@ -1,97 +1,101 @@
from datetime import datetime
import markdown
import locale
import os
from os import path
import pathlib
from datetime import datetime
from os import path
import config
import markdown
ENTRY_DIR = "templates/entry"
LOCAL = "de_DE.UTF-8" if LANGUAGE == "de-de" else "en_US.UTF-8"
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, LOCAL)
standalone_str = "Artikel" if LANGUAGE == "de-de" else "standalone"
def gen_arch_string():
Creates and returns a archive string of every file in ENTRY_DIR.
string: html-formatted archive-string
path_ex = ENTRY_DIR
if path.exists(path_ex):
name_list = os.listdir(path_ex)
full_list = [os.path.join(path_ex, i) for i in name_list]
contents = sorted(full_list, key=os.path.getctime)
content_string = ""
last_month = ""
for file in reversed(contents):
curr_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(
curr_month = datetime.fromtimestamp(
os.path.getctime(file)).strftime("%b %Y")
if curr_month != last_month:
if last_month != "":
content_string += "</ul>\n"
content_string += "<h2>" + curr_month + "</h2>\n"
content_string += "<ul>\n"
last_month = curr_month
filename = pathlib.PurePath(file)
title = open(filename).readline().rstrip("\n")
filename = filename.name
if filename[0] != ".":
filename = filename.split(".", 1)[0]
content_string += "<li>"
content_string += curr_date + " - "
content_string += title + " ["
content_string += "<a href=\"" + "/index.html#" + \
filename + "\">" + "link" + "</a> - "
content_string += "<a href=\"" + "/entry/" + \
pathlib.PurePath(file).name + "\">" + "standalone" + "</a>"
content_string += "] <br>"
content_string += "</li>\n"
content_string += "</ul>\n"
return content_string
path_ex = ENTRY_DIR
if path.exists(path_ex):
name_list = os.listdir(path_ex)
full_list = [os.path.join(path_ex, i) for i in name_list]
contents = sorted(full_list, key=os.path.getctime)
content_string = ""
last_month = ""
for file in reversed(contents):
curr_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getctime(file)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
curr_month = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getctime(file)).strftime("%B %Y")
if curr_month != last_month:
if last_month != "":
content_string += "</ul>\n"
content_string += "<h2>" + curr_month + "</h2>\n"
content_string += "<ul>\n"
last_month = curr_month
filename = pathlib.PurePath(file)
title = open(filename).readline().rstrip("\n")
filename = filename.name
if filename[0] != ".":
filename = filename.split(".", 1)[0]
content_string += "<li>"
content_string += "<a href=\"" + "/index.html#" + \
filename + "\">" + curr_date + "</a> - "
content_string += "<a href=\"" + "/entry/" + \
pathlib.PurePath(file).name + "\"><b>" + title + "</b></a>"
content_string += "<br>"
content_string += "</li>\n"
content_string += "</ul>\n"
return content_string
def gen_index_string():
Create and returns a string including every file in the ENTRY_DIR as an index.
string: html-formatted index string
path_ex = ENTRY_DIR
content_string = ""
if path.exists(path_ex):
name_list = os.listdir(path_ex)
full_list = [os.path.join(path_ex, i) for i in name_list]
contents = sorted(full_list, key=os.path.getctime)
for file in reversed(contents):
filename = pathlib.PurePath(file)
purefile = filename
title = open(filename).readline().rstrip("\n")
text = open(filename).readlines()[1:]
filename = filename.name
if filename[0] != ".":
filename = filename.split(".", 1)[0]
content_string += "<div class=\"entry\">\n"
content_string += "<h2 id=\"" + filename + "\">" + title + "</h2>\n"
content_string += "[<a href=\"" + "/entry/" + \
pathlib.PurePath(file).name + "\">" + \
"standalone" + "</a>]<br>\n"
if file.endswith(".html"):
for line in text:
content_string += line
content_string += "<br>"
if file.endswith(".md"):
content_string += gen_md_content(file, 2)
content_string += "<small>" + \
file)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "</small>"
content_string += "</div>"
return content_string
path_ex = ENTRY_DIR
content_string = ""
if path.exists(path_ex):
name_list = os.listdir(path_ex)
full_list = [os.path.join(path_ex, i) for i in name_list]
contents = sorted(full_list, key=os.path.getctime)
for file in reversed(contents):
filename = pathlib.PurePath(file)
purefile = filename
title = open(filename).readline().rstrip("\n")
text = open(filename).readlines()[1:]
filename = filename.name
if filename[0] != ".":
filename = filename.split(".", 1)[0]
content_string += "<div class=\"entry\">\n"
content_string += "<h2 id=\"" + filename + "\">"
content_string += "<a href=\"" + "/entry/" + \
pathlib.PurePath(file).name + "\">" + \
title + "</a>" +"</h2>\n"
content_string += "<small>" + \
file)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "</small><br><br>"
if file.endswith(".html"):
for line in text:
content_string += line
content_string += "<br>"
if file.endswith(".md"):
content_string += gen_md_content(file, 2)
content_string += "</div>"
return content_string
def gen_stand_string(path_ex):
Creates a html-string for a file.
