd; U+F0A0
+๏ fa-heart; U+F004
+๏ธ fa-hospital; U+F0F8
+๏ fa-hourglass; U+F254
+๏ fa-id-badge; U+F2C1
+๏ fa-id-card; U+F2C2
+๏พ fa-image; U+F03E
+๏ fa-images; U+F302
+๏ fa-keyboard; U+F11C
+๏ fa-kiss; U+F596
+๏ fa-kiss-beam; U+F597
+๏ fa-kiss-wink-heart; U+F598
+๏ fa-laugh; U+F599
+๏ fa-laugh-beam; U+F59A
+๏ fa-laugh-squint; U+F59B
+๏ fa-laugh-wink; U+F59C
+๏ fa-lemon; U+F094
+๏ fa-life-ring; U+F1CD
+๏ซ fa-lightbulb; U+F0EB
+๏ข fa-list-alt; U+F022
+๏น fa-map; U+F279
+๏ fa-meh; U+F11A
+๏ค fa-meh-blank; U+F5A4
+๏ฅ fa-meh-rolling-eyes; U+F5A5
fa-minus-square; U+F146
+๏ fa-money-bill-alt; U+F3D1
+๏ fa-moon; U+F186
+๏ช fa-newspaper; U+F1EA
+๏ fa-object-group; U+F247
+๏ fa-object-ungroup; U+F248
+๏ fa-paper-plane; U+F1D8
+๏ fa-pause-circle; U+F28B
fa-play-circle; U+F144
+๏พ fa-plus-square; U+F0FE
+๏ fa-question-circle; U+F059
+๏ fa-registered; U+F25D
+๏ณ fa-sad-cry; U+F5B3
+๏ด fa-sad-tear; U+F5B4
+๏ fa-save; U+F0C7
fa-share-square; U+F14D
+๏ fa-smile; U+F118
+๏ธ fa-smile-beam; U+F5B8
+๏ fa-smile-wink; U+F4DA
+๏ fa-snowflake; U+F2DC
+๏ fa-square; U+F0C8
fa-star; U+F005
+๏ fa-star-half; U+F089
+๏ fa-sticky-note; U+F249
+๏ fa-stop-circle; U+F28D
fa-sun; U+F185
+๏ fa-surprise; U+F5C2
ฅ fa-thumbs-down; U+F165
ค fa-thumbs-up; U+F164
+๏ fa-times-circle; U+F057
+๏ fa-tired; U+F5C8
+๏ญ fa-trash-alt; U+F2ED
+๏ fa-user; U+F007
+๏ฝ fa-user-circle; U+F2BD
+๏ fa-window-close; U+F410
+๏ fa-window-maximize; U+F2D0
+๏ fa-window-minimize; U+F2D1
+๏ fa-window-restore; U+F2D2
+๏ฎ fa-500px; U+F26E
+๏จ fa-accessible-icon; U+F368
+๏ฉ fa-accusoft; U+F369
+๏ฏ fa-acquisitions-incorporated; U+F6AF
ฐ fa-adn; U+F170
+๏ธ fa-adobe; U+F778
+๏ช fa-adversal; U+F36A
+๏ซ fa-affiliatetheme; U+F36B
+๏ฌ fa-algolia; U+F36C
+๏ fa-alipay; U+F642
+๏ฐ fa-amazon; U+F270
+๏ฌ fa-amazon-pay; U+F42C
+๏ญ fa-amilia; U+F36D
ป fa-android; U+F17B
+๏ fa-angellist; U+F209
+๏ฎ fa-angrycreative; U+F36E
+๏ fa-angular; U+F420
+๏ฏ fa-app-store; U+F36F
+๏ฐ fa-app-store-ios; U+F370
+๏ฑ fa-apper; U+F371
น fa-apple; U+F179
+๏ fa-apple-pay; U+F415
+๏บ fa-artstation; U+F77A
+๏ฒ fa-asymmetrik; U+F372
+๏ป fa-atlassian; U+F77B
+๏ณ fa-audible; U+F373
+๏ fa-autoprefixer; U+F41C
+๏ด fa-avianex; U+F374
+๏ก fa-aviato; U+F421
+๏ต fa-aws; U+F375
+๏ fa-bandcamp; U+F2D5
+๏ด fa-behance; U+F1B4
+๏ต fa-behance-square; U+F1B5
+๏ธ fa-bimobject; U+F378
ฑ fa-bitbucket; U+F171
+๏น fa-bitcoin; U+F379
+๏บ fa-bity; U+F37A
+๏พ fa-black-tie; U+F27E
+๏ป fa-blackberry; U+F37B
+๏ผ fa-blogger; U+F37C
+๏ฝ fa-blogger-b; U+F37D
+๏ fa-bluetooth; U+F293
+๏ fa-bluetooth-b; U+F294
fa-btc; U+F15A
+๏ฟ fa-buromobelexperte; U+F37F
+๏ fa-buysellads; U+F20D
fa-canadian-maple-leaf; U+F785
+๏ญ fa-cc-amazon-pay; U+F42D
+๏ณ fa-cc-amex; U+F1F3
+๏ fa-cc-apple-pay; U+F416
+๏ fa-cc-diners-club; U+F24C
+๏ฒ fa-cc-discover; U+F1F2
+๏ fa-cc-jcb; U+F24B
+๏ฑ fa-cc-mastercard; U+F1F1
+๏ด fa-cc-paypal; U+F1F4
+๏ต fa-cc-stripe; U+F1F5
+๏ฐ fa-cc-visa; U+F1F0
+๏ fa-centercode; U+F380
+๏ fa-centos; U+F789
+๏จ fa-chrome; U+F268
+๏ fa-cloudscale; U+F383
+๏ fa-cloudsmith; U+F384
fa-cloudversify; U+F385
+๏ fa-codepen; U+F1CB
+๏ fa-codiepie; U+F284
+๏ fa-confluence; U+F78D
+๏ fa-connectdevelop; U+F20E
+๏ญ fa-contao; U+F26D
+๏ fa-cpanel; U+F388
+๏ fa-creative-commons; U+F25E
+๏ง fa-creative-commons-by; U+F4E7
+๏จ fa-creative-commons-nc; U+F4E8
+๏ฉ fa-creative-commons-nc-eu; U+F4E9
+๏ช fa-creative-commons-nc-jp; U+F4EA
+๏ซ fa-creative-commons-nd; U+F4EB
+๏ฌ fa-creative-commons-pd; U+F4EC
+๏ญ fa-creative-commons-pd-alt; U+F4ED
+๏ฎ fa-creative-commons-remix; U+F4EE
+๏ฏ fa-creative-commons-sa; U+F4EF
+๏ฐ fa-creative-commons-sampling; U+F4F0
+๏ฑ fa-creative-commons-sampling-plus; U+F4F1
+๏ฒ fa-creative-commons-share; U+F4F2
+๏ณ fa-creative-commons-zero; U+F4F3
+๏ fa-critical-role; U+F6C9
+๏ผ fa-css3; U+F13C
+๏ fa-css3-alt; U+F38B
+๏ fa-cuttlefish; U+F38C
+๏ fa-d-and-d; U+F38D
+๏ fa-d-and-d-beyond; U+F6CA
+๏ fa-dashcube; U+F210
+๏ฅ fa-delicious; U+F1A5
+๏ fa-deploydog; U+F38E
+๏ fa-deskpro; U+F38F
+๏ fa-dev; U+F6CC
+๏ฝ fa-deviantart; U+F1BD
+๏ fa-dhl; U+F790
+๏ fa-diaspora; U+F791
+๏ฆ fa-digg; U+F1A6
+๏ fa-digital-ocean; U+F391
+๏ fa-discord; U+F392
+๏ fa-discourse; U+F393
+๏ fa-dochub; U+F394
+๏ fa-docker; U+F395
+๏ fa-draft2digital; U+F396
ฝ fa-dribbble; U+F17D
+๏ fa-dribbble-square; U+F397
ซ fa-dropbox; U+F16B
+๏ฉ fa-drupal; U+F1A9
+๏ fa-dyalog; U+F399
+๏ fa-earlybirds; U+F39A
+๏ด fa-ebay; U+F4F4
+๏ fa-edge; U+F282
+๏ฐ fa-elementor; U+F430
+๏ฑ fa-ello; U+F5F1
+๏ฃ fa-ember; U+F423
+๏ fa-empire; U+F1D1
+๏ fa-envira; U+F299
+๏ fa-erlang; U+F39D
+๏ฎ fa-ethereum; U+F42E
+๏ fa-etsy; U+F2D7
+๏พ fa-expeditedssl; U+F23E
+๏ fa-facebook; U+F09A
+๏ fa-facebook-f; U+F39E
+๏ fa-facebook-messenger; U+F39F
+๏ fa-facebook-square; U+F082
+๏ fa-fantasy-flight-games; U+F6DC
+๏ fa-fedex; U+F797
+๏ fa-fedora; U+F798
+๏ fa-figma; U+F799
+๏ฉ fa-firefox; U+F269
+๏ฐ fa-first-order; U+F2B0
+๏ fa-first-order-alt; U+F50A
+๏ก fa-firstdraft; U+F3A1
ฎ fa-flickr; U+F16E
+๏ fa-flipboard; U+F44D
+๏ fa-fly; U+F417
+๏ด fa-font-awesome; U+F2B4
+๏ fa-font-awesome-alt; U+F35C
+๏ฅ fa-font-awesome-flag; U+F425
+๏ฆ fa-font-awesome-logo-full; U+F4E6
+๏ fa-fonticons; U+F280
+๏ข fa-fonticons-fi; U+F3A2
+๏ fa-fort-awesome; U+F286
+๏ฃ fa-fort-awesome-alt; U+F3A3
+๏ fa-forumbee; U+F211
+๏ fa-foursquare; U+F180
fa-free-code-camp; U+F2C5
+๏ค fa-freebsd; U+F3A4
+๏ fa-fulcrum; U+F50B
+๏ fa-galactic-republic; U+F50C
+๏ fa-galactic-senate; U+F50D
+๏ฅ fa-get-pocket; U+F265
+๏ fa-gg; U+F260
+๏ก fa-gg-circle; U+F261
+๏ fa-git; U+F1D3
+๏ fa-git-square; U+F1D2
+๏ fa-github; U+F09B
+๏ fa-github-alt; U+F113
+๏ fa-github-square; U+F092
+๏ฆ fa-gitkraken; U+F3A6
+๏ fa-gitlab; U+F296
+๏ฆ fa-gitter; U+F426
+๏ฅ fa-glide; U+F2A5
+๏ฆ fa-glide-g; U+F2A6
+๏ง fa-gofore; U+F3A7
+๏จ fa-goodreads; U+F3A8
+๏ฉ fa-goodreads-g; U+F3A9
+๏ fa-google; U+F1A0
+๏ช fa-google-drive; U+F3AA
+๏ซ fa-google-play; U+F3AB
+๏ณ fa-google-plus; U+F2B3
+๏ fa-google-plus-g; U+F0D5
+๏ fa-google-plus-square; U+F0D4
+๏ฎ fa-google-wallet; U+F1EE
+๏ fa-gratipay; U+F184
+๏ fa-grav; U+F2D6
+๏ฌ fa-gripfire; U+F3AC
+๏ญ fa-grunt; U+F3AD
+๏ฎ fa-gulp; U+F3AE
+๏ fa-hacker-news; U+F1D4
+๏ฏ fa-hacker-news-square; U+F3AF
+๏ท fa-hackerrank; U+F5F7
+๏ fa-hips; U+F452
