@ -4,13 +4,20 @@ This is a simple blog based on Pythons Flask framework.
## Features/To-Dos
- [x] Plain text support for blog entries
- [x] HTML files (.html)
- [x] Markdown Files (.md)
- [x] Infinite-scroll blog page
- [x] Archive page
- [ ] Headers and dates
- [ ] Months as headings
- [x] RSS feed
- [ ] Navigation: Header, Footer
- [ ] CSS dark-theme
- [ ] CSS light-theme
- [ ] Better navigation
- [ ] Header
- [ ] Footer
- [ ] Switchable CSS
- [ ] CSS dark-theme
- [ ] CSS light-theme
- [x] Docker installation
## Usage
@ -20,12 +27,6 @@ Blog entries are managed by plain html files in the `templates/entry/` directory
The first line of each document is reserved as the title of the document.
You have to specify the filetype by extension.
Currently supported filetypes are:
- HTML (.html)
- Markdown (.md)
## Deployment
### PIP/Python