If the file is markdown it will convert it.
This functions ensures upscaling for future formats.
@ -102,29 +106,29 @@ def gen_stand_string(path_ex):
string: html-formatted string string equivalent to the file
filename = os.path.join(ENTRY_DIR, path_ex)
content_string = ""
if path.exists(filename):
title = open(filename).readline().rstrip("\n")
text = open(filename).readlines()[1:]
filename_no_end = filename.split(".", 1)[0]
filename_no_end = filename_no_end.split("/")[-1]
content_string += "<h1>" + title + "</h1>\n"
content_string += "["
content_string += "<a href=\"" + "/index.html#" + \
filename_no_end + "\">" + "link" + "</a>"
content_string += "]<br>\n"
if filename.endswith(".html"):
for line in text:
content_string += line
content_string += "<br>"
if filename.endswith(".md"):
content_string += gen_md_content(filename, 1)
return content_string
filename = os.path.join(ENTRY_DIR, path_ex)
content_string = ""
if path.exists(filename):
title = open(filename).readline().rstrip("\n")
text = open(filename).readlines()[1:]
curr_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getctime(filename)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
filename_no_end = filename.split(".", 1)[0]
filename_no_end = filename_no_end.split("/")[-1]
content_string += "<h1>" + title + "</h1>\n"
content_string += "<a href=\"" + "/index.html#" + \
filename_no_end + "\">" + curr_date + "</a>"
content_string += "<br>\n"
if filename.endswith(".html"):
for line in text:
content_string += line
content_string += "<br>"
if filename.endswith(".md"):
content_string += gen_md_content(filename, 1)
return content_string
def gen_md_content(path_ex, depth):
Convert a markdown file to a html string.
@ -134,54 +138,52 @@ def gen_md_content(path_ex, depth):
string: html-formatted string string equivalent to the markdown file
content_string = ""
if path.exists(path_ex):
filename = path_ex.split(".", 1)
fileend = filename[len(filename) - 1]
header = "#"
for i in range(depth):
header += "#"
header += " "
markdown_lines = open(path_ex, "r").readlines()[1:]
markdown_text = ""
for line in markdown_lines:
markdown_text += line.replace("# ", header)
content_string = markdown.markdown(
markdown_text, extensions=["fenced_code", "tables"]
return content_string
content_string = ""
if path.exists(path_ex):
filename = path_ex.split(".", 1)
fileend = filename[len(filename) - 1]
header = "#"
for i in range(depth):
header += "#"
header += " "
markdown_lines = open(path_ex, "r").readlines()[1:]
markdown_text = ""
for line in markdown_lines:
markdown_text += line.replace("# ", header)
content_string = markdown.markdown(markdown_text, extensions=["fenced_code", "tables"])
return content_string
def get_rss_string():
Create a rss-string of the blog and return it.
string: rss-string of everything that is in the ENTRY_DIR.
path_ex = ENTRY_DIR
if path.exists(path_ex):
name_list = os.listdir(path_ex)
full_list = [os.path.join(path_ex, i) for i in name_list]
contents = sorted(full_list, key=os.path.getctime)
content_string = ""
for file in reversed(contents):
filename = pathlib.PurePath(file)
title = open(filename).readline().rstrip("\n")
text = open(filename).readlines()[1:]
filename = filename.name
if filename[0] != ".":
filename = filename.split(".", 1)[0]
content_string += "<item>\n"
content_string += "<title>" + title + "</title>\n"
content_string += "<guid>" + config.WEBSITE + \
"/index.html#" + filename + "</guid>\n"
content_string += "<pubDate>" + \
"%Y-%m-%d") + "</pubDate>\n"
content_string += "<description>"
for line in text:
content_string += line
content_string += "</description>\n"
content_string += "</item>\n"
return content_string
path_ex = ENTRY_DIR
if path.exists(path_ex):
name_list = os.listdir(path_ex)
full_list = [os.path.join(path_ex, i) for i in name_list]
contents = sorted(full_list, key=os.path.getctime)
content_string = ""
for file in reversed(contents):
filename = pathlib.PurePath(file)
title = open(filename).readline().rstrip("\n")
text = open(filename).readlines()[1:]
filename = filename.name
if filename[0] != ".":
filename = filename.split(".", 1)[0]
content_string += "<item>\n"
content_string += "<title>" + title + "</title>\n"
content_string += "<guid>" + config.WEBSITE + \
"/index.html#" + filename + "</guid>\n"
content_string += "<pubDate>" + \
"%Y-%m-%d") + "</pubDate>\n"
content_string += "<description>"
for line in text:
content_string += line
content_string += "</description>\n"
content_string += "</item>\n"
return content_string