+๏ฐ fa-hire-a-helper; U+F3B0
+๏ง fa-hooli; U+F427
+๏ fa-hornbill; U+F592
+๏ฑ fa-hotjar; U+F3B1
+๏ผ fa-houzz; U+F27C
+๏ป fa-html5; U+F13B
+๏ฒ fa-hubspot; U+F3B2
+๏ fa-imdb; U+F2D8
ญ fa-instagram; U+F16D
+๏ฏ fa-intercom; U+F7AF
+๏ซ fa-internet-explorer; U+F26B
+๏ฐ fa-invision; U+F7B0
+๏ fa-ioxhost; U+F208
+๏ด fa-itunes; U+F3B4
+๏ต fa-itunes-note; U+F3B5
+๏ค fa-java; U+F4E4
+๏ fa-jedi-order; U+F50E
+๏ถ fa-jenkins; U+F3B6
+๏ฑ fa-jira; U+F7B1
+๏ท fa-joget; U+F3B7
+๏ช fa-joomla; U+F1AA
+๏ธ fa-js; U+F3B8
+๏น fa-js-square; U+F3B9
+๏ fa-jsfiddle; U+F1CC
+๏บ fa-kaggle; U+F5FA
+๏ต fa-keybase; U+F4F5
+๏บ fa-keycdn; U+F3BA
+๏ป fa-kickstarter; U+F3BB
+๏ผ fa-kickstarter-k; U+F3BC
+๏ฏ fa-korvue; U+F42F
+๏ฝ fa-laravel; U+F3BD
+๏ fa-lastfm; U+F202
+๏ fa-lastfm-square; U+F203
+๏ fa-leanpub; U+F212
+๏ fa-less; U+F41D
+๏ fa-line; U+F3C0
+๏ fa-linkedin; U+F08C
+๏ก fa-linkedin-in; U+F0E1
+๏ธ fa-linode; U+F2B8
ผ fa-linux; U+F17C
+๏ fa-lyft; U+F3C3
+๏ fa-magento; U+F3C4
+๏ fa-mailchimp; U+F59E
+๏ fa-mandalorian; U+F50F
+๏ fa-markdown; U+F60F
+๏ถ fa-mastodon; U+F4F6
+๏ถ fa-maxcdn; U+F136
+๏ fa-medapps; U+F3C6
+๏บ fa-medium; U+F23A
+๏ fa-medium-m; U+F3C7
+๏ fa-medrt; U+F3C8
+๏ fa-meetup; U+F2E0
+๏ฃ fa-megaport; U+F5A3
+๏ณ fa-mendeley; U+F7B3
+๏ fa-microsoft; U+F3CA
+๏ fa-mix; U+F3CB
+๏ fa-mixcloud; U+F289
+๏ fa-mizuni; U+F3CC
fa-modx; U+F285
+๏ fa-monero; U+F3D0
+๏ fa-napster; U+F3D2
+๏ fa-neos; U+F612
+๏จ fa-nimblr; U+F5A8
+๏ fa-nintendo-switch; U+F418
+๏ fa-node; U+F419
+๏ fa-node-js; U+F3D3
+๏ fa-npm; U+F3D4
+๏ fa-ns8; U+F3D5
+๏ fa-nutritionix; U+F3D6
+๏ฃ fa-odnoklassniki; U+F263
+๏ค fa-odnoklassniki-square; U+F264
+๏ fa-old-republic; U+F510
+๏ฝ fa-opencart; U+F23D
+๏ fa-openid; U+F19B
+๏ช fa-opera; U+F26A
+๏ผ fa-optin-monster; U+F23C
+๏ fa-osi; U+F41A
+๏ fa-page4; U+F3D7
+๏ fa-pagelines; U+F18C
+๏ fa-palfed; U+F3D8
+๏ fa-patreon; U+F3D9
+๏ญ fa-paypal; U+F1ED
+๏ fa-penny-arcade; U+F704
+๏ fa-periscope; U+F3DA
+๏ fa-phabricator; U+F3DB
+๏ fa-phoenix-framework; U+F3DC
+๏ fa-phoenix-squadron; U+F511
+๏ fa-php; U+F457
+๏ฎ fa-pied-piper; U+F2AE
+๏จ fa-pied-piper-alt; U+F1A8
+๏ฅ fa-pied-piper-hat; U+F4E5
+๏ง fa-pied-piper-pp; U+F1A7
+๏ fa-pinterest; U+F0D2
+๏ฑ fa-pinterest-p; U+F231
+๏ fa-pinterest-square; U+F0D3
+๏ fa-playstation; U+F3DF
+๏ fa-product-hunt; U+F288
+๏ก fa-pushed; U+F3E1
+๏ข fa-python; U+F3E2
+๏ fa-qq; U+F1D6
+๏ fa-quinscape; U+F459
+๏ fa-quora; U+F2C4
+๏ท fa-r-project; U+F4F7
+๏ป fa-raspberry-pi; U+F7BB
+๏ fa-ravelry; U+F2D9
+๏ fa-react; U+F41B
+๏ fa-reacteurope; U+F75D
+๏ fa-readme; U+F4D5
+๏ fa-rebel; U+F1D0
+๏ฃ fa-red-river; U+F3E3
+๏ก fa-reddit; U+F1A1
+๏ fa-reddit-alien; U+F281
+๏ข fa-reddit-square; U+F1A2
+๏ผ fa-redhat; U+F7BC
+๏ fa-renren; U+F18B
+๏ฆ fa-replyd; U+F3E6
+๏ธ fa-researchgate; U+F4F8
+๏ง fa-resolving; U+F3E7
+๏ฒ fa-rev; U+F5B2
+๏จ fa-rocketchat; U+F3E8
+๏ฉ fa-rockrms; U+F3E9
+๏ง fa-safari; U+F267
+๏ fa-sass; U+F41E
+๏ช fa-schlix; U+F3EA
+๏ fa-scribd; U+F28A
+๏ซ fa-searchengin; U+F3EB
+๏ fa-sellcast; U+F2DA
+๏ fa-sellsy; U+F213
+๏ฌ fa-servicestack; U+F3EC
+๏ fa-shirtsinbulk; U+F214
+๏ต fa-shopware; U+F5B5
+๏ fa-simplybuilt; U+F215
+๏ฎ fa-sistrix; U+F3EE
+๏ fa-sith; U+F512
+๏ fa-sketch; U+F7C6
+๏ fa-skyatlas; U+F216
พ fa-skype; U+F17E
+๏ fa-slack; U+F198
+๏ฏ fa-slack-hash; U+F3EF
+๏ง fa-slideshare; U+F1E7
+๏ซ fa-snapchat; U+F2AB
+๏ฌ fa-snapchat-ghost; U+F2AC
+๏ญ fa-snapchat-square; U+F2AD
+๏พ fa-soundcloud; U+F1BE
+๏ fa-sourcetree; U+F7D3
+๏ณ fa-speakap; U+F3F3
+๏ผ fa-spotify; U+F1BC
+๏พ fa-squarespace; U+F5BE
+๏ fa-stack-exchange; U+F18D
ฌ fa-stack-overflow; U+F16C
+๏ต fa-staylinked; U+F3F5
+๏ถ fa-steam; U+F1B6
+๏ท fa-steam-square; U+F1B7
+๏ถ fa-steam-symbol; U+F3F6
+๏ท fa-sticker-mule; U+F3F7
+๏จ fa-strava; U+F428
+๏ฉ fa-stripe; U+F429
+๏ช fa-stripe-s; U+F42A
+๏ธ fa-studiovinari; U+F3F8
+๏ค fa-stumbleupon; U+F1A4
+๏ฃ fa-stumbleupon-circle; U+F1A3
+๏ fa-superpowers; U+F2DD
+๏น fa-supple; U+F3F9
+๏ fa-suse; U+F7D6
+๏น fa-teamspeak; U+F4F9
+๏ fa-telegram; U+F2C6
+๏พ fa-telegram-plane; U+F3FE
+๏ fa-tencent-weibo; U+F1D5
+๏ fa-the-red-yeti; U+F69D
+๏ fa-themeco; U+F5C6
+๏ฒ fa-themeisle; U+F2B2
+๏ฑ fa-think-peaks; U+F731
+๏ fa-trade-federation; U+F513
+๏ fa-trello; U+F181
+๏ข fa-tripadvisor; U+F262
ณ fa-tumblr; U+F173
ด fa-tumblr-square; U+F174
+๏จ fa-twitch; U+F1E8
+๏ fa-twitter; U+F099
+๏ fa-twitter-square; U+F081
+๏ซ fa-typo3; U+F42B
+๏ fa-uber; U+F402
+๏ fa-ubuntu; U+F7DF
+๏ fa-uikit; U+F403
+๏ fa-uniregistry; U+F404
fa-untappd; U+F405
+๏ fa-ups; U+F7E0
+๏ fa-usb; U+F287
+๏ก fa-usps; U+F7E1
+๏ fa-ussunnah; U+F407
+๏ fa-vaadin; U+F408
+๏ท fa-viacoin; U+F237
+๏ฉ fa-viadeo; U+F2A9
+๏ช fa-viadeo-square; U+F2AA
+๏ fa-viber; U+F409
+๏ fa-vimeo; U+F40A
+๏ fa-vimeo-square; U+F194
+๏ฝ fa-vimeo-v; U+F27D
+๏ fa-vine; U+F1CA
+๏ fa-vk; U+F189
+๏ fa-vnv; U+F40B
+๏ fa-vuejs; U+F41F
+๏ fa-weebly; U+F5CC
+๏ fa-weibo; U+F18A
+๏ fa-weixin; U+F1D7
+๏ฒ fa-whatsapp; U+F232
+๏ fa-whatsapp-square; U+F40C
+๏ fa-whmcs; U+F40D
+๏ฆ fa-wikipedia-w; U+F266
บ fa-windows; U+F17A
+๏ fa-wix; U+F5CF
+๏ฐ fa-wizards-of-the-coast; U+F730
+๏ fa-wolf-pack-battalion; U+F514
+๏ fa-wordpress; U+F19A
+๏ fa-wordpress-simple; U+F411
+๏ fa-wpbeginner; U+F297
+๏ fa-wpexplorer; U+F2DE
+๏ fa-wpforms; U+F298
+๏ค fa-wpressr; U+F3E4
+๏ fa-xbox; U+F412
จ fa-xing; U+F168
ฉ fa-xing-square; U+F169
+๏ป fa-y-combinator; U+F23B
+๏ fa-yahoo; U+F19E
+๏ fa-yandex; U+F413
+๏ fa-yandex-international; U+F414
+๏ฃ fa-yarn; U+F7E3
+๏ฉ fa-yelp; U+F1E9
+๏ฑ fa-yoast; U+F2B1
ง fa-youtube; U+F167
+๏ฑ fa-youtube-square; U+F431
+๏ฟ fa-zhihu; U+F63F
diff --git a/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf b/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6a78c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ serif
+ Linux Libertine
+ sans-serif
+ Linux Biolinum
+ sans
+ Linux Biolinum
+ monospace
+ Inconsolata
+ monospace
+ Symbola
diff --git a/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-2.0 b/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-2.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aa6a6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-2.0
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# DO NOT EDIT! This file will be overwritten by LXAppearance.
