diff --git a/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc b/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc index 2eac669..11e752c 100644 --- a/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc +++ b/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc @@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ super + b super + m thunderbird +super + bracketright + amixer get Capture | tail -2 | grep -q '\[on\]' && $(amixer set Master unmute &> /dev/null ; amixer set Capture nocap &> /dev/null ; notify-send 'sxhkd' 'Sound active\nMicrophone muted') || $(amixer set Master unmute &> /dev/null ; amixer set Capture cap &> /dev/null ; notify-send 'sxhkd' 'Sound active\nMicrophone active') +super + backslash + amixer get Master | tail -2 | grep -q '\[on\]' && $(amixer set Master mute &> /dev/null ; amixer set Capture nocap &> /dev/null ; notify-send 'sxhkd' 'Sound muted\nMicrophone muted') || $(amixer set Capture nocap &> /dev/null ; amixer set Master unmute &> /dev/null ; notify-send 'sxhkd' 'Sound active\nMicrophone muted') + super + shift + l setxkbmap -query | grep -q 'nodeadkeys' && $(setxkbmap de ru ; notify-send 'sxhkd' 'Set keymap to russian') || $(setxkbmap de nodeadkeys ; notify-send 'sxhkd' 'Set keymap to german') @@ -32,7 +37,8 @@ super + shift + r super + Return $TERMINAL -super + Print + +Print maimpick super + F5