+# Any customization should be done in ~/.gtkrc-2.0.mine instead.
+include "/home/luke/.gtkrc-2.0.mine"
+gtk-font-name="Sans 10"
diff --git a/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini b/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..371c307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+gtk-font-name=Sans 10
diff --git a/.config/mimeapps.list b/.config/mimeapps.list
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84bf43b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/mimeapps.list
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+[Default Applications]
diff --git a/.config/mpd/database b/.config/mpd/database
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cff38cc
Binary files /dev/null and b/.config/mpd/database differ
diff --git a/.config/mpd/log b/.config/mpd/log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a90375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/mpd/log
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Sep 10 10:49 : exception: RTIOThread could not get realtime scheduling, continuing anyway: sched_setscheduler failed: Operation not permitted
+Sep 10 10:49 : exception: Failed to open '/home/tiynger/.config/mpd/state': No such file or directory
+Sep 10 10:49 : exception: inotify_add_watch() has failed: No such file or directory
+Sep 10 10:49 : exception: Failed to access /home/tiynger/Music: No such file or directory
+Sep 10 10:50 : exception: RTIOThread could not get realtime scheduling, continuing anyway: sched_setscheduler failed: Operation not permitted
+Sep 10 10:50 : exception: inotify_add_watch() has failed: No such file or directory
+Sep 10 10:50 : client: [0] opened from
+Sep 10 11:18 : exception: RTIOThread could not get realtime scheduling, continuing anyway: sched_setscheduler failed: Operation not permitted
+Sep 10 11:18 : exception: inotify_add_watch() has failed: No such file or directory
+Sep 10 11:18 : client: [0] opened from
diff --git a/.config/mpd/mpd.conf b/.config/mpd/mpd.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fcb0db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/mpd/mpd.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+db_file "~/.config/mpd/database"
+log_file "~/.config/mpd/log"
+music_directory "~/Music"
+playlist_directory "~/.config/mpd/playlists"
+pid_file "~/.config/mpd/pid"
+state_file "~/.config/mpd/state"
+sticker_file "~/.config/mpd/sticker.sql"
+auto_update "yes"
+bind_to_address ""
+restore_paused "yes"
+max_output_buffer_size "16384"
+audio_output {
+ type "pulse"
+ name "pulse audio"
+ mixer_type "software"
+audio_output {
+type "fifo"
+name "toggle_visualizer"
+path "/tmp/mpd.fifo"
+format "44100:16:2"
diff --git a/.config/mpd/state b/.config/mpd/state
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5be6615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/mpd/state
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+sw_volume: 100
+audio_device_state:1:pulse audio
+state: stop
+random: 0
+repeat: 0
+single: 0
+consume: 0
+crossfade: 0
+mixrampdb: 0.000000
+mixrampdelay: -1.000000
diff --git a/.config/mpd/sticker.sql b/.config/mpd/sticker.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8202b58
Binary files /dev/null and b/.config/mpd/sticker.sql differ
diff --git a/.config/mpv/input.conf b/.config/mpv/input.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a9b5fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/mpv/input.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+# mpv keybindings
+# Location of user-defined bindings: ~/.config/mpv/input.conf
+# Lines starting with # are comments. Use SHARP to assign the # key.
+# Copy this file and uncomment and edit the bindings you want to change.
+# List of commands and further details: DOCS/man/input.rst
+# List of special keys: --input-keylist
+# Keybindings testing mode: mpv --input-test --force-window --idle
+# Use 'ignore' to unbind a key fully (e.g. 'ctrl+a ignore').
+# Strings need to be quoted and escaped:
+# KEY show-text "This is a single backslash: \\ and a quote: \" !"
+# You can use modifier-key combinations like Shift+Left or Ctrl+Alt+x with
+# the modifiers Shift, Ctrl, Alt and Meta (may not work on the terminal).
+# The default keybindings are hardcoded into the mpv binary.
+# You can disable them completely with: --no-input-default-bindings
+# Developer note:
+# On compilation, this file is baked into the mpv binary, and all lines are
+# uncommented (unless '#' is followed by a space) - thus this file defines the
+# default key bindings.
+# If this is enabled, treat all the following bindings as default.
+#default-bindings start
+#MOUSE_BTN0 ignore # don't do anything
+#MOUSE_BTN0_DBL cycle fullscreen # toggle fullscreen on/off
+#MOUSE_BTN2 cycle pause # toggle pause on/off
+#MOUSE_BTN3 seek 10
+#MOUSE_BTN4 seek -10
+#MOUSE_BTN5 add volume -2
+#MOUSE_BTN6 add volume 2
+# Mouse wheels, touchpad or other input devices that have axes
+# if the input devices supports precise scrolling it will also scale the
+# numeric value accordingly
+#AXIS_UP seek 10
+#AXIS_DOWN seek -10
+#AXIS_LEFT seek 5
+#AXIS_RIGHT seek -5
+## Seek units are in seconds, but note that these are limited by keyframes
+#RIGHT seek 5
+#LEFT seek -5
+#UP seek 60
+#DOWN seek -60
+# Do smaller, always exact (non-keyframe-limited), seeks with shift.
+# Don't show them on the OSD (no-osd).
+#Shift+RIGHT no-osd seek 1 exact
+#Shift+LEFT no-osd seek -1 exact
+#Shift+UP no-osd seek 5 exact
+#Shift+DOWN no-osd seek -5 exact
+# Skip to previous/next subtitle (subject to some restrictions; see manpage)
+#Ctrl+LEFT no-osd sub-seek -1
+#Ctrl+RIGHT no-osd sub-seek 1
+#PGUP add chapter 1 # skip to next chapter
+#PGDWN add chapter -1 # skip to previous chapter
+#Shift+PGUP seek 600
+#Shift+PGDWN seek -600
+#[ multiply speed 0.9091 # scale playback speed
+#] multiply speed 1.1
+#{ multiply speed 0.5
+#} multiply speed 2.0
+#BS set speed 1.0 # reset speed to normal
+#q quit
+#Q quit-watch-later
+#q {encode} quit 4
+#ESC set fullscreen no
+#ESC {encode} quit 4
+#p cycle pause # toggle pause/playback mode
+#. frame-step # advance one frame and pause
+#, frame-back-step # go back by one frame and pause
+#SPACE cycle pause
+#> playlist-next # skip to next file
+#ENTER playlist-next # skip to next file
+#< playlist-prev # skip to previous file
+#O no-osd cycle-values osd-level 3 1 # cycle through OSD mode
+#o show-progress
+#P show-progress
+#I show-text "${filename}" # display filename in osd
+#z add sub-delay -0.1 # subtract 100 ms delay from subs
+#x add sub-delay +0.1 # add
+#ctrl++ add audio-delay 0.100 # this changes audio/video sync
+#ctrl+- add audio-delay -0.100
+#9 add volume -2
+#/ add volume -2
+#0 add volume 2
+#* add volume 2
+#m cycle mute
+#1 add contrast -1
+#2 add contrast 1
+#3 add brightness -1
+#4 add brightness 1
+#5 add gamma -1
+#6 add gamma 1
+#7 add saturation -1
+#8 add saturation 1
+#Alt+0 set window-scale 0.5
+#Alt+1 set window-scale 1.0
+#Alt+2 set window-scale 2.0
+# toggle deinterlacer (automatically inserts or removes required filter)
+#d cycle deinterlace
+#r add sub-pos -1 # move subtitles up
+#t add sub-pos +1 # down
+#v cycle sub-visibility
+# stretch SSA/ASS subtitles with anamorphic videos to match historical
+#V cycle sub-ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat
+# switch between applying no style overrides to SSA/ASS subtitles, and
+# overriding them almost completely with the normal subtitle style
+#u cycle-values sub-ass-style-override "force" "no"
+#j cycle sub # cycle through subtitles
+#J cycle sub down # ...backwards
+#SHARP cycle audio # switch audio streams
+#_ cycle video
+#T cycle ontop # toggle video window ontop of other windows
+#f cycle fullscreen # toggle fullscreen
+#s screenshot # take a screenshot
+#S screenshot video # ...without subtitles
+#Ctrl+s screenshot window # ...with subtitles and OSD, and scaled
+#Alt+s screenshot each-frame # automatically screenshot every frame
+#w add panscan -0.1 # zoom out with -panscan 0 -fs
+#e add panscan +0.1 # in
+# cycle video aspect ratios; "-1" is the container aspect
+#A cycle-values video-aspect "16:9" "4:3" "2.35:1" "-1"
+#POWER quit
+#PLAY cycle pause
+#PAUSE cycle pause
+#PLAYPAUSE cycle pause
+#STOP quit
+#FORWARD seek 60
+#REWIND seek -60
+#NEXT playlist-next
+#PREV playlist-prev
+#VOLUME_UP add volume 2
+#VOLUME_DOWN add volume -2
+#MUTE cycle mute
+#CLOSE_WIN quit
+#CLOSE_WIN {encode} quit 4
+#E cycle edition # next edition
+#l ab-loop # Set/clear A-B loop points
+#L cycle-values loop "inf" "no" # toggle infinite looping
+#ctrl+c quit 4
+# Apple Remote section
+#AR_PLAY cycle pause
+#AR_CENTER cycle pause
+#AR_NEXT seek 10
+#AR_NEXT_HOLD seek 120
+#AR_PREV seek -10
+#AR_PREV_HOLD seek -120
+#AR_MENU show-progress
+#AR_MENU_HOLD cycle mute
+#AR_VUP add volume 2
+#AR_VUP_HOLD add chapter 1
+#AR_VDOWN add volume -2
+#AR_VDOWN_HOLD add chapter -1
+# For tv://
+#h cycle tv-channel -1 # previous channel
+#k cycle tv-channel +1 # next channel
+# For dvb://
+#H cycle dvb-channel-name -1 # previous channel
+#K cycle dvb-channel-name +1 # next channel
+# Legacy bindings (may or may not be removed in the future)
+#! add chapter -1 # skip to previous chapter
+#@ add chapter 1 # next
+# Not assigned by default
+# (not an exhaustive list of unbound commands)
+# ? add sub-scale +0.1 # increase subtitle font size
+# ? add sub-scale -0.1 # decrease subtitle font size
+# ? sub-step -1 # immediately display next subtitle
+# ? sub-step +1 # previous
+# ? cycle angle # switch DVD/Bluray angle
+# ? add balance -0.1 # adjust audio balance in favor of left
+# ? add balance 0.1 # right
+# ? cycle sub-forced-only # toggle DVD forced subs
+# ? cycle program # cycle transport stream programs
+# ? stop # stop playback (quit or enter idle mode)
+l seek 5
+h seek -5
+j seek -60
+k seek 60
+S cycle sub
diff --git a/.config/ncmpcpp/bindings b/.config/ncmpcpp/bindings
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1bfc3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/ncmpcpp/bindings
@@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
+## This is the example bindings file. Copy it to ##
+## ~/.ncmpcpp/bindings or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ncmpcpp/bindings ##
+## and set up your preferences ##
+##### General rules #####
+## 1) Because each action has runtime checks whether it's
+## ok to run it, a few actions can be bound to one key.
+## Actions will be bound in order given in configuration
+## file. When a key is pressed, first action in order
+## will test itself whether it's possible to run it. If
+## test succeeds, action is executed and other actions
+## bound to this key are ignored. If it doesn't, next
+## action in order tests itself etc.
+## 2) It's possible to bind more that one action at once
+## to a key. It can be done using the following syntax:
+## def_key "key"
+## action1
+## action2
+## ...
+## This creates a chain of actions. When such chain is
+## executed, each action in chain is run until the end of
+## chain is reached or one of its actions fails to execute
+## due to its requirements not being met. If multiple actions
+## and/or chains are bound to the same key, they will be
+## consecutively run until one of them gets fully executed.
+## 3) When ncmpcpp starts, bindings configuration file is
+## parsed and then ncmpcpp provides "missing pieces"
+## of default keybindings. If you want to disable some
+## bindings, there is a special action called 'dummy'
+## for that purpose. Eg. if you want to disable ability
+## to crop playlists, you need to put the following
+## into configuration file:
+## def_key "C"
+## dummy
+## After that ncmpcpp will not bind any default action
+## to this key.
+## 4) To let you write simple macros, the following special
+## actions are provided:
+## - push_character "character" - pushes given special
+## character into input queue, so it will be immediately
+## picked by ncmpcpp upon next call to readKey function.
+## Accepted values: mouse, up, down, page_up, page_down,
+## home, end, space, enter, insert, delete, left, right,
+## tab, ctrl-a, ctrl-b, ..., ctrl-z, ctrl-[, ctrl-\\,
+## ctrl-], ctrl-^, ctrl-_, f1, f2, ..., f12, backspace.
+## In addition, most of these names can be prefixed with
+## alt-/ctrl-/shift- to be recognized with the appropriate
+## modifier key(s).
+## - push_characters "string" - pushes given string into
+## input queue.
+## - require_runnable "action" - checks whether given action
+## is runnable and fails if it isn't. This is especially
+## useful when mixed with previous two functions. Consider
+## the following macro definition:
+## def_key "key"
+## push_characters "custom_filter"
+## apply_filter
+## If apply_filter can't be currently run, we end up with
+## sequence of characters in input queue which will be
+## treated just as we typed them. This may lead to unexpected
+## results (in this case 'c' will most likely clear current
+## playlist, 'u' will trigger database update, 's' will stop
+## playback etc.). To prevent such thing from happening, we
+## need to change above definition to this one:
+## def_key "key"
+## require_runnable "apply_filter"
+## push_characters "custom_filter"
+## apply_filter
+## Here, first we test whether apply_filter can be actually run
+## before we stuff characters into input queue, so if condition
+## is not met, whole chain is aborted and we're fine.
+## - require_screen "screen" - checks whether given screen is
+## currently active. accepted values: browser, clock, help,
+## media_library, outputs, playlist, playlist_editor,
+## search_engine, tag_editor, visualizer, last_fm, lyrics,
+## selected_items_adder, server_info, song_info,
+## sort_playlist_dialog, tiny_tag_editor.
+## - run_external_command "command" - runs given command using
+## system() function.
+## 5) In addition to binding to a key, you can also bind actions
+## or chains of actions to a command. If it comes to commands,
+## syntax is very similar to defining keys. Here goes example
+## definition of a command:
+## def_command "quit" [deferred]
+## stop
+## quit
+## If you execute the above command (which can be done by
+## invoking action execute_command, typing 'quit' and pressing
+## enter), ncmpcpp will stop the player and then quit. Note the
+## presence of word 'deferred' enclosed in square brackets. It
+## tells ncmpcpp to wait for confirmation (ie. pressing enter)
+## after you typed quit. Instead of 'deferred', 'immediate'
+## could be used. Then ncmpcpp will not wait for confirmation
+## (enter) and will execute the command the moment it sees it.
+## Note: while command chains are executed, internal environment
+## update (which includes current window refresh and mpd status
+## update) is not performed for performance reasons. However, it
+## may be desirable to do so in some situration. Therefore it's
+## possible to invoke by hand by performing 'update enviroment'
+## action.
+## Note: There is a difference between:
+## def_key "key"
+## action1
+## def_key "key"
+## action2
+## and
+## def_key "key"
+## action1
+## action2
+## First one binds two single actions to the same key whilst
+## second one defines a chain of actions. The behavior of
+## these two is different and is described in (1) and (2).
+## Note: Function def_key accepts non-ascii characters.
+##### List of unbound actions #####
+## The following actions are not bound to any key/command:
+## - set_volume
+#def_key "mouse"
+# mouse_event
+#def_key "up"
+# scroll_up
+#def_key "shift-up"
+# select_item
+# scroll_up
+#def_key "down"
+# scroll_down
+#def_key "shift-down"
+# select_item
+# scroll_down
+#def_key "["
+# scroll_up_album
+#def_key "]"
+# scroll_down_album
+#def_key "{"
+# scroll_up_artist
+#def_key "}"
+# scroll_down_artist
+#def_key "page_up"
+# page_up
+#def_key "page_down"
+# page_down
+#def_key "home"
+# move_home
+#def_key "end"
+# move_end
+#def_key "insert"
+# select_item
+#def_key "enter"
+# enter_directory
+#def_key "enter"
+# toggle_output
+#def_key "enter"
+# run_action
+#def_key "enter"
+# play_item
+#def_key "space"
+# add_item_to_playlist
+#def_key "space"
+# toggle_lyrics_update_on_song_change
+#def_key "space"
+# toggle_visualization_type
+#def_key "delete"
+# delete_playlist_items
+#def_key "delete"
+# delete_browser_items
+#def_key "delete"
+# delete_stored_playlist
+#def_key "right"
+# next_column
+#def_key "right"
+# slave_screen
+#def_key "right"
+# volume_up
+#def_key "+"
+# volume_up
+#def_key "left"
+# previous_column
+#def_key "left"
+# master_screen
+#def_key "left"
+# volume_down
+#def_key "-"
+# volume_down
+#def_key ":"
+# execute_command
+#def_key "tab"
+# next_screen
+#def_key "shift-tab"
+# previous_screen
+#def_key "f1"
+# show_help
+#def_key "1"
+# show_playlist
+#def_key "2"
+# show_browser
+#def_key "2"
+# change_browse_mode
+#def_key "3"
+# show_search_engine
+#def_key "3"
+# reset_search_engine
+#def_key "4"
+# show_media_library
+#def_key "4"
+# toggle_media_library_columns_mode
+#def_key "5"
+# show_playlist_editor
+#def_key "6"
+# show_tag_editor
+#def_key "7"
+# show_outputs
+#def_key "8"
+# show_visualizer
+#def_key "="
+# show_clock
+#def_key "@"
+# show_server_info
+#def_key "s"
+# stop
+#def_key "p"
+# pause
+#def_key ">"
+# next
+#def_key "<"
+# previous
+#def_key "ctrl-h"
+# jump_to_parent_directory
+#def_key "ctrl-h"
+# replay_song
+#def_key "backspace"
+# jump_to_parent_directory
+#def_key "backspace"
+# replay_song
+#def_key "f"
+# seek_forward
+#def_key "b"
+# seek_backward
+#def_key "r"
+# toggle_repeat
+#def_key "z"
+# toggle_random
+#def_key "y"
+# save_tag_changes
+#def_key "y"
+# start_searching
+#def_key "y"
+# toggle_single
+#def_key "R"
+# toggle_consume
+#def_key "Y"
+# toggle_replay_gain_mode
+#def_key "T"
+# toggle_add_mode
+#def_key "|"
+# toggle_mouse
+#def_key "#"
+# toggle_bitrate_visibility
+#def_key "Z"
+# shuffle
+#def_key "x"
+# toggle_crossfade
+#def_key "X"
+# set_crossfade
+#def_key "u"
+# update_database
+#def_key "ctrl-s"
+# sort_playlist
+#def_key "ctrl-s"
+# toggle_browser_sort_mode
+#def_key "ctrl-s"
+# toggle_media_library_sort_mode
+#def_key "ctrl-r"
+# reverse_playlist
+#def_key "ctrl-f"
+# apply_filter
+#def_key "ctrl-_"
+# select_found_items
+#def_key "/"
+# find
+#def_key "/"
+# find_item_forward
+#def_key "?"
+# find
+#def_key "?"
+# find_item_backward
+#def_key "."
+# next_found_item
+#def_key ","
+# previous_found_item
+#def_key "w"
+# toggle_find_mode
+#def_key "e"
+# edit_song
+#def_key "e"
+# edit_library_tag
+#def_key "e"
+# edit_library_album
+#def_key "e"
+# edit_directory_name
+#def_key "e"
+# edit_playlist_name
+#def_key "e"
+# edit_lyrics
+#def_key "i"
+# show_song_info
+#def_key "I"
+# show_artist_info
+#def_key "g"
+# jump_to_position_in_song
+#def_key "l"
+# show_lyrics
+#def_key "ctrl-v"
+# select_range
+#def_key "v"
+# reverse_selection
+#def_key "V"
+# remove_selection
+#def_key "B"
+# select_album
+#def_key "a"
+# add_selected_items
+#def_key "c"
+# clear_playlist
+#def_key "c"
+# clear_main_playlist
+#def_key "C"
+# crop_playlist
+#def_key "C"
+# crop_main_playlist
+#def_key "m"
+# move_sort_order_up
+#def_key "m"
+# move_selected_items_up
+#def_key "n"
+# move_sort_order_down
+#def_key "n"
+# move_selected_items_down
+#def_key "M"
+# move_selected_items_to
+#def_key "A"
+# add
+#def_key "S"
+# save_playlist
+#def_key "o"
+# jump_to_playing_song
+#def_key "G"
+# jump_to_browser
+#def_key "G"
+# jump_to_playlist_editor
+#def_key "~"
+# jump_to_media_library
+#def_key "E"
+# jump_to_tag_editor
+#def_key "U"
+# toggle_playing_song_centering
+#def_key "P"
+# toggle_display_mode
+#def_key "\\"
+# toggle_interface
+#def_key "!"
+# toggle_separators_between_albums
+#def_key "L"
+# toggle_lyrics_fetcher
+#def_key "F"
+# fetch_lyrics_in_background
+#def_key "alt-l"
+# toggle_fetching_lyrics_in_background
+#def_key "ctrl-l"
+# toggle_screen_lock
+#def_key "`"
+# toggle_library_tag_type
+#def_key "`"
+# refetch_lyrics
+#def_key "`"
+# add_random_items
+#def_key "ctrl-p"
+# set_selected_items_priority
+#def_key "q"
+# quit
+#def_key "f"
+# find
+#def_key "f"
+# find_item_forward
+def_key "+"
+ show_clock
+def_key "="
+ volume_up
+def_key "j"
+ scroll_down
+def_key "k"
+ scroll_up
+def_key "ctrl-u"
+ page_up
+#push_characters "kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk"
+def_key "ctrl-d"
+ page_down
+#push_characters "jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj"
+def_key "u"
+ page_up
+#push_characters "kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk"
+def_key "d"
+ page_down
+#push_characters "jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj"
+def_key "h"
+ previous_column
+def_key "l"
+ next_column
+def_key "."
+ show_lyrics
+def_key "n"
+ next_found_item
+def_key "N"
+ previous_found_item
+# not used but bound
+def_key "J"
+ move_sort_order_down
+def_key "K"
+ move_sort_order_up
+def_key "h"
+ jump_to_parent_directory
+def_key "l"
+ enter_directory
+def_key "l"
+ run_action
+def_key "l"
+ play_item
+def_key "m"
+ show_media_library
+def_key "m"
+ toggle_media_library_columns_mode
+def_key "t"
+ show_tag_editor
+def_key "v"
+ show_visualizer
+def_key "G"
+ move_end
+def_key "g"
+ move_home
+def_key "U"
+ update_database
+def_key "s"
+ reset_search_engine
+def_key "s"
+ show_search_engine
+def_key "f"
+ show_browser
+def_key "f"
+ change_browse_mode
+def_key "x"
+ delete_playlist_items
+def_key "P"
+ show_playlist
diff --git a/.config/ncmpcpp/config b/.config/ncmpcpp/config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e1e0f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/ncmpcpp/config
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+## This is the example configuration file. Copy it to $HOME/.ncmpcpp/config ##
+## or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ncmpcpp/config and set up your preferences. ##
+##### directories ######
+## Directory for storing ncmpcpp related files. Changing it is useful if you
+## want to store everything somewhere else and provide command line setting for
+## alternative location to config file which defines that while launching
+## ncmpcpp.
+ncmpcpp_directory = ~/.config/ncmpcpp
+## Directory for storing downloaded lyrics. It defaults to ~/.lyrics since other
+## MPD clients (eg. ncmpc) also use that location.
+lyrics_directory = ~/.config/lyrics
+##### connection settings #####
+#mpd_host = localhost
+#mpd_port = 6600
+#mpd_connection_timeout = 5
+## Needed for tag editor and file operations to work.
+mpd_music_dir = "~/Music"
+#mpd_crossfade_time = 5
+##### music visualizer #####
+## Note: In order to make music visualizer work you'll need to use mpd fifo
+## output, whose format parameter has to be set to 44100:16:1 for mono
+## visualization or 44100:16:2 for stereo visualization. Example configuration
+## (it has to be put into mpd.conf):
+## audio_output {
+## type "fifo"
+## name "Visualizer feed"
+## path "/tmp/mpd.fifo"
+## format "44100:16:2"
+## }
+#visualizer_fifo_path = /tmp/mpd.fifo
+## Note: Below parameter is needed for ncmpcpp to determine which output
+## provides data for visualizer and thus allow syncing between visualization and
+## sound as currently there are some problems with it.
+#visualizer_output_name = Visualizer feed
+## If you set format to 44100:16:2, make it 'yes'.
+#visualizer_in_stereo = yes
+## Note: Below parameter defines how often ncmpcpp has to "synchronize"
+## visualizer and audio outputs. 30 seconds is optimal value, but if you
+## experience synchronization problems, set it to lower value. Keep in mind
+## that sane values start with >=10.
+#visualizer_sync_interval = 30
+## Note: To enable spectrum frequency visualization you need to compile ncmpcpp
+## with fftw3 support.
+## Available values: spectrum, wave, wave_filled, ellipse.
+visualizer_type = spectrum
+#visualizer_look = โๅ
+#visualizer_look = ๅ
+#visualizer_color = blue, cyan, green, yellow, magenta, red
+## Alternative subset of 256 colors for terminals that support it.
+#visualizer_color = 41, 83, 119, 155, 185, 215, 209, 203, 197, 161
+##### system encoding #####
+## ncmpcpp should detect your charset encoding but if it failed to do so, you
+## can specify charset encoding you are using here.
+## Note: You can see whether your ncmpcpp build supports charset detection by
+## checking output of `ncmpcpp --version`.
+## Note: Since MPD uses UTF-8 by default, setting this option makes sense only
+## if your encoding is different.
+#system_encoding = ""
+##### delays #####
+## Time of inactivity (in seconds) after playlist highlighting will be disabled
+## (0 = always on).
+#playlist_disable_highlight_delay = 5
+## Defines how long messages are supposed to be visible.
+message_delay_time = 1
+##### song format #####
+## For a song format you can use:
+## %l - length
+## %f - filename
+## %D - directory
+## %a - artist
+## %A - album artist
+## %t - title
+## %b - album
+## %y - date
+## %n - track number (01/12 -> 01)
+## %N - full track info (01/12 -> 01/12)
+## %g - genre
+## %c - composer
+## %p - performer
+## %d - disc
+## %C - comment
+## %P - priority
+## $R - begin right alignment
+## If you want to make sure that a part of the format is displayed only when
+## certain tags are present, you can archieve it by grouping them with brackets,
+## e.g. '{%a - %t}' will be evaluated to 'ARTIST - TITLE' if both tags are
+## present or '' otherwise. It is also possible to define a list of
+## alternatives by providing several groups and separating them with '|',
+## e.g. '{%t}|{%f}' will be evaluated to 'TITLE' or 'FILENAME' if the former is
+## not present.
+## Note: If you want to set limit on maximal length of a tag, just put the
+## appropriate number between % and character that defines tag type, e.g. to
+## make album take max. 20 terminal cells, use '%20b'.
+## In addition, formats support markers used for text attributes. They are
+## followed by character '$'. After that you can put:
+## - 0 - default window color (discards all other colors)
+## - 1 - black
+## - 2 - red
+## - 3 - green
+## - 4 - yellow
+## - 5 - blue
+## - 6 - magenta
+## - 7 - cyan
+## - 8 - white
+## - 9 - end of current color
+## - b - bold text
+## - u - underline text
+## - r - reverse colors
+## - a - use alternative character set
+## If you don't want to use a non-color attribute anymore, just put it again,
+## but this time insert character '/' between '$' and attribute character,
+## e.g. {$b%t$/b}|{$r%f$/r} will display bolded title tag or filename with
+## reversed colors.
+## If you want to use 256 colors and/or background colors in formats (the naming
+## scheme is described below in section about color definitions), it can be done
+## with the syntax $(COLOR), e.g. to set the artist tag to one of the
+## non-standard colors and make it have yellow background, you need to write
+## $(197_yellow)%a$(end). Note that for standard colors this is interchangable
+## with attributes listed above.
+## Note: colors can be nested.
+song_list_format = {$4%a - }{%t}|{$8%f$9}$R{$3(%l)$9}
+song_status_format = $b{{$8"%t"}} $3by {$4%a{ $3in $7%b{ (%y)}} $3}|{$8%f}
+song_library_format = {%n - }{%t}|{%f}
+alternative_header_first_line_format = $b$1$aqqu$/a$9 {%t}|{%f} $1$atqq$/a$9$/b
+alternative_header_second_line_format = {{$4$b%a$/b$9}{ - $7%b$9}{ ($4%y$9)}}|{%D}
+current_item_prefix = $(cyan)$r$b
+current_item_suffix = $/r$(end)$/b
+current_item_inactive_column_prefix = $(magenta)$r
+current_item_inactive_column_suffix = $/r$(end)
+#now_playing_prefix = $b
+#now_playing_suffix = $/b
+#browser_playlist_prefix = "$2playlist$9 "
+#selected_item_prefix = $6
+#selected_item_suffix = $9
+#modified_item_prefix = $3> $9
+## Note: attributes are not supported for the following variables.
+#song_window_title_format = {%a - }{%t}|{%f}
+## Note: Below variables are used for sorting songs in browser. The sort mode
+## determines how songs are sorted, and can be used in combination with a sort
+## format to specify a custom sorting format. Available values for
+## browser_sort_mode are "name", "mtime", "format" and "noop".
+#browser_sort_mode = name
+#browser_sort_format = {%a - }{%t}|{%f} {(%l)}
+##### columns settings #####
+## syntax of song columns list format is "column column etc."
+## - syntax for each column is:
+## (width of the column)[color of the column]{displayed tag}
+## Note: Width is by default in %, if you want a column to have fixed size, add
+## 'f' after the value, e.g. (10)[white]{a} will be the column that take 10% of
+## screen (so the real width will depend on actual screen size), whereas
+## (10f)[white]{a} will take 10 terminal cells, no matter how wide the screen
+## is.
+## - color is optional (if you want the default one, leave the field empty).
+## Note: You can give a column additional attributes by putting appropriate
+## character after displayed tag character. Available attributes are:
+## - r - column will be right aligned
+## - E - if tag is empty, empty tag marker won't be displayed
+## You can also:
+## - give a column custom name by putting it after attributes, separated with
+## character ':', e.g. {lr:Length} gives you right aligned column of lengths
+## named "Length".
+## - define sequence of tags, that have to be displayed in case predecessor is
+## empty in a way similar to the one in classic song format, i.e. using '|'
+## character, e.g. {a|c|p:Owner} creates column named "Owner" that tries to
+## display artist tag and then composer and performer if previous ones are not
+## available.
+#song_columns_list_format = (20)[]{a} (6f)[green]{NE} (50)[white]{t|f:Title} (20)[cyan]{b} (7f)[magenta]{l}
+##### various settings #####
+## Note: Custom command that will be executed each time song changes. Useful for
+## notifications etc.
+#execute_on_song_change = ""
+## Note: Custom command that will be executed each time player state
+## changes. The environment variable MPD_PLAYER_STATE is set to the current
+## state (either unknown, play, pause, or stop) for its duration.
+#execute_on_player_state_change = ""
+#playlist_show_mpd_host = no
+#playlist_show_remaining_time = no
+#playlist_shorten_total_times = no
+#playlist_separate_albums = no
+## Note: Possible display modes: classic, columns.
+playlist_display_mode = columns
+browser_display_mode = columns
+#search_engine_display_mode = classic
+#playlist_editor_display_mode = classic
+#discard_colors_if_item_is_selected = yes
+#show_duplicate_tags = true
+#incremental_seeking = yes
+#seek_time = 1
+#volume_change_step = 2
+#autocenter_mode = no
+#centered_cursor = no
+## Note: You can specify third character which will be used to build 'empty'
+## part of progressbar.
+progressbar_look = ->
+## Available values: database, playlist.
+#default_place_to_search_in = database
+## Available values: classic, alternative.
+#user_interface = classic
+#data_fetching_delay = yes
+## Available values: artist, album_artist, date, genre, composer, performer.
+media_library_primary_tag = album_artist
+media_library_albums_split_by_date = no
+## Available values: wrapped, normal.
+#default_find_mode = wrapped
+#default_tag_editor_pattern = %n - %t
+#header_visibility = yes
+#statusbar_visibility = yes
+#titles_visibility = yes
+#header_text_scrolling = yes
+#cyclic_scrolling = no
+#lines_scrolled = 2
+#lyrics_fetchers = lyricwiki, azlyrics, genius, sing365, lyricsmania, metrolyrics, justsomelyrics, jahlyrics, plyrics, tekstowo, internet
+#follow_now_playing_lyrics = no
+#fetch_lyrics_for_current_song_in_background = no
+#store_lyrics_in_song_dir = no
+#generate_win32_compatible_filenames = yes
+#allow_for_physical_item_deletion = no
+## Note: If you set this variable, ncmpcpp will try to get info from last.fm in
+## language you set and if it fails, it will fall back to english. Otherwise it
+## will use english the first time.
+## Note: Language has to be expressed as an ISO 639 alpha-2 code.
+#lastfm_preferred_language = en
+#space_add_mode = add_remove
+#show_hidden_files_in_local_browser = no
+## How shall screen switcher work?
+## - "previous" - switch between the current and previous screen.
+## - "screen1,...,screenN" - switch between given sequence of screens.
+## Screens available for use: help, playlist, browser, search_engine,
+## media_library, playlist_editor, tag_editor, outputs, visualizer, clock,
+## lyrics, last_fm.
+#screen_switcher_mode = playlist, browser
+## Note: You can define startup screen by choosing screen from the list above.
+startup_screen = media_library
+## Note: You can define startup slave screen by choosing screen from the list
+## above or an empty value for no slave screen.
+#startup_slave_screen = ""
+#startup_slave_screen_focus = no
+## Default width of locked screen (in %). Acceptable values are from 20 to 80.
+#locked_screen_width_part = 50
+#ask_for_locked_screen_width_part = yes
+#jump_to_now_playing_song_at_start = yes
+#ask_before_clearing_playlists = yes
+#clock_display_seconds = no
+display_volume_level = no
+#display_bitrate = no
+#display_remaining_time = no
+## Available values: none, basic, extended, perl.
+#regular_expressions = perl
+## Note: if below is enabled, ncmpcpp will ignore leading "The" word while
+## sorting items in browser, tags in media library, etc.
+ignore_leading_the = yes
+## Note: if below is enabled, ncmpcpp will ignore diacritics while searching and
+## filtering lists. This takes an effect only if boost was compiled with ICU
+## support.
+#ignore_diacritics = no
+#block_search_constraints_change_if_items_found = yes
+#mouse_support = yes
+#mouse_list_scroll_whole_page = yes
+#empty_tag_marker =
+#tags_separator = " | "
+#tag_editor_extended_numeration = no
+#media_library_sort_by_mtime = no
+#enable_window_title = yes
+## Note: You can choose default search mode for search engine. Available modes
+## are:
+## - 1 - use mpd built-in searching (no regexes, pattern matching)
+## - 2 - use ncmpcpp searching (pattern matching with support for regexes, but
+## if your mpd is on a remote machine, downloading big database to process
+## it can take a while
+## - 3 - match only exact values (this mode uses mpd function for searching in
+## database and local one for searching in current playlist)
+#search_engine_default_search_mode = 1
+external_editor = vim
+## Note: set to yes if external editor is a console application.
+use_console_editor = yes
+##### colors definitions #####
+## It is possible to set a background color by setting a color value
+## "_", e.g. red_black will set foregound color to red
+## and background color to black.
+## In addition, for terminals that support 256 colors it is possible to set one
+## of them by using a number in range [1, 256] instead of color name,
+## e.g. numerical value corresponding to red_black is 2_1. To find out if the
+## terminal supports 256 colors, run ncmpcpp and check out the bottom of the
+## help screen for list of available colors and their numerical values.
+## What is more, there are two special values for the background color:
+## "transparent" and "current". The first one explicitly sets the background to
+## be transparent, while the second one allows you to preserve current
+## background color and change only the foreground one. It's used implicitly
+## when background color is not specified.
+## Moreover, it is possible to attach format information to selected color
+## variables by appending to their end a colon followed by one or more format
+## flags, e.g. black:b or red:ur. The following variables support this syntax:
+## visualizer_color, color1, color2, empty_tag_color, volume_color,
+## state_line_color, state_flags_color, progressbar_color,
+## progressbar_elapsed_color, player_state_color, statusbar_time_color,
+## alternative_ui_separator_color.
+## Note: due to technical limitations of older ncurses version, if 256 colors
+## are used there is a possibility that you'll be able to use only colors with
+## transparent background.
+#colors_enabled = yes
+empty_tag_color = magenta
+#header_window_color = magenta
+#volume_color = default
+#state_line_color = default
+#state_flags_color = default:b
+main_window_color = white
+#color1 = white
+#color2 = green
+progressbar_color = black:b
+progressbar_elapsed_color = blue:b
+statusbar_color = red
+statusbar_time_color = cyan:b
+#player_state_color = default:b
+#alternative_ui_separator_color = black:b
+#window_border_color = green
+#active_window_border = red
diff --git a/.config/ncmpcpp/error.log b/.config/ncmpcpp/error.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/.config/newsboat/config b/.config/newsboat/config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b572b99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/newsboat/config
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#show-read-feeds no
+auto-reload yes
+external-url-viewer "urlscan -dc -r 'linkhandler {}'"
+bind-key j down
+bind-key k up
+bind-key j next articlelist
+bind-key k prev articlelist
+bind-key J next-feed articlelist
+bind-key K prev-feed articlelist
+bind-key G end
+bind-key g home
+bind-key d pagedown
+bind-key u pageup
+bind-key l open
+bind-key h quit
+bind-key a toggle-article-read
+bind-key n next-unread
+bind-key N prev-unread
+bind-key D pb-download
+bind-key U show-urls
+bind-key x pb-delete
+bind-key ^t next-unread
+color listnormal cyan default
+color listfocus black yellow standout bold
+color listnormal_unread blue default
+color listfocus_unread yellow default bold
+color info red black bold
+color article cyan default
+browser linkhandler
+macro , open-in-browser
+macro t set browser "tsp youtube-dl --add-metadata -ic"; open-in-browser ; set browser linkhandler
+macro a set browser "tsp youtube-dl --add-metadata -xic -f bestaudio/best"; open-in-browser ; set browser linkhandler
+macro v set browser "setsid nohup mpv"; open-in-browser ; set browser linkhandler
+macro w set browser "w3m"; open-in-browser ; set browser linkhandler
+macro p set browser "dmenuhandler"; open-in-browser ; set browser linkhandler
+macro c set browser "xsel -b <<<" ; open-in-browser ; set browser linkhandler
diff --git a/.config/newsboat/urls b/.config/newsboat/urls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d651459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/newsboat/urls
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UC2eYFnH61tmytImy1mTYvhA "~Luke Smith (YouTube)"
+https://www.archlinux.org/feeds/news/ "tech"
diff --git a/.config/sxiv/exec/key-handler b/.config/sxiv/exec/key-handler
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..11050ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/sxiv/exec/key-handler
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+while read file
+ case "$1" in
+ "w") setbg "$file" & ;;
+ "c")
+ [ -z "$destdir" ] && destdir="$(sed "s/\s.*#.*$//;/^\s*$/d" ~/.config/bmdirs | awk '{print $2}' | dmenu -l 20 -i -p "Copy file(s) to where?" | sed "s|~|$HOME|g")"
+ [ -z "$destdir" ] && exit
+ cp "$file" "$destdir" && notify-send -i "$(readlink -f "$file")" "$file copied to $destdir." &
+ ;;
+ "m")
+ [ -z "$destdir" ] && destdir="$(sed "s/\s.*#.*$//;/^\s*$/d" ~/.config/bmdirs | awk '{print $2}' | dmenu -l 20 -i -p "Move file(s) to where?" | sed "s|~|$HOME|g")"
+ [ -z "$destdir" ] && exit
+ mv "$file" "$destdir" && notify-send -i "$(readlink -f "$file")" "$file moved to $destdir." &
+ ;;
+ "r")
+ convert -rotate 90 "$file" "$file" ;;
+ "R")
+ convert -rotate -90 "$file" "$file" ;;
+ "f")
+ convert -flop "$file" "$file" ;;
+ "y")
+ echo -n "$file" | xclip -selection clipboard &&
+ notify-send "$file copied to clipboard" & ;;
+ "Y")
+ echo -n "$(readlink -f "$file")" | xclip -selection clipboard &&
+ notify-send "$(readlink -f "$file") copied to clipboard" & ;;
+ "d")
+ [ "$(printf "No\\nYes" | dmenu -i -p "Really delete $file?")" = "Yes" ] && rm "$file" && notify-send "$file deleted." ;;
+ "g") ifinstalled gimp && gimp "$file" & ;;
+ esac
diff --git a/.config/user-dirs.dirs b/.config/user-dirs.dirs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a28707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/user-dirs.dirs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.config/zathura/zathurarc b/.config/zathura/zathurarc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fa50ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/zathura/zathurarc
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+set statusbar-h-padding 0
+set statusbar-v-padding 0
+set page-padding 1
+map u scroll half-up
+map d scroll half-down
+map D toggle_page_mode
+map r reload
+map R rotate
+map K zoom in
+map J zoom out
+map i recolor
+map p print
diff --git a/.inputrc b/.inputrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9b94dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.inputrc
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+$include /etc/inputrc
+set editing-mode vi
+$if mode=vi
+set show-mode-in-prompt on
+set vi-ins-mode-string \1\e[6 q\2
+set vi-cmd-mode-string \1\e[2 q\2
+set keymap vi-command
+# these are for vi-command mode
+Control-l: clear-screen
+Control-a: beginning-of-line
+set keymap vi-insert
+# these are for vi-insert mode
+Control-l: clear-screen
+Control-a: beginning-of-line
diff --git a/.local/bin/cron/IMPORTANT_NOTE.md b/.local/bin/cron/IMPORTANT_NOTE.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4568a77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/cron/IMPORTANT_NOTE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Important Note
+These cronjobs have components that require information about your current display to display notifications correctly.
+When you add them as cronjobs, I recommend you precede the command with commands as those below:
+export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus; export DISPLAY=:0; . $HOME/.profile; then_command_goes_here
+This ensures that notifications will display, xdotool commands will function and environmental varialbes will work as well.
diff --git a/.local/bin/cron/checkup b/.local/bin/cron/checkup
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0bda098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/cron/checkup
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Syncs repositories and downloads updates, meant to be run as a cronjob.
+ping -q -c 1 > /dev/null || exit
+notify-send "๐ฆ Repository Sync" "Checking for package updates..."
+sudo pacman -Syyuw --noconfirm || notify-send "Error downloading updates.
+Check your internet connection, if pacman is already running, or run update manually to see errors."
+pkill -RTMIN+8 i3blocks
+if pacman -Qu | grep -v "\[ignored\]"
+ notify-send "๐ Repository Sync" "Updates available. Click statusbar icon (๐ฆ) for update."
+ notify-send "๐ฆ Repository Sync" "Sync complete. No new packages for update."
diff --git a/.local/bin/cron/cronbat b/.local/bin/cron/cronbat
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c09ff42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/cron/cronbat
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Notify me with notify-send if my battery is below 25%.
+# You can set this to run via cron.
+[ "$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status)" = "Charging" ] && exit
+[ "$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity)" -lt 25 ] &&
+export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1001/bus &&
+notify-send -u critical "Battery critically low."
diff --git a/.local/bin/cron/crontog b/.local/bin/cron/crontog
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..93c2d30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/cron/crontog
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Toggles all cronjobs off/on.
+# Stores disabled crontabs in ~/.consaved until restored.
+([ -f ~/.config/cronsaved ] && crontab - < ~/.config/cronsaved && rm ~/.config/cronsaved && notify-send "๐ Cronjobs re-enabled.") || ( crontab -l > ~/.config/cronsaved && crontab -r && notify-send "๐ Cronjobs saved and disabled.")
diff --git a/.local/bin/cron/newsup b/.local/bin/cron/newsup
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f894927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/cron/newsup
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Set as a cron job to check for new RSS entries for newsboat.
+# If newsboat is open, sends it an "R" key to refresh.
+ping -q -c 1 > /dev/null || exit
+/usr/bin/notify-send "๐ฐ Updating RSS feeds..."
+pgrep -x newsboat >/dev/null && /usr/bin/xdotool key --window "$(/usr/bin/xdotool search --name newsboat)" R && exit
+echo ๐ > /tmp/newsupdate
+pkill -RTMIN+6 i3blocks
+/usr/bin/newsboat -x reload
+rm -f /tmp/newsupdate
+pkill -RTMIN+6 i3blocks
+/usr/bin/notify-send "๐ฐ RSS feed update complete."
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/compiler b/.local/bin/tools/compiler
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f9e80bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/compiler
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# This script will compile or run another finishing operation on a document. I
+# have this script run via vim.
+# Compiles .tex. groff (.mom, .ms), .rmd, .md. Opens .sent files as sent
+# presentations. Runs scripts based on extention or shebang
+file=$(readlink -f "$1")
+dir=$(dirname "$file")
+cd "$dir" || exit
+textype() { \
+ command="pdflatex"
+ ( sed 5q "$file" | grep -i -q 'xelatex' ) && command="xelatex"
+ $command --output-directory="$dir" "$base" &&
+ grep -i addbibresource "$file" >/dev/null &&
+ biber --input-directory "$dir" "$base" &&
+ $command --output-directory="$dir" "$base" &&
+ $command --output-directory="$dir" "$base"
+ }
+case "$file" in
+ *\.ms) refer -PS -e "$file" | groff -me -ms -kept -T pdf > "$base".pdf ;;
+ *\.mom) refer -PS -e "$file" | groff -mom -kept -T pdf > "$base".pdf ;;
+ *\.[0-9]) refer -PS -e "$file" | groff -mandoc -T pdf > "$base".pdf ;;
+ *\.rmd) echo "require(rmarkdown); render('$file')" | R -q --vanilla ;;
+ *\.tex) textype "$file" ;;
+ *\.md) pandoc "$file" --pdf-engine=xelatex -o "$base".pdf ;;
+ *config.h) sudo make install ;;
+ *\.c) cc "$file" -o "$base" && "$base" ;;
+ *\.py) python "$file" ;;
+ *\.go) go run "$file" ;;
+ *\.sent) setsid sent "$file" 2>/dev/null & ;;
+ *) sed 1q "$file" | grep "^#!/" | sed "s/^#!//" | xargs -r -I % "$file" ;;
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/dmenuhandler b/.local/bin/tools/dmenuhandler
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..391bdc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/dmenuhandler
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Feed this script a link and it will give dmenu
+# some choice programs to use to open it.
+case "$(printf "copy url\\nmpv\\nmpv (loop)\\nqueue download\\n\\nqueue youtube-dl\\nfeh\\nbrowser\\nw3m\\nmpv (float)" | dmenu -i -p "Open link with what program?")" in
+ "copy url") echo "$1" | xclip -selection clipboard ;;
+ mpv) setsid mpv -quiet "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
+ "mpv (loop)") setsid mpv --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsoc$(date +%s) -quiet --loop "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
+ "queue download") tsp curl -LO "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 ;;
+ "queue youtube-dl") tsp youtube-dl --write-metadata -ic "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 ;;
+ browser) setsid "$BROWSER" "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
+ feh) setsid feh "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
+ w3m) w3m "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 ;;
+ "mpv (float)") setsid mpv --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsoc$(date +%s) --geometry=+0-0 --autofit=30% --title="mpvfloat" "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/dmenupass b/.local/bin/tools/dmenupass
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4fc464f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/dmenupass
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+dmenu -fn Monospace-18 -sb "#d79921" -sf "#1d2021" -nf "#000000" -nb "#000000" -p "$1" <&- && echo
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/ext b/.local/bin/tools/ext
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..562d2b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/ext
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/extract b/.local/bin/tools/extract
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a63ab10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/extract
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# A general, all-purpose extraction script.
+# Default behavior: Extract archive into new directory
+# Behavior with `-c` option: Extract contents into current directory
+while getopts "hc" o; do case "${o}" in
+ c) extracthere="True" ;;
+ *) printf "Options:\\n -c: Extract archive into current directory rather than a new one.\\n" && exit ;;
+esac done
+if [ -z "$extracthere" ]; then
+ archive="$(readlink -f "$*")" &&
+ directory="$(echo "$archive" | sed 's/\.[^\/.]*$//')" &&
+ mkdir -p "$directory" &&
+ cd "$directory" || exit
+ archive="$(readlink -f "$(echo "$*" | cut -d' ' -f2)")"
+[ "$archive" = "" ] && printf "Give archive to extract as argument.\\n" && exit
+if [ -f "$archive" ] ; then
+ case "$archive" in
+ *.tar.bz2|*.tar.xz|*.tbz2) tar xvjf "$archive" ;;
+ *.tar.gz|*.tgz) tar xvzf "$archive" ;;
+ *.lzma) unlzma "$archive" ;;
+ *.bz2) bunzip2 "$archive" ;;
+ *.rar) unrar x -ad "$archive" ;;
+ *.gz) gunzip "$archive" ;;
+ *.tar) tar xvf "$archive" ;;
+ *.zip) unzip "$archive" ;;
+ *.Z) uncompress "$archive" ;;
+ *.7z) 7z x "$archive" ;;
+ *.xz) unxz "$archive" ;;
+ *.exe) cabextract "$archive" ;;
+ *) printf "extract: '%s' - unknown archive method\\n" "$archive" ;;
+ esac
+ printf "File \"%s\" not found.\\n" "$archive"
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/getbib b/.local/bin/tools/getbib
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ed441c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/getbib
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+[ -z "$1" ] && echo "Give either a pdf file or a DOI as an argument." && exit
+if [ -f "$1" ]; then
+ # Try to get DOI from pdfinfo or pdftotext output.
+ doi=$(pdfinfo "$1" | grep -io "doi:.*") ||
+ doi=$(pdftotext "$1" 2>/dev/null - | grep -io "doi:.*" -m 1) ||
+ exit 1
+ doi="$1"
+# Check crossref.org for the bib citation.
+curl -s "http://api.crossref.org/works/$doi/transform/application/x-bibtex" -w "\\n"
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/getkeys b/.local/bin/tools/getkeys
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..444f4c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/getkeys
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+cat ~/.config/getkeys/"$1" 2>/dev/null && exit
+echo "Run command with one of the following arguments for info about that program:"
+ls ~/.config/getkeys
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/ifinstalled b/.local/bin/tools/ifinstalled
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b0d23e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/ifinstalled
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# If $1 command is not available, error code and notify.
+command -v "$1" >/dev/null || { notify-send "๐ฆ $1" "must be installed for this function." && exit 1 ;}
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/linkhandler b/.local/bin/tools/linkhandler
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b839da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/linkhandler
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Feed script a url or file location.
+# If an image, it will view in sxiv,
+# if a video or gif, it will view in mpv
+# if a music file or pdf, it will download,
+# otherwise it opens link in browser.
+# If no url given. Opens browser. For using script as $BROWSER.
+[ -z "$1" ] && { "$BROWSER"; exit; }
+case "$1" in
+ *mkv|*webm|*mp4|*youtube.com/watch*|*youtube.com/playlist*|*youtu.be*|*hooktube.com*|*bitchute.com*)
+ setsid mpv --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsoc$(date +%s) -quiet "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
+ *png|*jpg|*jpe|*jpeg|*gif)
+ curl -sL "$1" > "/tmp/$(echo "$1" | sed "s/.*\///")" && sxiv -a "/tmp/$(echo "$1" | sed "s/.*\///")" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
+ *mp3|*flac|*opus|*mp3?source*)
+ setsid tsp curl -LO "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
+ *)
+ if [ -f "$1" ]; then "$TERMINAL" -e "$EDITOR $1"
+ else setsid "$BROWSER" "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 & fi ;;
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/lmc b/.local/bin/tools/lmc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..18cf2c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/lmc
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# A general audio interface for LARBS.
+[ -z "$2" ] && num="2" || num="$2"
+case "$1" in
+ u*) pulsemixer --change-volume +"$num" ;;
+ d*) pulsemixer --change-volume -"$num" ;;
+ m*) pulsemixer --toggle-mute ;;
+ truemute) pulsemixer --mute ;;
+ play) mpc play ;;
+ n*) mpc next ;;
+ prev) mpc prev ;;
+ t*) mpc toggle ;;
+ p*) mpc pause ; pauseallmpv ;;
+ f*) mpc seek +"$num" ;;
+ b*) mpc seek -"$num" ;;
+ r*) mpc seek 0% ;;
+ *) cat << EOF
+lmc: cli music interface for mpd and pulse for those with divine intellect too
+grand to remember the mpc/pamixer commands.
+Allowed options:
+ up NUM Increase volume (2 secs default)
+ down NUM Decrease volume (2 secs default)
+ mute Toggle mute
+ truemute Mute
+ next Next track
+ prev Previous track
+ toggle Toggle pause
+ truepause Pause
+ foward NUM Seek foward in song (2 secs default)
+ back NUM Seek back in song (2 secs default)
+ restart Restart current song
+ all else Print this message
+All of these commands, except for \`truemute\`, \`prev\` and \`play\` can be truncated,
+i.e. \`lmc r\` for \`lmc restart\`.
+pkill -RTMIN+10 i3blocks
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/opout b/.local/bin/tools/opout
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c742aa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/opout
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# opout: "open output": A general handler for opening a file's intended output.
+# I find this useful especially running from vim.
+basename="$(echo "$1" | sed 's/\.[^\/.]*$//')"
+case "$1" in
+ *.tex|*.md|*.rmd|*.ms|*.me|*.mom) setsid "$READER" "$basename".pdf >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
+ *.html) setsid "$BROWSER" --new-window "$basename".html >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
+ *.sent) setsid sent "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/pauseallmpv b/.local/bin/tools/pauseallmpv
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c5da220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/pauseallmpv
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+for i in $(ls /tmp/mpvsoc*); do
+ echo '{ "command": ["set_property", "pause", true] }' | socat - $i;
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/podentr b/.local/bin/tools/podentr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..13ab4a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/podentr
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# entr command to run `queueandnotify` when newsboat queue is changed
+[ "$(pgrep -x $(basename $0) | wc -l)" -gt 2 ] && exit
+echo ~/.local/share/newsboat/queue | entr -p queueandnotify 2>/dev/null
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/qndl b/.local/bin/tools/qndl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a99d37e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/qndl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# $1 is a url; $2 is a command
+[ -z "$1" ] && exit
+base="$(basename "$1")"
+notify-send "โณ Queuing $base..."
+[ -z "$cmd" ] && cmd="youtube-dl --add-metadata"
+idnum="$(tsp $cmd "$1")"
+realname="$(echo "$base" | sed "s/?\(source\|dest\).*//;s/%20/ /g")"
+tsp -D "$idnum" mv "$base" "$realname"
+tsp -D "$idnum" notify-send "๐ $realname done."
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/queueandnotify b/.local/bin/tools/queueandnotify
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a1417ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/queueandnotify
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Podboat sucks. This script replaces it.
+# It reads the newsboat queue, queuing downloads with taskspooler.
+# It also removes the junk from extentions.
+while read -r line; do
+ [ -z "$line" ] && continue
+ url="$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}')"
+ qndl "$url" "curl -LO"
+done < "$queuefile"
+echo > "$queuefile"
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/rotdir b/.local/bin/tools/rotdir
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e7103db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/rotdir
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+[ -z "$1" ] && echo "usage: rotdir regex 2>&1" && exit 1
+base="$(basename $1)"
+ ls "$PWD" | awk "BEGIN { lines = \"\"; m = 0; } /^$base$/ { m = 1; } { if (!m) { if (lines) { lines = lines\"\n\"; } lines = lines\"\"\$0; } else { print \$0; } } END { print lines; }"
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/rssadd b/.local/bin/tools/rssadd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8822fc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/rssadd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+! echo "$1" | grep "https*://\S\+\.[A-Za-z]\+\S*" >/dev/null &&
+ notify-send "That doesn't look like a full URL." && exit
+if awk '{print $1}' "$RSSFILE" | grep "^$1$" >/dev/null; then
+ notify-send "You already have this RSS feed."
+ echo "$1" >> "$RSSFILE" && notify-send "RSS feed added."
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/setbg b/.local/bin/tools/setbg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..950ae7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/setbg
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Sets the background. If given an argument, will set file as background.
+[ ! -z "$1" ] && cp "$1" ~/.config/wall.png && notify-send -i "$HOME/.config/wall.png" "Wallpaper changed."
+xwallpaper --zoom ~/.config/wall.png
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/shortcuts b/.local/bin/tools/shortcuts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1c4f278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/shortcuts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Output locations. Unactivated progs should go to /dev/null.
+# Remove, prepare files
+rm -f "$ranger_shortcuts" "$qute_shortcuts" 2>/dev/null
+printf "# vim: filetype=sh\\n" > "$fish_shortcuts"
+printf "# vim: filetype=sh\\nalias " > "$shell_shortcuts"
+printf "\" vim: filetype=vim\\n" > "$vifm_shortcuts"
+# Format the `bmdirs` file in the correct syntax and sent it to all three configs.
+sed "s/\s*#.*$//;/^\s*$/d" "$HOME/.config/bmdirs" | tee >(awk '{print $1"=\"cd "$2" && ls -a\" \\"}' >> "$shell_shortcuts") \
+ >(awk '{print "abbr", $1, "\"cd " $2 "; and ls -a\""}' >> "$fish_shortcuts") \
+ >(awk '{print "map g" $1, ":cd", $2 "\nmap t" $1, ":cd", $2 "\nmap M" $1, ":cd", $2 ":mo\nmap Y" $1, ":cd", $2 ":co" }' >> "$vifm_shortcuts") \
+ >(awk '{print "config.bind(\";"$1"\", \"set downloads.location.directory "$2" ;; hint links download\")"}' >> "$qute_shortcuts") \
+ | awk '{print "map g"$1" cd "$2"\nmap t"$1" tab_new "$2"\nmap m"$1" shell mv -v %s "$2"\nmap Y"$1" shell cp -rv %s "$2}' >> "$ranger_shortcuts"
+# Format the `configs` file in the correct syntax and sent it to both configs.
+sed "s/\s*#.*$//;/^\s*$/d" "$HOME/.config/bmfiles" | tee >(awk '{print $1"=\"$EDITOR "$2"\" \\"}' >> "$shell_shortcuts") \
+ >(awk '{print "abbr", $1, "\"$EDITOR "$2"\""}' >> "$fish_shortcuts") \
+ >(awk '{print "map", $1, ":e", $2 "" }' >> "$vifm_shortcuts") \
+ | awk '{print "map "$1" shell $EDITOR "$2}' >> "$ranger_shortcuts"
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/texclear b/.local/bin/tools/texclear
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f6a5062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/texclear
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Clears the build files of a LaTeX/XeLaTeX build.
+# I have vim run this file whenever I exit a .tex file.
+case "$1" in
+ *.tex)
+ file=$(readlink -f "$1")
+ dir=$(dirname "$file")
+ base="${file%.*}"
+ find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -type f -regextype gnu-awk -regex "^$base\\.(4tc|xref|tmp|pyc|pyo|fls|vrb|fdb_latexmk|bak|swp|aux|log|synctex\\(busy\\)|lof|lot|maf|idx|mtc|mtc0|nav|out|snm|toc|bcf|run\\.xml|synctex\\.gz|blg|bbl)" -delete ;;
+ *) printf "Give .tex file as argument.\\n" ;;
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/transadd b/.local/bin/tools/transadd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ad2ee7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/transadd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Mimeapp script for adding torrent to transmission-daemon, but will also start the daemon first if not running.
+# transmission-daemon sometimes fails to take remote requests in its first moments.
+pgrep -x transmission-da || (transmission-daemon && notify-send "Starting transmission daemon..." && sleep 3 && pkill -RTMIN+7 i3blocks)
+transmission-remote -a "$@" && notify-send "๐ฝ Torrent added."
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/vifmimg b/.local/bin/tools/vifmimg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1569962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/vifmimg
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+[ -z "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" ] && exit
+readonly ID_PREVIEW="preview"
+if [ "$1" = "draw" ]; then
+ declare -p -A cmd=([action]=add [identifier]="$ID_PREVIEW" [x]="$2" [y]="$3" [max_width]="$4" [max_height]="$5" [path]="${PWD}/$6") > "$FIFO_UEBERZUG"
+elif [ "$1" = "videopreview" ]; then
+ [ ! -f "/tmp/$6.png" ] && ffmpegthumbnailer -i "${PWD}/$6" -o "/tmp/$6.png" -s 0 -q 10 &&
+ declare -p -A cmd=([action]=add [identifier]="$ID_PREVIEW" [x]="$2" [y]="$3" [max_width]="$4" [max_height]="$5" [path]="/tmp/$6.png") > "$FIFO_UEBERZUG"
+ declare -p -A cmd=([action]=remove [identifier]="$ID_PREVIEW") > "$FIFO_UEBERZUG"
diff --git a/.local/bin/tools/vu b/.local/bin/tools/vu
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..778835a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/tools/vu
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+export FIFO_UEBERZUG="/tmp/vifm-ueberzug-${PPID}"
+cleanup() {
+ rm "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" 2>/dev/null
+ pkill -P $$ 2>/dev/null
+rm "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" 2>/dev/null
+mkfifo "$FIFO_UEBERZUG"
+trap cleanup EXIT
+tail --follow "$FIFO_UEBERZUG" | ueberzug layer --silent --parser bash &
diff --git a/.tmux.conf b/.tmux.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a6cda1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.tmux.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+set -g prefix C-a
+setw -g mode-keys vi
+setw -g mode-style bg=black
+set-option -g default-terminal "xterm-256color"
+set-option -g pane-active-border-style fg=green
+set-window-option -g xterm-keys on # for vim
+set-window-option -g mode-keys vi # vi key
+set-window-option -g monitor-activity on
+set-window-option -g window-status-current-style fg=white
+setw -g window-status-current-style reverse
+setw -g automatic-rename
+set -g mouse on
+set -g history-limit 30000
+set -g terminal-overrides 'xterm*:smcup@:rmcup@'
+set-option -g status-justify right
+set-option -g status-bg black # colour213 # pink
+set-option -g status-fg cyan
+set-option -g status-interval 5
+set-option -g status-left-length 30
+set-option -g status-left '#[fg=magenta]ยป #[fg=blue,bold]#T#[default]'
+set-option -g status-right '#[fg=red,bold][[ #(git branch) branch ]] #[fg=cyan]ยปยป #[fg=blue,bold]###S #[fg=magenta]%R %m-%d#(acpi | cut -d ',' -f 2)#[default]'
+set-option -g visual-activity on
+set-option -g set-titles on
+set-option -g set-titles-string '#H:#S.#I.#P #W #T'
+unbind j
+unbind C-b # unbind default leader key
+unbind '"' # unbind horizontal split
+unbind % # unbind vertical split
+bind-key r source-file ~/.tmux.conf
+bind-key c split-window -v # split pane horizontally
+bind-key v split-window -h # split pane vertically
+bind-key Space list-panes
+bind-key Enter break-pane
+bind-key Space command-prompt "joinp -t:%%" # %% = prompt for window.pane [-V|H] # vert|hor split
+bind-key -n C-up prev
+bind-key -n C-left prev
+bind-key -n C-right next
+bind-key -n C-down next
+set-window-option -g window-status-current-style bg=red
+bind C-j previous-window
+bind C-k next-window
+#bind-key C-a last-window # C-a C-a for last active window
+bind A command-prompt "rename-window %%"
+setw -g aggressive-resize on
+bind-key h select-pane -L
+bind-key j select-pane -D
+bind-key k select-pane -U
+bind-key l select-pane -R
+bind-key -r C-h resize-pane -L
+bind-key -r C-j resize-pane -D
+bind-key -r C-k resize-pane -U
+bind-key -r C-l resize-pane -R
+bind o select-layout "active-only"
+bind M-- select-layout "even-vertical"
+bind M-| select-layout "even-horizontal"
+bind M-r rotate-window
diff --git a/.vim b/.vim
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..63c7159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.zprofile b/.zprofile
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..aa7da3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.zprofile
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file